The Video

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Zoro stood up, taking a break off his working. He grabbed the remote and lowered the music even further down. He went over to the breakfast bar, since there wasn't space for a dining table he just sits at the breakfast bar. It's only him anyways. He took the seat in front of the sink. With a placemat set and his plate on top of it the marimo got comfortable ready to eat, but he saw that there was no fork. He looked at Sanji blowing at the garlic bread. He took a knife and started cutting it into smaller slices.

Sanji took four pieces, turning around he handed two pieced to Zoro and placed the other two on his plate. "Where are the forks?" Sanji asks.

"Right in front of you." Zoro says looking down then back up at his eyes. Sanji steps back and looks down at the drawer. He opens it to see all the utensils there. He grabs two forks, then closes the drawer. He hands one over to Zoro as he walk around to his seat. As Sanji gets comfortable on the seat Zoro claps his hands together saying his thanks, a second later he's digging in to his food. Sanji starts eating too.

After getting through some of his plate Sanji asks, "getting any closer?"

"I'm on the second camera now. Nothing so far. The camera that I'm on should be the one Chopper said I had after we got kicked out of the bar." Zoro continues to eat. Sanji nods. Alright so he's closer.

After they ate Zoro went back to his spot on the floor while Sanji cleaned the kitchen, put away the leftover garlic bread in the fridge as he cleaned the pots and put the dishes in the dishwasher. After that was done he saw that Zoro was still working so he occupied himself with cleaning the kitchen. He looked through the cupboards and found under the sink cleaning supplies. Fabuloso and others. He deep cleaned the kitchen as he wait for Zoro to finish.

He was almost done, and a little worried about what to do next. There was only so much he could clean in an already clean kitchen. "I think I got it!" Zoro yelled over at Sanji. The blonde breathed a sigh of relief. He did the last few swipes of the cloth he was using and discarding the rubber gloves, setting them neatly over edge of the sink to let them dry. As he got closer to Zoro, the other man stared at him as he sniffed the air. "Did you clean my kitchen?" Zoro asks as he look at the man. Sanji couldn't help the little flush on his face. He just shrugs. "Well anyway. There are a lot of video of us after we got kicked out so that should be it." Zoro explains as he joins Sanji on the couch with his computer. With a closer look Sanji could see that Zoro's computer has sticker, some flags, more nerdy things and swords. He could also see that Zoro's computer has a green keyboard cover. Zoro is secretly a nerd and clean freak. 

Zoro gets seated on his couch next to Sanji with the computer on his lap. Sanji scoots a little further away from Zoro, they were too close, their shoulders were touching. Zoro moves his computer to the middle so they both could see the screen.

Zoro swipes the few photos of them at the bar. Nothing there, they were all at the bar. Then Zoro swipes till they get to a video. Zoro doesn't ask if Sanji is ready to see the video he just taps the screen and it plays.

They hear the bustle of the crowded bar. The camera pans to everyone, Sanji cringed when he saw himself, he didn't look like he shouldn't be out, his face was flushed and his eye looked glazed over. He was drunk, no question about it. Zoro looked better but not by much. In the video Sanji was glaring at Zoro as he was talking to a lady, about what they don't know. Zoro doesn't seem to remember and they cant hear it. Zoro seemed to be having fun. The opposite of Sanji it seems. The camera turns away from them and focuses on why they were there celebrating in the first place. Usopp is being congratulated, Usopp talk about himself, tells a story to what Sanji and Zoro assume are the people sitting around him then they hear a loud shout. The camera turns to Zoro and Sanji fighting. The person, Chopper, they could tell from the voice, goes over to talk them down, handing the camera to Zoro and talking to Sanji. A worker then comes over and tell Sanji and Zoro to take it outside. So they do and fight a little more, still can't quite figure out about what, then Sanji yells, "you'd be horrible to marry!" Don't know where that came from, but Usopp wedding is on everyone's mind.

"No one would want to marry you!" Zoro shouts back.

"I'd make a wonderful husband." Sanji points out.

"Not with you hitting on every single woman in the world." Zoro points out.

"You wouldn't make a good husband either."

"I'm not the one hitting on every woman I see. Plus you wouldn't know. I'm not married to you."

"Then let's settle this." Sanji says and the video is turned off. Sanji looks over at Zoro equally as confused. How did they settle it? With that being the end of the video Zoro turned to the next picture to see Sanji and Zoro taking pictures of each other, or together like they were on a date. They were holding holding hands, being too close to each other. Zoro and Sanji found themselves scooting an inch away from each other. After another picture of them together they get another video but this one has them both it. This time Sanji plays the video without a word. He couldn't help but wonder how they settled it. It was too early in the night for them to have just gone to their hotel and have sex till they passed out.

"We are gathered here today to see these two join hands in a partnership of love and life. Now do you both promise to love each other, care for one another, through the good and bad of life?"

"I do." They both say. They don't know who's holding the camera but they sure got a good view of themselves in front of the priest as they held hands.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband." The priest says. Sanji and Zoro kiss each other as the present versions of them look at the screen in horror.

"Congratulations Zoro! And Sanji." The camera turns to a couple. It must have been the couple they met at the bar. The one Zoro had a drinking contest with.

"Mr. and Mr. Vinsmoke!" The husband says with a smile, a large one.

When they walk to the camera Zoro says thanks and records their little reception. Talking to the other couple while they dine and drink some more.

"We're gonna go. It's time for the honeymoon." That was Sanji. The other couple smile at them and they leave.

They see in the cab as they start their "honeymoon" but the cab driver doesn't seem to happy about it. He tells them to stop. Zoro frowns at the man. He pulls Sanji close to him. "He's my husband. Back off," he growls, "focus on driving." Zoro sticks his tongue out. Sanji covers his mouth as he grins at what Zoro had done in the video. Zoro blocks his face with his hands, trying to make sure Sanji doesn't see his blushing face. He can't believe he said that out loud. And about Sanji.

They continue with their honeymoon all the way back to the hotel where they go inside Sanji's room, lock the door and have fun.

Zoro got through half of them doing it before he swipes the screen. He got the jist of it and he thinks Sanji did to. They had sex, very passionate but animalistic sex with Zoro being the bottom. Though that was an easy guess. At least now they know what happened.

Now the things that's hanging in the air.

They got married.

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