Wins And Loses

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Of course they won. How could they not, it's them? It's still fun though. After a quick shower and change they all went to get some dinner and drinks with Foxy and his group where Nami got them to pay. Then they all got some ice cream even though the weather is getting colder.

When it got late enough, and everyone got ready to go their separate ways home Sanji got Zoro to go with him. He drove with Zoro, happy with his buzz, he and Nami drank Foxy almost broke while Luffy ate enough to make him go broke. He did notice something during then, Nami made sure to keep Zoro away from him, often pairing Zoro up with the random dude again and again. Nami almost sent Zoro with the man but he intervened.

"You weren't bad Cook." Zoro smiles as the blonde drove away. Sanji smiles. He thought he did very well.

"Thanks. Nami and Robin helped me. I told Nami I wouldn't mind doing that again."

"We do that every year, so maybe next year." Zoro answers.

"I'm shocked you were there, with your arm, I don't think you would play."

"I can use my other arm so it's fine. Basketball is a game I can't play, same with football. Those are to dangerous for me to play." Zoro answers rubbing his shoulder.

"Does it hurt? It look like you were straining yourself." Sanji says.

"No I'm fine. I should take a hot bath when I get home." Zoro says, saying the last part out loud.

"Come on, I'll walk you home the rest of the way." Sanji says parking a few blocks down from Zoro's apartment. He wants to be with the man a little longer. Zoro quickly gets his things as Sanji joins him.

"Ahh today was good." Zoro says rubbing his stomach, he was able to pig out more than he normally would. He always made sure to watch what he eats. He can count this as a cheat day.

"I also had fun. Do you want to do something tomorrow?" Sanji asks. Usually they spend the weekends for themselves, and he thought he wouldn't see Zoro today.

"Sure. Do you want to spend the day out doing something or do you want to rock paper scissors who goes over to whose place?" Zoro asks. Before Sanji has time to answer Zoro growls, reaching into his pants pocket for his phone. He takes it out and the blonde can see the screen. It's that number again. He watches as Zoro declines then goes to block the number. "They have been calling me all day. I already said wrong number." Zoro explains angrily.

"They are persistent." Sanji says, he must not have noticed since he was on the opposite side of the group, at the other end of the table.

"And I don't know why, but whatever." Zoro says. "So what do you want to do tomorrow?" Zoro asks going back to the original conversation.

"I don't know about the whole day but I wouldn't mind having you cook lunch, or dinner." Sanji smiles at Zoro.

"It depends on-" Zoro gasps as he stops in his tracks. Sanji looks to see what Zoro is looking at only to get pulled to the side. They hide behind the building. Zoro takes a deep breath then peaks around the corner. "Damn it." Zoro whines. Sanji peaks too, looking around but not finding the person he is hiding from. He opens his mouth to ask but nothing comes out as he spots the familiar figure. At the same time he and Zoro stand back. Anger flared inside Sanji. What the actual fuck. "What's he doing around here?" Zoro asks looking again.

"Think he's looking for you? I don't think he's given up." Sanji says, also giving him another look. Sanji glares at the man then looks down. Zoro look worried and scared, understandably so. The man is stalking him and hurting him. He's dangerous.

"How did he even find the area I live in?" Zoro wonders.

"Stalkers always find a way. What are you going to do?" Sanji stares at Zoro. The marimo shrugs his shoulders. He looks again, then looks around, trying to think about a way around him but he's standing around the front door. There's no avoiding him if he's right there.

Zoro looks up, "ahh!" he exclaims. Seems he thought of something. Zoro takes out his phone, pressing on a contact, calling someone. "Hey, are you home right now?" Zoro asks, Sanji raises his eyebrow curiously. Who could he be talking to. "How about Yosaku?" Zoro asks. Who is that? Sanji wants to ask but doesn't want to disturb him and his call. He's also curious about Zoro's plan. "There's someone standing out of the apartment, my stalker. Can you send him out and asks what he's doing around here. But don't mention my name! Be discrete. I'll send a picture." Zoro says. Sanji can admit that's a good plan. "Thanks." Zoro smiles as the call ends. He takes a picture then sends it.

Finding this to be a good opportunity Sanji asks, "who was that you called?"

"My neighbor. They are mostly at work though, or sleeping." Zoro answers putting his phone away. They watch the man walk back and forth looking around, more than likely for Zoro, then a man Sanji is more than sure is Yosaku with how tired he looks and the fact he stands out so much, walks out stopping in front of the man. He looks around for a second then goes up to the stalker. That watch the two talk for a minute, a very long minute then Yosaku walk towards them. They hide until he comes into view, he looks at them then back at the stalker, finally at them again.

He walks closer to them, joining them. "He's looking for you Zoro bro." Zoro sighs at the news. He thought maybe it was a coincidence but no, he really found the area Zoro lives in.

"Thanks. Here." Zoro goes through his gym bag, taking out his bento box. "There's still food in there. You can have it, you or Jonny can give me the box tomorrow." Zoro says with a smile. Yosaku takes it with a tired grin. He leaves going back the way he came from. Sanji looks back at Zoro, seriously.

"What are you going to do?" he asks.

"I don't know. If I go now then he'll know I really do live there. How did he even find out this is where I live?" Zoro wonders.

"Well I'm sure he would have found out eventually, me picking you up sometimes probably pushed him finding you back to now." Zoro answers. "Doesn't matter now, would you like to spend the night at my place instead?" Sanji asks. Zoro nods.

They walk back to the car in silence. It's very scary that he would stalk Zoro this long. He thought when he shouted that he's married it would cause him to stop but guess that was naive thinking. Any normal person would have stopped and left him alone but not him. Zoro worry about going back the next day, what if he's still there? What will he do? What can he do?

Sanji and Zoro made their way back home, taking a shower before going to bed. Zoro changed into his pajamas, the one he's left from before, Sanji went down stairs to feed Lady something special. Some gourmet cat food but Lady played with Zoro. Distracting Zoro from thinking about his situation, though he does need to think about it. He doesn't want to though, it's scary, and he really hope he's only there for a while before he left.

Zoro smiled as he heard Sanji call Lady and she listen to him. She got up and ran out the room to get dinner that is served later than normal. Zoro gave another sigh as he sat on the bed, in the room alone, giving the chance to think. What's he going to do if the man escalates things? Maybe he should think of moving.

Zoro fell back on the bed, wanting to move, that's going to take a very long time. The last time he searched for a new place to live in took a long time. Sanji came into the room to see Zoro spread out like a starfish, seemingly deep in thought. Not that he can blame Zoro he's got a lot to think about.

"Scoot over." the blonde says softly patting Zoro cheek. The man looks over at the blonde then scoots over. "Don't think too much, you can do that tomorrow." Sanji says spooning Zoro, who let him. The man is right, trying too hard to think won't help solve any problems. He should rest, and think more later.

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