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Sanji frowns, he grabs Zoro's hand. This is the last thing they want to happen. So how did it happen?

"Go away." Sanji tells them. They continue to wait but the group continue to stand there. Why aren't they going away?

"Not until I see the baby." Judge says. Sanji cringes. How he find out? What do they do? Should they pretend? Act like they don't know, like Oliver doesn't exist. Don't like that thought.

"What do you want to do?" Sanji asks looking at Zoro scared.

"I don't know but we aren't letting them in." Zoro says looking back just as scared.

"He's not going to leave until he does." Sanji says.

"I know." Zoro nods. "How did he even know? How'd he finds us?" Zoro asks looking at Sanji. The blonde shakes his head.

"I don't... wait," Sanji says looking at the screen. "Reiju. She must have told Judge."

"Not only her but Perona too. I bet they both found out." Zoro frowns. His head shots up, "I have an idea." Zoro says then runs away Sanji sees him run up the stairs.

"Why do you care?" Sanji asks. "We have nothing to do with you anymore." Sanji tells them.

"Why don't we leave them alone." Perona suggests talking to her father.

"It is late." Reiju points out, trying to get her father to leave. This isn't something she wanted but her brothers over heard and told everyone. So now both households know about the baby. They've tried talking to Law, of course he wouldn't tell them anything but his silence and secrecy was an answer.

Zoro finally comes down the stairs. Sanji could only watch as Zoro hurly scrambled to get the door open. He stands his guard at the door, not willing to let them in. He hands them a picture, each. "You want a look? Here." Zoro says then closes the door in their face. He locks the door. Sanji turns to look at the door then Zoro only to go look at the security screen.

"What did you give them?" Sanji asks looking at the screen, Mihawk stare at the picture, Perona looking over his shoulder. Perona squeals at the pictures.

"Pictures of Oliver. He said he wanted to see Oliver so I gave him a picture." Zoro says. On the screen they saw all four of the people walk away, finally going away. They move back to the room. The mood is long gone. They have new things to worry about.

"Okay we're moving." Sanji says out loud. That's the best option.

"What?" Zoro looks at him. "No, there's no need to move." Zoro says walking after Sanji. "I don't want to move." Zoro adds, he doesn't want to move again, he likes this place, it's his home. Sanji gives him a thoughtful look, thinking about what Zoro has said.

Hopefully with this they will leave them alone.


Sanji smiles as he cooks Lunch. Today is a special day only because it's an early day for Zoro. Well, in other words Zoro has a half day, only needs to go to work for half the day. They have been taking turns staying home and taking care of Oliver. They have been looking into babysitters and daycares centers but they are scared and don't trust anyone. Not with Judge out there knowing about Oliver. Even Zoro is in danger if Judge knows. They are not going to let Oliver stay with someone they don't trust. It can't go on like this though, Sanji has been talking to Gin about the restaurant and ordering him around over the phone. He can't run a restaurant from home, but he's trying. Zoro can work from home so they- Zoro -is trying to convince his boss to continue to letting him stay home.

Sanji pauses when he hears the doorbell ring. It can't be Zoro, he would walk in, so who is it? Sanji lowers the heat on the stove and goes to check the camera. He sees Reiju on the screen. Why is she there? Here? Sanji opens the door. She looks surprised for a second then smiles that someone is home and that they opened the door and not talk through the camera.

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