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Sanji look down at the glass cover, eyes narrowed as he try to find the perfect one. This wasn't something you pick on a whim.

He was finished with his friend, helping pick the perfect menu for the winter this year. He has plenty of time so he thought about walking around until he saw this jewelry store, he has been looking at the selection of wedding rings for hours. He thought he could try to surprise Zoro with matching rings but of course that's proving to be difficult. The rings are either too plain or too much to look at. He wants something in the middle, he knows Zoro hates flashy things. He should look at a different store. Sanji walks out heading towards the next store in his line of sight, this one doesn't look nearly as flashy as the last one. Maybe they have something simple.

"Sanji!" he turns to find his older sister standing by the side, bags in her hand. Sanji smiles at his sister, who smiles back.

"Reiju, it's been a long time, how are you?" he asks politely.

"I'm doing good. I'm actually happy to see you here. Dad wants you over, something big is happening. The boys were going to go and pick you up." she says with a smile. Sanji's smile fades away.

"W-what?" Sanji stutters. He stares wide eyed at her. His family is anything but subtle, they don't ask and they don't ask twice, or wait. They are not very patient or kind. Hopefully they didn't hurt Zoro for information. Sanji brings his hand up to rub his temples. "I've told you all to leave me alone. What's so important that you need me?" Sanji asks knowing he may not like the answer. He hears Reiju sigh.

"There is a large party going on, dad wants your help. You'll see when we get there. There are many other noble families that will be there, we want you to be there to." she explains. Sanji raises his eyebrow.

"When is the party?"


"That's very sudden."

"Please Sanji, we need you and after I'll make sure to never bother you again." Reiju pleads. Sanji sighs because of course he wont turn away his sister. Plus he can always go home late. Being home a few hours later than normal is no big deal. He'll text Zoro.

"Okay. Let me know when I should be there."

"How about now. I have to get you ready." Reiju takes his hand and pulls him towards multiple shops. Buying him new shoes, suit, with matching shirt and ties. Even getting him a tie clip and cufflinks to match.

After finishing the shopping spree they got onto Reiju's jet. When they touched down, which is a shorter ride than if he were to go on a commercial airplane, they drove to a large mansion with all his luggage and Reiju's one luggage. Reiju help Sanji get ready for the party, first a quick shower then getting dressed only to remember once he's done getting dressed that his car should be at the airport lot. "I got to get my car!" Sanji shouts looking at his reflection. He looks pretty nice.

"I'll ask to send someone for it. It'll be in the parking lot when you leave." Reiju says smoothing down his blazer on his back, then smoothing his shoulders. Sanji nods, hoping they get his car. It's his car, what's he going to drive tomorrow?

Reiju walks with him, showing him the way to the room. The main room, in this case a ballroom. Everyone dressed very nicely, groups of people mingle with each other, he thought it was funny that all the waiters or bartenders wore masks to hide their face. He has been to many parties like these but no waiter or bartender wore mask. Why are they hiding their face? Reiju walks him over to his brothers. He frowns for a second, then composes himself.

"Sanji?" Ichiji brings attention to him, the other two turning to him.

"What's he doing here?"  Niji frowns crossing his arms over his chest.

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