Important Concert Moments: Lyrics

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Hello lovelies, how are you today? Sorry for not updating in a while, life is crazy. I'm currently applying to college and it's very stressful. Anyway, I'm gonna be trying out this new series for my book. It's called "Important Concert Moments". I'm going to be talking about important moments in concerts for me. For example, this chapter I'm going to be talking about certain lyrics that I've heard live that mean a lot to to me. The next chapter I might talk about meeting a certain band member or how a certain show affected me. Let me know if this is a good idea! Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy! Make sure to vote and comment!!


"a gentle reminder that now are better days" - A Prophecy, Asking Alexandria 

Last year at Warped Tour I saw Asking Alexandria live for the first time. I've been waiting since middle school to see them and I was very excited that the day was finally there. Out of every single AA song out there, A Prophecy is my favorite. I love the message and the lyrics really speak to me. When I saw it on their setlist I freaking out, and my excitement grew. "A gentle reminder that now are better days" as tons of meaning to me. I'm not going to get to into it because it is very personal to me, but those lyrics have always stood out. Every day is a reminder that it gets better. If you are having a shitty day, just know that tomorrow will be better. The first two years of high school were pretty rough for me, and Asking Alexandria really helped me through it. 

"if i fall i will rise back up and relive my glory" - In The End, Black Veil Brides

In The End by Black Veil Brides is one of my all  time favorite songs. It was one of the first songs that I listened to before their album came out. BVB was the band that helped me find my true self. They taught me that its okay to be different. That it's okay to wear dark makeup and all black. The second time that I ever saw them, I was in full on BVB warpaint. I looked like STWOF Andy Biersack. When I got the show, I thought that I would be judged, but I was welcomed with open arms. I crowd surfed, sang my heart out, and I fought security to give Andy my letter. Every time I've seen BVB, I always crowd surf during In The End. I've kept that little tradition every time I've seen Black Veil Brides. In The End means everything to me and those lyrics are a huge part of my life. 

"love yourself so no one has to" - Therapy, All Time Low

Okay so I could probably write a ten page essay on why I love these lyrics so much, but for now I'll make this short and sweet. All Time Low is one of the three bands that changed my life. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be pursuing music as a career. Therapy has always meant a lot to me and I relate to the lyrics in many different ways. I love these lyrics so much I actually wrote them on my wall so I can wake up to them every morning. One of my favorite things about these lyrics, is that everyone loves them. Every All Time Low fan either has this tattooed, written in their instagram bios, or maybe on their walls. It's something that is constant within the fandom and I love it. And yes I'm getting it tattooed in Alex's handwriting. 

"All you sinners stand up sing hallelujah"   Hallelujah, Panic! At The Disco 

For some reason Hallelujah by Panic! At The Disco makes me extremely happy. I love the message of the song and how I can relate it to my life. I think the lyrics are perfect and I could listen to it all day. I've been able to hear the song live twice and every time I cry. I love this lyrics so much because it glorifies our flaws. Yeah I fuck up and make mistakes. I'm not perfect and I will never be. But that doesn't define me. My flaws are apart of who I am and I am proud. 

"Your life, your voice your reason to be" Moments, One Direction

One Direction is one of my main sources of positivity in my life and I wouldn't be the person I am if it weren't for them. They are my absolute favorite band in the entire world and I could talk about them for ages. Harry Styles is my hero in life and I admire him. Their song Moments(which Ed Sheeran actually wrote) means everything to me. I think that it is a beautiful piece of music and such an amazing song. 


Okay the end!!! I'm so sorry that this was short, but I wanted to get something out for you guys. I promise the next chapter will be better, since I'm doing another concert series. Thanks so much for reading and make sure to vote(for this a president lol). Comment your favorite lyric or song that you've heard live!! Thanks so much I love you all. 

-Isabel <3 

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