The Circle Pit

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So I want to get back into giving advice on concerts and how to survive them. This chapter will be all about the circle pit. I know it's a fairly simple topic but I know there are some people out there who don't know what it is, what to do in one, and all of that stuff. So let's get started with Circle Pitting 101. 

Circling pitting is not that same thing as moshing, or "the pit".  Moshing is when a bunch of people open a circle and go bat shit crazy by hitting each other, flailing around, and swinging your arms like crazy. A circle pit is a circle that opens up in a crowd usually in the center. It is a lot bigger than a mosh pit but equally as dangerous. A circle pit opens up when the singer of a band tells the crowd to "open that pit up" or something along the lines of that. Then everyone starts running around the outside of the circle and the people in the center are usually moshing. While you're running you are usually pushed around and could possibly get hurt. 

I went into my first circle pit during Issues set on the Future Hearts Tour. I got punched in the face and fell on the floor. It was not fun but it didn't stop me from circling pitting at more shows. At State Champs towards the end of the show a huge circle pit opened up. It was tons of fun and I loved it. 

Now that you know all about circle pitting lets talk about how to survive it. 

If You Want To Avoid It:

If you don't like moshing, rowdy crowds, or crowd surfing then circle pitting isn't for you. It's not uncommon for people not wanting to get in a tough crowd so don't feel bad about it. If you see a circle pit opening up and want no part of it, here are some tips to do just that. 

1. Know The Signs

The main signs that a circle pit will open are are:

The leader singer(or any band member on stage) says "start that circle pit" 

The leader singer(or any band member) will make a circular motion with their finger and point at the crowd

Someone around you says to open a circle pit 

2. How To Get Away

Now that you see the circle pit you need to find the "safe zone". If you are at the barricade you don't need to worry about the pit just be prepared to be slammed against the railing. If you are in the middle area of the crowd and near the edge of the pit, go back. Try to get one or two people between you and the circle pit. If you are at the edge you will get hit by someone and might have to help someone up if they fall. 

3. If You Get Caught In The Circle Pit

If you get caught in the circle pit and don't want to be there, don't freak out. Just go along with the crowd and find your way out. Go to the edge of the circle and push your way past the people on the edge. They will see that you want to get out and they will help you.

For the people who enjoy circling pitting or want to go in one here are some tips on how to handle it:

1. How To Get In

So you see a circle pit open up and you want to get in. Go to the edge of the circle and just start running with the crowd. Try to go in when it's safe and you have a nice spot to run in. You will probably get squished at some point but that's the best way to get in. 

2. How To Stay In

Personally I don't circle pit for too long because I get tired fast and want to pay attention to the band. If you wanna stay in the pit the whole time just be careful and aware of your surroundings. Try going back and forth from moshing in the center to running around. It can get exhausting  so listen to your body. 

3. If You/Or Someone Falls Down

If you fell down in any pit you will be helped up. The golden rule is if someone falls get them back up. If you see someone who's struggling help them up and get them back on their feet. This stuff can be dangerous so you gotta help out everyone around you.

4. Just Have Fun And Be Safe

At the end of the day there isn't really a correct way to circle pit. Just have fun and be safe. Go with the flow and don't put yourself in a dangerous situation. 

Hope this helped! If you have any request, tips, or questions comment bellow! Make sure to vote!! :)

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