Parents and Concerts

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For many younger fans in this world parents get in the way of going to concerts. You may have all the money, have a ride, and even the outfit all set out. But you still need your legal guardians approval. I get a lot of questions from people online, from my friends, and people I met at concerts on how I get my parents to let me go to so many. So here are some of my tips and tricks on how to convince your parent(s)/legal guardian's approval on going to the rock show. 

1. It's Your First Concert

A lot of parents may be nervous about sending their bundle of joy off to their first concert. There could be bad people, dangerous crowds, or they may not like the music. When I wanted to see All Time Low for the first time my dad was open minded, but a little nervous. He knew the venue but not the band. I made a slideshow describing the band, where the show would be, how much it would cost, and what I would do in return. I know making a slideshow may seem like a dumb idea, but it can really help. Educate your parent(s)/legal guardian on what concerts are like and show them videos. The more they know the more comfortable they are with letting you go. If the concert has seats then they might be more inclined to take you since they will be with you the whole time. If it's a general admission concert they might be a little more nervous. If you ever need some convincing feel free to send me a message. 

2. Money is an issue

Buying  tickets is one of the hardest parts about the whole concert experience. Tickets can be expensive, VIP is too much, money is tight, and maybe your parents just do not want to pay. If you are old enough I highly suggest getting a job. With a job you can pay for your own tickets which is so rewarding. It will save the parents some money and make things easier. If you don't have a job try doing some chores for money. Help the old lady next door with her garden, baby sit(which pays a lot), do the dishes, or pull weeds in the front yard. Doing things around the house and your neighborhood is a super easy way to make money. If you have some money saved maybe as your parents if they can pay for half and you'll pay the rest. 

3. Getting A Ride

Getting a ride to a concert can either make or break you going. Before you buy the tickets make sure that you have a solid ride and a backup plan. If you are not able to drive yourself ask your legal guardian first. If they say no ask a sibling who can drive. I've had aunts and uncles take me to shows a few times because my parents were not able to drive me. Friends are a good last second option too if they are attending the show too. A lot of parents question how their child is going to get to the concert so make sure you have a ride. Sometimes parents might not let you go because they think that you won't be able to get a ride. If the venue is near a train station or bus, public transportation is your best bet. When I went to see Asking Alexandria I took the train to and from the city. Make sure you have a map and times of the bus/train so your parents know you are prepared. If you don't know what bus to catch or when the next train comes it, they may not trust you. 

4. You have no one to go with

Sometimes parents won't let you go to concerts if you have no on to go with. Try getting a friend or family member to be your concert buddy. Plan ahead with your friends when you see your favorite bands tour dates released. Make sure that they can definitely go. If a friend can't go ask a younger family member to go with you. My cousin has gone to Warped Tour with me two years in a row even though she doesn't listen to any of the band. 

5. *Some dumb reason that is illogical*

If your legal guardian comes up with some ridiculous reason on why you can't go to a concert message me. I have convinced many of my friends parents to let them go to concerts. I know some parents have a mind of the past and don't understand how much a band can mean to you. If you truly think that their reasoning is dumb respectively argue with them.

So I hope this chapter was helpful and can convince your parents to let you go to concerts. If you need any convincing feel free to message me so I can help. Always here for you guys!! 

Make sure to vote and comment!! Share some of your tips on how to convince your parents to let you go to a concert! 

**next chapter might be another Warped Tour Survival. Any requests?

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