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Sanji put his phone on speaker and set it down next to Zoro. Then the blonde runs to put some water to boil, as he wait for that he gathered as many towels as he can, piling them onto the bed. With the water still boiling he got some ice, beating them with an ice pick to shrink them into bite sized ice cubes, not cubes anymore. He set a large bowl next to Zoro who started chomping on them immediately. Instantly he felt better. When the water finished boiling Sanji set it down on a tray on the bed.

As they wait for the doctor Sanji lay close with Zoro, careful with the boiled water. Sanji helped Zoro move positions, rub his lower back when needed, even message his legs and feet. Sanji would get up to get more ice for his husband to munch on.

When Sanji thinks they haven't heard from Law the doorbell rings. Sanji rushes to answer it. Glad to see it's the doctor there. He wore a large and long black coat, a fur cap, gloves and in his hands are large bags, a physician's bag, like ones you see on movies, where the character calls a doctor to their house. These looked big and filled.

"Any changes?" Law asks walking in, there was no time to waste to be polite and wait to be let in.

"Not yet." Sanji shakes his head as he closes the door.

"GUYS!" Zoro yells from the pit of his stomach. Sanji and Law rush, the doctor following the blonde to their room. They are greeting by more shouting.

"Tell me what you are feeling." Law instructs, he sets both bags down but open one. He takes off his gloves and coat, discarding them on the floor.

"It's less than five minutes, and I feel bad in my lower back, I want to push." Zoro says. Law nods but stays quiet.

"Don't push. Sanji-ya get him some water. He's in the next stage." Law says. Sanji rushes to the kitchen, finds a water bottle, fills it up and rushes back to the room. He hands the water to Zoro who takes it and chugs in fast.

"Is it time to push?" The blonde asks.

"No. But it's getting close. Take off his pants, I need to get a look at him. His lower body is changing so the baby can fit and come out."

"I thought we were going to do a c-section." Sanji points out. That was their plan. To wait for the due date, then go the hospital and have the baby delivered.

"Well it looks like the fetus-ya wants to come out on his own. I don't know how this is going to go. By this time in birth for people the cervix is dilating to make room for the baby to come out. I know how Zoro's body is like but I don't know how it's changing for the baby at the moment." Law reaches into his bag for some rubber gloves as Sanji takes Zoro's pants off. Just as he does that a flood of clearish liquid comes out. Law stares, "his water just broke." He states. The baby really is coming out on his own terms. Law stands up to help move Zoro. "Let's move him near the edge of the bed." Law says and they do. With this position he cans get a better angle at Zoro, not standing on the bed while Zoro lay in the puddle he's created. Sanji helps move the pillows for Zoro's comfort. When Zoro is in place, Law lifts his legs, Zoro grabbing them the hold them up. Sanji helping him. Law doesn't wait to still his fingers in Zoro. Feeling around. When he's done he's takes his fingers out. "Zoro's body is creating space for the baby to come out of. It's still small but bigger than before, the previous times I checked."

"So what now?" Sanji asks.

"We wait for him to finish dilating, when the contractions get smaller and the baby wants to come out." Law says taking his gloves off and setting it aside. He reaches into his bag and pulls out more equipment. Sanji looks at Zoro with a frown.

"I bet the baby got this from you." Sanji says into Zoro's ear.

"Y-you can be pretty stubborn to." Zoro says reaching up to slap Sanji but a contraction hit so he grabbed onto the blonde hair and screamed, pulling on a chunk of hair, Sanji also shouting. Law look up to see them. He didn't say anything, not that he knew what to say. When the contractions finished Zoro let go of the blonde. Luckily he didn't try to pull out of Zoro's grip, if he did he would have lost a fist full of hair.

"Is everything set?" Law asks.

"Yeah, I got the hot water, towels, water for Zoro to drink." Law nods.

"Listen, Zoro-ya when it's time to push I'll tell you when, and do it when I say." Zoro nods. "Sanji-ya, I'm going to need your help, you are going to be doing a lot. From helping comfort Zoro to helping me. Where is the hospital kit you both made?" He asks.

"It's by the door."

"Bring it." Law tells him. Sanji gets up and runs to get it. When Sanji returns he sets it down with all the other stuff.

As they wait for Zoro to get closer to birth, Law check periodically on Zoro, putting gloves on and sticking them in to measure Zoro. Sanji used the hot water to wipe Zoro's sweaty forehead. The water got cold so he went back to boil it. Zoro screamed and screamed with each contraction. They also cleaned the room a bit. Sanji taking out Laws coat from the floor. Throwing the dirty rubber gloves that Law used in the trash. Law set up his equipment better. Even grabbing a stool to sit on. Zoro continue to sit near the edge of the bed. All three adults made sure to track Zoro contraction timing.

Then the time got shorter. Law slipped on another pair of rubber gloves to measure Zoro, while Sanji dropped the towels he was folding onto the pins and rushed to Zoro's side.

Law looks up at both of them, "it's time to push."

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