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Sanji and Zoro sat on the floor against the couch next to each other as they stare at Oliver still in his car seat as he sleep. They had just gotten back from the hospital, Zoro is all rested and able to walk again so Law let them go. Of course after Law did the car seat test. Oliver had no problems being seated in a car seat. After that they went to the car and came home.

Zoro continued to look at his baby. "What do we do now?" he asks.

Sanji takes a second to look away from his son to his spouse then back at his son. "I don't know." Sanji says. Oliver is asleep, and has been fed, changed before they got home so there is nothing to do. Nothing to do that they can think of at the moment. What is there to do? "Why don't we put Oliver in his bassinet, then we clean up." he suggest. Zoro looks at him.

"The mess isn't cleaned up?" Zoro asks.

"Not all the way." Sanji answers.

"I want to take a good shower." Zoro says, "bath," he changes. He could go for a nice hot bath. He took a shower at the hospital but it didn't feel right. It was so uncomfortable that he rushed in washing himself.

"Then I could wash the bed while you take a bath. You deserve it." he answers.

"Okay." Zoro nods. He and Sanji stand up, Zoro grabs the car seat carefully then follow Sanji to their room. Sanji moves the bassinet to lay near Zoro's side of the bed. Zoro carefully takes Oliver out of the seat, carrying him in the bundle of blankets. Zoro soothes him, trying not to wake him up. Olivers whimpers but goes back to sleep as Zoro set him down in the bassinet. He and Sanji watch him for a minute before they look at each other with a smile. Zoro goes to their bathroom to take a nice long hot bath. He leaves the door open as he waits for the water to fill the tub.

As Zoro takes his bath Sanji strips the bed of all the sheets, taking all the cases off the pillows too. He pushes everything into one pile then goes to the laundry room to get the disinfectant spray to spray their bed. Every inch of it. While that sits he takes the pile of sheets and goes to the laundry room to put everything to wash. He grabs spare sheets and pillow cases then goes into the room to put them on the bed. Even putting on a new duvet. When he's done he rushes into the baby room and takes the baby monitor back to his room. He sets the monitor down near Oliver, taking the receiver downstairs with him. He sits down on the couch lifeless. He was tired which doesn't make sense, he and Zoro have slept enough. Maybe after Zoro he'll go and take a bath himself. He doesn't even feel this tired after a long day at work.

Zoro sighs with relief. The bath felt so good he could have slept in the tub and water but the water got cold and he couldn't stay in there forever, he has to take care of Oliver with Sanji. He doesn't want to leave the burden on Sanji shoulders. After what feels like a lifetime Zoro opens his eyes and gets out the tub. He grabs his towel to dry himself, ignoring the large mirror he puts the robe on. He walks out the bathroom into the room, finding their bed sheets changed. He looks into the bassinet to find Oliver sleeping. Zoro smiles. He'd give his body up for his baby again, any time he's just not wanting or excited about seeing his body in the mirror. He is a hundred percent sure that he will find some flaw, a million of them if he were to look in the mirror. He doesn't want to go through that when they just got home again. Zoro continues to their closet. He gets out a t-shirt and sweats. Like he thought they fit differently, the shirt fit tighter while the sweats were no longer loose around the hips, but now tighter. His hips grew more than they already were. Zoro shrug, as long as his things didn't shrink twice his size he can still wear them.

After he done changing he goes downstairs to find Sanji. He smiles at Lady, but continues to make his way to his husband. He finds the blonde on the couch half dead. Was he even watching what is on t.v? He sits down on the couch, the action bringing the cook back to reality. Sanji looks at him. "How was your bath?" he asks, but tried laced his voice.

"Better. Clean. How about you?"

"Tired. Have you seen Lady? I haven't heard you anywhere." Sanji looks right then left but doesn't move his body or head.

"Yeah, I saw her peeking into the room. She seems weary of Oliver." Zoro smiles remember Lady laying on the floor, cautiously looking into the room. She's not going to hurt him but she's not going to move from her spot until they are on the bed. Zoro leans against Sanji with a hand on his stomach he rubs the soft muscle. It's a little weird to think about.

"Something wrong? Stomach ache? Hungry?" Sanji asks, expression worried. Zoro looks at him with a smile.

"No," Zoro shakes his head, with a smile he continues, "just to think that a few days ago Oliver was in my stomach." Zoro turns his head down to his hand still on his stomach. "In here." he says. Sanji looks too. It is something to think about. Sanji smiles and scoots closer to kiss Zoro on the lips.

"You're amazing." Sanji says against his lips. Zoro smiles and kisses back.

"Thank you for being there for me." Zoro says. They shift position to get into a more comfy one so they can continue. But just as things were about to get good Oliver starts to cry on the monitor. The couple break apart and look at the device. "I think it's your turn." Zoro says.

"You said that last time." Sanji says. Zoro laughs.

"Then I'll go. Besides Law said no sex until after our check up." Zoro says getting up.

"I'll go watch tv in our room. I'm doing laundry and I want to take a bath to." Sanji says turning off the t.v and following Zoro up the stairs. Zoro smiles back at Sanji.

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