Robin's Hypothesis

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Robin stare at the photos as the others talk. Nami asking many questions. Robin couldn't help her mind start to race and putt together clues that most don't think of as clues. What has her attention is Olivers album that just started. But her eyes are focused on the first page of the album. Zoro sat in a hospital bed with Oliver smiling. Of course he would be happy about his son being born but that smile is more than just happiness, it's also pride. Why is Zoro laying in a hospital bed? If they adopted or even got a serigate then Zoro and Sanji wouldn't be at the hospital long, he wouldn't need to be in a hospital bed.

"You are looking very hard at the pictures." Franky says bringing her out of her thoughts.

"Just shocked that they have a child. I didn't think that would happen." Robin smiles at Franky. "Are you changing your mind? About having kids?" she asks her husband.

"No, but you looked like were." Franky says.

"You know I don't want kids. I'm just thinking." Robin says looking at the pictures again. There is something going on here. Her curiosity is eating at her. She wants to know what the truth is because Zoro and Sanji haven't truthfully answered anyone's questions about Oliver. Who's the mother? How could they hide this from them? When did they decide to have kids? What agency did they use? They didn't answer any of those question, just diverted the attention by answering with something unrelated.

Zoro let out another yawn. That's twice in a minute. Sanji pulls him closer. "Rest if your tired." Sanji tells him. Zoro yawns again.

"It's fine." Zoro rubs his eyes. They all turn to the baby monitor. Oliver starts to whimper. Zoro looks at a clock. "He's hungry." Zoro say getting up. They all smile when they hear meowing along with the whimpering. Lady is trying to comfort him.

"Zoro did you-" Sanji starts but gets interrupted.

"Yes, I did." Zoro answers to fast before the blonde can finish that sentence. Zoro goes into the room to see Lady sitting by Oliver's head, petting his head softly with her paw while meowing. Zoro smiles as he walks to them. It's cute she tried to sooth him back to sleep. He pets her head. "Thank you Lady, but it's time to eat. Come on Oliver, you've got some people to meet." Zoro says picking him up. He waits for Lady to jump on his shoulders before he walks back down. She seems to have taken Oliver as her responsibility. She gets angry when they move Oliver somewhere she can't see him. So they let her climb on their shoulders so she can look down at Oliver.

They all stand as they watch Zoro walk down the stairs with Oliver wrapped in a blue with fish and ducks blanket. Oliver wore a white onesie, with a white beanie and gloves over his hands. They coo at the sight of Oliver. He look so cute even though he's crying for food. Zoro reaches out for Sanji to give him the bottle of milk. Zoro sits down, Lady moving from his shoulders to his lap. As Zoro starts feeding Oliver Lady rest her paw on his stomach, kneading it softly. Oliver stared at everyone as he ate.

Robin couldn't believe it. Oliver's face, it's...  she can see both of them in his features. He has Sanji's eyes, Zoro's nose. When he grows Robin is sure she will see more of their features in him. Oliver shouldn't look so much like both Zoro and Sanji, unless they both are his full blooded parents. Now that's interesting.

Sanji joins Zoro on the couch with a towel in his hand. He sets it on Zoro's shoulder. They watch in fascination as Zoro feeds then burps Oliver. Zoro smiles at Oliver, he seems to be in a better mood, the medicine must have finally done it's job. They took turns carrying him in his arm. Robin able to get a good look at Oliver. He's small but very adorable. She smiles down at him, he's going to grow strong and happy. She hands him back, to Sanji this time.

"Oh right. Since you are on vacation you don't know but they finished construction, so once your vacation is over you need to head back into the office." Nami says. Zoro looks at her, he doesn't say anything but nod. He'll see if he can work from home some times. Maybe not all the time.

They hung out with the married couple a little while longer, leaving the sleeping family alone to go to sleep. They didn't notice at first but the parents have bags under their eyes. Zoro was yawning like crazy but they knew it was serious when even Sanji started to yawn. Oliver also let out his cute yawns and fell back to sleep. They left soon after. Not wanting to let the already sleep deprived adults lose even more sleep for them.

Robin went home, but she couldn't stop thinking about the family of three. She thought about everything. Zoro got chubby months ago. She knows Sanji would never let or cause Zoro or anyone to gain weight. Which means he had let Zoro gain that weight, but why? Now that she remembers Sanji didn't let him eat junk food. Every lunch was well thought out but still healthy. His lunch did get bigger, she saw Luffy trying to steal some. She also remember how easy his mood changed. No one bothered him before and now no one wants to talk to him worried about what mysterious mood he's in. Another thing she noticed is Zoro yawning during work, more so than normal. She's even seen him napping during, of course she woke him up but didn't bring attention to it, or let him know that she woke him up. Sanji has also been very protective of Zoro. Now add the facts, the pictures, Zoro's stretch marks, Olivers features, the timing of everything. She can come to the conclusion that Zoro somehow got pregnant. But that's just a hypothesis she needs prove and she'll get it.

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