In The Hospital

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It was easy to sneak into the hospital. Once they got to the hospital they quickly got the baby out of the car, Law holding him close to keep him warm in the blanket. Sanji hurries to get Zoro out the car. He reaches for the bag of their clothes. Law leads them to a not busy entrance of the hospital. On their way they meet one of Laws co-workers, Bepo, who took them to the room. They don't get stopped but they get looks, no one seemed to be curious enough to ask about what they are doing.

Once they got to the room, Sanji lays Zoro down in the bed. Helping him get nice and warm. While that happens, Law goes to check the baby. After Law finishes he rest the baby in the clear bassinet, rolling it to next to the hospital bed. Bepo checks on Zoro, taking vitals, checking on his health. When everything is done Law looks at the couple. "Everything seems good. You should rest up. I'll be back." Law says. He and Bepo leave the room. Sanji sits down next to Zoro as he rest.

"Tired?" Sanji asks.

"Yeah," Zoro nods, eyes droopy.

"Rest, I'll watch over you and the baby." Sanji says. Zoro nods, eyes closing all the way. Not a second later he is snoring. Sanji smiles, laying a kiss on the marimos head. He looks at the baby sleeping. It's really happening, they are parents. Their baby is born.

Sanji stirs, feeling something in his arms, heavy but warm. He felt cold so he got more comfortable, more warm. He heard something, someone muttering, next to his ear. He slowly opens his eyes trying to think about when he fell asleep. Trying to remember what happened before he fell asleep. Sanji snaps his eyes opens.

Zoro and the baby. Zoro and their baby. Sanji looks down at the weight on his chest. Zoro lay on his chest resting. Zoro rub his face into the blondes chest. It was not unusual for Zoro to be this cuddly, especially in the morning. Sanji kiss Zoro on the forehead, Zoro continued to mutter something into his chest only to go quiet. He looks over, seeing the baby also sleeping soundly. Sanji takes a breath. Things are going to be so different now.

"You're awake?" Zoro asks. Sanji looks down at him, surprised that the man is awake. Thought Zoro is asleep.

"I thought you were asleep." Sanji asks. Zoro moves to look at the blonde.

"How could I? My body aches and it doesn't help you were crushing me with a hug." Zoro gives him a smile.

"I was?" Sanji asks shocked, he lets go, didn't know that he was hugging Zoro so hard. "Sorry. I didn't know. Are you okay?" he asks.

"I'm fine. Just tired... and sore." Sanji nods.

"How long were we asleep?" Sanji asks.

"Um..." Zoro looks over at the clock on the wall. "It's eight at night." Zoro says laying back down.

"We were asleep all day?" Sanji questions with a chuckle.

"How's the baby?" Zoro looks up to catch a glimpse of him. Sanji moves to get a good look.

"He seems fine." Sanji says, reaching down to touch his son. Rubbing his soft cheek. He look so peaceful.

"Good you both are awake." Law says walking in, a folder in his hand. Zoro and Sanji gives him a smile.

"Sorry we slept so much." Sanji says. Law shakes his head.

"We spent hours awake to help while Zoro-ya give birth. It's understandable to be tired." Law explains.

"Is everything alright?" Zoro asks.

"Everything is fine. I've been checking on you both since you all fell asleep. Everything fine but how are you Zoro-ya?"

"My body is sore." Zoro answers, making a face as he sits up. "My ass feels weird." Zoro adds.

"A tiny human came out of you. How are your legs?"

"Still not wanting to work." Zoro answers.

"Then I want you stay here for a couple of days, to rest." Law says.

"Okay." Zoro agrees, with a large frowns on his face. Sanji breaths, glad Zoro will rest like he should, and if he's agreed then he won't fight against it and will do what he's told. "Is the baby okay?" Zoro asks. He'll stay, he can't take care of the baby in this condition, he needs to get better.

"Healthy. Like a baby should be. I need you both to sign the birth certificate." The doctor holds up a piece of paper from the folder. He moves a tray over for Zoro who can't move too much. He sets the papers down then reaches into his pocket for a pen.

They sign the birth certificate. Sanji in the fathers spot, he did provide the seed, while Zoro signed in mother's spot because he did hold the child inside his body and gave birth to the baby.

Law looks over the the certificate, then looks at the new parents. "I'm going to need the baby's name." The couple looks over at each other then back at the doctor.

"His first name is Oliver." Zoro says with a smile.

"His last name is Vinsmoke-Roronoa." Sanji adds.

"You both didn't choose on one last name?" He asks.

"We can't decide on whose last name we should take." Sanji answers, "so we hyphenated our names." Sanji smiles.

"I'll be back, but for now rest. If the baby wakes up comfort him, makes sure to do skin on skin contact Zoro-ya. Oliver-ya will be more familiar with you. Sanji-ya could do it too."

"If he's hungry?" Zoro asks, a little afraid of the answer.

"We already fed him, but if he's hungry again... you know what to do. We talked about it already." Law smiles at Zoro's discomfort.

Zoro nods. "I understand." Zoro looks down at his chest. He knows that he could breastfeed. Law did many tests and learned that he could, his body produces enough milk to feed Oliver. He doesn't know how to feel about doing that. But if he needs to feed Oliver then of course he'll do it. He looks over at Sanji smiling at him.

"I'll leave you three alone. Oh, you can put him in some clothes. And Sanji-ya you can bring the car seat in. I'll drive you home so you can drive your own car here."

"Thanks." Sanji says, he didn't think that far ahead. Mind still on the fact that their baby is here with them now.

"No problem." Law gave a nod as he left.

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