Bloody Sacrifice

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Sanji smiles as he look at Zoro, walking next to him talk about a funny video he watched online. The blonde has been thinking about this a lot lately, and he's not sure if it's all in his head, maybe it is and he's gone crazy but Zoro seems to always be glowing. Like a halo effect, but all the time.

Which didn't make sense since it's almost ten at night, they are walking down the street which isn't lit the best and it's not busy. The lighting sucked here so he doesn't know what's going on. But he doesn't really mind. He's found himself thinking how bad he's fallen in love with Zoro. After he moved in with him, he's learned that not only is Zoro like his best friend. He felt like he could tell Zoro anything, but also that it's amazing having his best friend move in with him. The apartment isn't as empty as it was before, not with Zoro. He's caught him running with a string as Lady chases him.

He doesn't know what he would do without him, as crazy as it sounds. And it does sound crazy because they've known each other for so long and are just now in a relationship. How did he last this long without Zoro?

"So would you rather have the best kitchen you could dream of but it's in the middle of the woods or a very good kitchen that happens to be small in a small apartment?" Zoro asks. Sanji looks up to think about it.

He shrugs, "I don't think a I really care about the kitchen."

"That's a lie. No way you would be okay with a kitchen that use to belong with slobs. You'd get OCD about cleaning the kitchen that was neglected by the previous tenants." Zoro grins as he saw Sanji shiver at the thought.

"Fine, you're right. I'd have to choose the best kitchen I could dream of but it's in the middle of the woods. But the real question is if you will be with me?" Sanji looks at Zoro. Again Zoro stood there with a glow around him as he thought about it, looking down at the ground. Zoro look up, a smiling forming on his face. Sanji could already hear his answer, at least what he thinks is the marimos answers. He saw Zoro's eyes widen, then gasp.

"Look out!" Zoro shouts, it's all a blur after that. Sanji felt pain on his arm. He opens his eyes, he didn't know he had closed them. He looks around to see he's on the ground, he didn't even know he fell down, in a small alleyway either. He turns to see people running. He vaguely remembers hearing people screaming. He looks around more. Where is Zoro?

Sanji gets to his feet, the people are mostly gone. He looked one side then the other. Where is Zoro? What happened? He look down, a figure laying on the floor caught his attention. The clothes on this person seemed familiar. Familiar because it's what Zoro is wearing. He got closer to see it Zoro on the floor. Why? "Zoro!" He shouts getting on the floor and moving Zoro. "Zoro!" He shouts again as he turns Zoro so he's laying on his back. Zoro didn't look good. He examine his body, stopping around Zoro stomach to see blood gushing out. Sanji's eyes widen and his face gets white, that's not good. Sanji moves his hands to stop the bleeding or try to. All he got from Zoro is a groan. He look at the mans face to see him furrowing his eyebrows in pain.

"Fuck," Zoro groans, eyes on the blondes hands, his own hands cupping the air around the wound, not knowing what to do. He groans again, laying his head back and closing his eyes.

"Hey! Keep your eyes open. Someone call an ambulance!" Sanji shouts looking around for anyone.

"Shit," Zoro groans as Sanji put pressure on his wound, getting Sanji attention back to him. He felt his vision begin to blacken around the edges but the only thing that wasn't mecachrome is the blondes eyes so Zoro focused on that.

Sanji grit his teeth. Zoro didn't look like he could stay awake. "Zoro keep your eyes open." Sanji pressed harder but Zoro seem to get more limp, eyes closer more. "Zoro! No! Stay awake!" Sanji didn't know what to do so he frantically looked around worried. His mind reeling, not knowing what to do. All he knew is to keep the pressure on the wound.

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