The Accident

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Zoro was in an accident?

Sanji looked down to think. Trying to remember what accident he could be talking about. Was Zoro ever in an accident? He doesn't remember something like that.

No. He did. He remembered now. 

It was near the end of their junior year of high school. They were all walking to get a quick snack and some drinks at a small store, so they were walking down the street like always. Being how they always were, loud, laughing and smiling. It was all good and happy vibes. Nothing was out of the ordinary, it was all very normal. Usopp, Luffy and Chopper were all goofing off, and it seems they may have gone a little too far because Luffy tripped and fell into the street. It's wasn't cause for concern, the street was empty. They all stopped and shouted at Luffy to hurry up and get off the street. He shouted saying he twisted his ankle. Again they shouted for him to hurry up.

They all turned to the side when they heard a loud thud on the floor. They see Zoro had abandoned his backpack, Zoro ran into the street yelling Luffy's name. There was a loud crash and then the sound of a horn honking.

Everything went silent but the sound of a honking car.

It took a moment for everyone to realize what had just happened and when they did, they were freaking out and worried. They started shouting Luffy and Zoro's name but there was no answer. They also couldn't see the two as there was a truck in the way. Sanji doesn't remember who but someone collected Luffy and Zoro's things before they all ran into the street to the two. When they got there there was a lot of blood and it was hard to tell from who it was all coming from. Zoro and Luffy were stuck together, both not awake, their blood mixing together where they lay. No one moved worried what would happen if they did. There were other people on the street and they seemed to have called an ambulance and the police. It was silent besides the deafening sound of a car horn honking. The group couldn't help but just stand there, not doing anything but staring. Zoro and Luffy were so lifeless, and looked so broken. It hurt.

So they watched as an ambulance came and took them then left. They were asked questions by the police but they didn't have much to say besides their friend Luffy who tripped into the street and couldn't get back up. They weren't sure about the truck. The other people seemed a little more helpful and later on they learned that there was a camera on the street looking where they were and from the other side. There were two accidents. One further down the street which caused the truck to swerve towards Luffy crazily. The driver of the truck is alive, but came out with a head injury. The accident further down the street not so much. Both were in a cast but they went to jail and were fined for illegal street racing.

After Luffy and Zoro were taken to the hospital Usopp called his mom to take some of them to the hospital, while Nami called her sister to get the rest. Once they made it to the hospital Chopper checked in with his grandmother who worked there. Lucky for Luffy and Zoro she was the one in charge of both of them. Luffy wasn't that bad. He came out with his broken ankle and a lot of scratches and bruises, and one deep cut that he needed stitches for. Robin contacted Sabo who was with Ace, who then told Luffy's grandfather. So they came in a rush to check on him.

Zoro wasn't that lucky. He took the brunt of the impact so he had a lot of surgery to go through. By the time Luffy's family came Zoro was still in surgery. By Luffy's grandfather, Garp, they were asked questions again. They answered truthfully, there was no need to hide what happened, they didn't do anything wrong. Luffy woke up soon after. They told him what happened but all he asked was about Zoro. Where was he? Is he okay? Can he get some meat? They couldn't tell him about Zoro because not even they knew and Zoro's family, if he had any, hadn't shown up yet.

By the time the group left it was late and still no word about Zoro. But Garp had send Ace and Sabo to get food and some of Luffy's things because the straw hat monkey boy was going to be staying there for a day or two.

The next day they skipped school and went to visit Luffy and check on Zoro. The first person they saw was Ace and he looked sad. They asked what happened but Ace had nothing to say, only that he was going out to walk. When they walked to Luffy's room they saw Garp talking to Sabo who was shocked and looked as sad as Ace did. Garp left saying he had calls to make. They went to Sabo for answers and he told them everything.

Zoro was in a coma, and they didn't know how long it would be. The operation on Zoro had just ended so they were all just given the news. Zoro had a lot of broken bones, bruises and cuts, deep and shallow. Zoro had a lot of stitches. They were told it was amazing the boy was still alive at all, considering his heart stopped multiple times during the operation. Garp had left to talk to Zoro's family, who he knew, and call the school to tell them. Sabo told them which room was Zoro's as Luffy had gone to see him. When they got to the room they found Luffy crying next to Zoro, the mosshead was stuck to a lot of machines, and wrapped in so many bandages that he looked like a mummy. The only way to tell it was him was the green hair sticking out. They went up to Luffy to console him. It wasn't his fault it just happened and they all knew Zoro would never see it as Luffy's fault. They all stayed there until Garp and Doctrine came into the room shouting for them to get to school. So they went after a last goodbye, and until later.

Like it was said, Luffy stayed for three days but Zoro didn't wake up until a month after. Everyone was happy to see the boy awake. But he had to stay another two weeks to recover. That's all Sanji remembered. 

But Zoro continued to go to the hospital for regular checkups and physical therapy, still does sometimes but Chopper is his doctor now. He almost had to repeat a year but he went through summer school and was able to become a senior with all his friends.

"The accident causes it?" Sanji asks Zoro.

"I thought you knew. Everyone does." Zoro says.

"Know that you can't lift your arm?" Sanji asks, making sure that's what he's talking about.

"Yeah. My shoulder is messed up, my elbows lock sometimes or go numb, my knees are sensitive and so is my spine. Doctrine said I was lucky to get out walking, I was so close on wrecking my spine I could have been paralyzed from the waist down. But thanks to all of the physical therapy I got better but nothing was the same." Zoro tells the blonde.

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