What To Do When Waiting In Line pt2

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I'm very bored in religion class right now so here's a quick update! 

Please don't take me seriously. 


So you're waiting in line for an unholy number of hours and you are bored. Here are some things you can do to pass the time in line! 

1. Talk with your friends

2. Call a friend on the phone

3. Facetime a friend 

4. Call your significant other

5. Call your significant other and confess your love for them

6. Call your significant other and break up with them

7. Order pizza

8. Order Chinese food

9. Eat a sandwich

10. Make a sandwich 

11. Buy food for everyone in line

12. Make friends with the people in line

13. Try to sneak to the front 

14. Protest Donald Trumps fascist ideas 

15. Find band members

16. Take selfies with band members

17. Vote for this chapter

18. Try to find the tour busses

19. Try to find a dead body.

20. Read a book

21. Read a fanfic 

22. Repent for your sins 

23. Buy Andy Blacks debut single We Don't Take To Dance on iTunes 

24. Play music 

25. Listen to music 

26. Promote your band 3PM(anyone who has been to an ATL show recently understands this)

27. Start a band

28. Watch netflix

29. Watch hulu

30. Watch youtube

31. Vlog

32. Have a photoshoot

33. Find Adam Elmakias 

34. Hug Adam Elmakias 

35. Place your hand on Adam Elmakias's head 

36. Go for a jog

37. Lift some weights

38. Comment on this chapter

39. Expose Ted Cruz as the zodiac killer

40. Summon satan

41. Summon Alex Gaskarth

42. Realize that Alex Gaskarth is a hoe and he aint coming

43. Charge your phone

44. Practice mashing

45. Get dat ass

46. Drop kick Metro Station

47. Become a nun

48. Hit the quan 

49. Apologize for hitting quan that wasn't very nice  

50. Just stand there 

51. Realize that your legs hurt and sit down

52. Shut up and dance with me

53. Let It Sleep

54. Count Maria in

55. Become a King For A Day

56. Do your history homework 

57. Not do your history homework 

58. Write an essay

59. Apply to college

60. Just stand there

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