Warped Tour 2015 Experience

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So this year I attended Warped Tour in Hartford Connecticut. I had an amazing time, met my idols, and listened to some killer sets.

This year I went to Warped with my little sister, my cousin, my dad, and our friend. When we first got there I went to the AP tent and got a free Black Veil Brides poster, signed by the band, because I signed up for AP magazine.

The first set I went to was Bebe Rexha and she was amazing. She was super sweet and we interacted a lot during the set. She started crying during Can't Stop Drinking About You which was so adorable and she was sooo good live.

The next thing I did was meet Andy Biersack. This year I decided to buy a ticket to Andy Biersacks TEI Workshop about finding your path in life. Me and about 20 other people were all brought back stage to a blue tent. Then Andy came out and we started asking questions. I was the first one to ask a question and he gave me really good advice about my future. Then at the end when we were taking the group photo I asked if I could give him a teddy bear I bought for him. He said that he would hold it and he held it for the picture. He was kneeling right next to me and I asked him if the photo would be online and he said yes. Meeting Andy was amazing and I'm so happy I got the chance.

Literally three seconds after meeting Andy I saw the Warped Youtubers meet up and a super nice girl let me cut in line with her. I walked up to Bryan Stars and gave him the biggest hug ever. After I explained to him how happy his videos made me and just how much I love him and he said "aw thank you, you guys are the reason why I wake up in the morning". Then he gave me an even bigger hug and we took a photo. After Bryan I met Johnnie Guilbert and omfg he's so cute in person. He insisted on taking the photo so I gave him my phone, wrapped my arms around him, and we took a selfie. After Johnnie I met Damon Fizzy. Meeting Damon was incredible not only because HOLY SHIT ITS DAMON FIZZY but because he remembered me. I'm not going to go into specifics but basically Damon tweeted me one time and he remembered. I was so happy and shocked that he actually remembered me. After Damon I met Jordon Sweeto. He was super chill and we took a bunch of selfies.

After the youtubers we went to the Memphis May Fire set. They are always amazing live and their crowd was insane. I do love them A LOT and did crowd surf a few times but I ended up leaving half way through the set to walk around to buy merch. When I was walking around I saw the entire band and Matty said hi to us.

After MMF my friend and I went to the Bless The Fall set since BVB would be up next. I don't listen to BTF but they were hella good live. Also I listened to PVRIS set while waiting for BVB.

Okay seeing your favorite band at barricade is one thing but seeing them barricade at Warped Tour is a whole other feeling. BVB is one of my favorite bands and seeing them again was awesome. I kept my little tradition of always crowd surfing during In The End. One cool thing that happened was my friends little sister asked me to crowd surf and put her letter to BVB on the stage. So I did and when I went up after I saw that the note was gone! Hopefully Jake or Jinxx took the note cause I put it right beside them.

After seeing BVB things started to go down hill. I'm pretty sure I got heat stroke and I felt terrible. I forgot to eat that day and I was in the sun for hours. I ended up throwing up which wasn't too fun but I felt a little better by the end of the day.

I also met the band Set It Off and all I have to say is that Cody Carson is bae okay.

Right before I saw Pierce The Veil I got the chance to meet Ben Bruce from Asking Alexandria. I waited in line forever and when it was finally my turn I gave him a hug. He signed a poster for me and took a picture. I also took a picture with him and my dad which was cool.

After meeting Ben I literally sprinted over to Pierce The Veil. Since I've already seen them I left half way through King For A Day but non the less I had a really good time. I just chilled in the back since I was still going through the after math of heat stroke. Their new single sounded great live and the guy filling in for Tony was really good.

After ptv I waited it out through August Burns Red which was...meh and Atilla which omfg was the worst thing ever I hate them #sorryimnotsorry so I could see Asking Alexandria. During Atilla I met two super cool
people who I hung out with most for most of AA.

Okay so seeing Asking Alexandria live was AMAZING. *insert Danny Worsnop scream* OH MY GOD! Dennis was SO GOOD OMFG. He is such a better screamer than Danny. Ben was looking fine as always, James was killing it on the drums, Sam was....my god so hot, and Cameron was fab as always. Not The American Average live was actually a spiritual experience and I highly recommend it for everyone. AA is an amazing band and they defiantly took a stop in my top 5 favorite bands. If you get the chance to see them take it cause they are really good. Also their crowd was insane I got stuck in between two pits and crowd surfed a bunch.

Overall Warped Tour was amazing this year and I miss it so much. Hopefully I'll be able to hop on another one of the dates cause I need to see more.

Comment your Warped Tour 2015 Experience or a favorite memory from Warped.

Please please please vote it would mean the world to me.

I love you all!!

Sorry for any mistakes I'm typing on my phone right now.

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