Back To Work

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"Zoro! It's almost time!" Sanji shouts from his place in the kitchen. He's got Zoro's lunch packed and ready he's just waiting for Zoro to get ready so they can leave. The blonde is dropping Zoro off at work then taking Oliver to Zeff. Zoro and Sanji visit him briefly with Oliver. It was a quick visit with loads of information. Zeff learned that not only are Zoro and Sanji together but they are married, have been for a year and they have a child now. Before the information settled in his mind they were gone. With Zoro going back to work and he's taking care of Oliver he thought he'd let the old man get a better look at Oliver.

Sanji and Oliver turn towards the door at the sound of the knock. Oliver looks back at Sanji, sucking on the pacifier in his mouth. Sanji gave him a smile then goes to answer the door. "Robin?" He asks shocked to see her here. He lets her in. She smiles as she walks in. giving a smile at Oliver as she sits down at the table. Sanji closes the door and follows her in. "Can I help you with something?" He asks, cleaning the kitchen since he has the time. What is taking Zoro so long? "Hurry up Zoro you are going to be late!" Sanji shouts.

"How Zoro been doing since giving birth?" Robin asks. Sanji smiles over his shoulder at her as he cleans the dishes.

"He's recovering well, but he stayed in the hospital an extra day just in case, as per Laws instructions. Wait." Sanji pauses, then turns around to face Robins smiling face. "How?"

"I pieced it together myself. I also did some research on your father. He was the cause of it wasn't he? Some of his papers on the subject mention his prediction on humanity's fate."

"Yeah, he used Zoro as an experiment." Sanji says looking down at his hands, knowing the pain Zoro went through. He was called a disappointment, which not the same, the hurt feelings are. 

"So Oliver is yours." She says, just making sure she got the fact right. Sanji nods. "How did Zoro handle the pregnancy?" She asks.

"Well enough but he couldn't walk after birth, so he stayed in the hospital to heal. Wait until his legs worked again." Sanji tells her as he wipes the counters down 

"How about Oliver? Is he okay?" She asks looking at the baby happily in his car seat. 

"As healthy as a baby should be but smaller than a baby should be. Law thinks it's because he didn't have enough space in Zoro to grow. But he should get bigger now that he's out." Sanji says walking to Oliver.

"I didn't know you were planning to have kids together." Robin says looking at the blonde. 

"Well I learned about Zoro's past. He was considered a failed experiment, he didn't believe he could get pregnant. I showed him." Sanji smiles looking at Oliver, who waves his arms around at the attention.

"So he wasn't exactly planned." Robin smiles.

"Not fully. Zoro did have a small breakdown but we got over it." Sanji smiles. "Zoro!" Sanji yells.

"Does he usually take this long to get ready?" Robin asks.

"No. He's usually faster. What's wrong Zoro?" Sanji asks moving from where Oliver is set, in the middle of the table, to look up at the loft. It takes a while but Zoro comes out and looks at him still wearing his pajamas.

"Nothing fits. Or looks good." Zoro says softly. Sanji's curly eyebrow raises. Did Zoro actually comment how he looks? He doesn't care about that, he's naturally sexy, and looks good in anything.

"What are you talking about Zoro? You look fine in anything." Sanji voiced his thoughts. Blushing when he remembers Robin is here. She only smiles. That's a very sweet thing to say. Zoro frowns at him.

"No look." Zoro pulls his shirt up and pinches his side. He frowns at his fat he got in between his fingers. He pulled his skin to show Sanji, who just stares. 

"Zoro, you look fine. More than fine, you look amazing. If you don't want to go to work then that's okay. After seeing Zeff we can shopping." He says.

"I think I can help." Robin says walking forward, showing herself to Zoro. "If you want I can help you." Robin suggest.

"Help?" Zoro says. He think about it for a second. "Okay." He agrees.

"If you don't mind, I could take Zoro to work. Nami and I are going to get messages, I could take Zoro with us."

"That's a good idea. Maybe you should go Zoro. You need to relax your muscles." Sanji says smiling. Zoro needs that, the blonde knows the last few months before giving birth were especially hard for Zoro. He tried to help but there was only so much he could do. 

"I'll go. Is it just messages?" Zoro asks.

"You could see when we get there after work."  Robin says walking up to join him.

"I'll leave Zoro to you Robin. I'm heading to go visit Zeff with Oliver." Sanji says. He picks Oliver up, in the car seat, grabs the diaper bag and leaves with Oliver. He'll let Robin handle Zoro.  He's not good at this, not with Zoro. Zoro's never cared about how he looks before so he wouldn't know what to say. Zoro isn't easily won over by words. Hopefully Robin helps him.


Nami sat at her seat, at her new desk. With everyone working from home the productivity went up so they are ahead of schedule, so she didn't need to work as much, she could go slow with work. Robin and Zoro didn't come into work. At least not in time. She gets up and goes to the water cooler to get some water. It was curious that Robin didn't want to meet up for breakfast with her, like they usually do, but seeing that Robin and Zoro are late she can assume that Robin went to see Zoro. She wonder why? There has to be a reason, Robin is very much about logic, but she has been known to go off her feelings.

"Relax Zoro you look fine." Nami hears Robins voice.

"I feel fat. This doesn't feel like it fits." Zoro says. Nami quickly turns around to see Zoro walking in his usual outfit, pants, shirt, vest and messenger bag. It fits tighter than normal.

"It fits fine. If you want to go shopping we can go after." Robin pats Zoro's shoulder. She notices Nami, gives her a smile. "Oh, Nami, I was thinking of taking Zoro with us to the spa. He needs it."

"Are you sure. Wouldn't Sanji also like to join. I'm sure he needs it too." She looks at Robin crazily. Zoro doesn't like things like spas, but Sanji does, so wouldn't he like to come to?

"Zoro needs this more. Trust me." Robin answers.

"Okay." Nami says looking at Robin and Zoro.

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