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Sanji furrowed his eyes as he wakes further up. What is that sound? Sanji rubs his eye as he sits up on his bed. He looks to the side to see Zoro laying on his stomach as he hug the pillow. Sanji smiles at Zoro's sleeping face, he's making such a goofy face. Almost looking like a dog dreaming about dog treats. Sanji reaches to moves Zoro's hair out of his face, this is the man he's in love with. He should be more surprise that he fell in love with this man, he's known him for so long now but why did it take so long to have these feelings for him?

Because he finally took the time know him. 

Sanji should tell him how he feels, if he doesn't then it will be on his mind wondering. Now that he knows he is in love with Zoro how can he continue their unknown relationship, he wants to know how Zoro feels. It would be sad to keep doing this and not have it not going anywhere.

Sanji looks over to see the door as he heard pawing at the door. He slowly moves to the door to hear meowing and see paws swiping under the door. Sanji smiles, he's never closed the door before so she must not know how to react. Also Sanji doesn't even remember closing the door last night. Sanji opens the door and she runs in like lightning. Sanji goes back to the bed to find Lady kneading her paws on Zoro's head then laying on him. Sanji smiles as he slides into bed. It's still rather early in the day, plus it's the weekend so no rush to wake up. He lays his head down and goes back to sleep, resting for a little while longer.

Sanji sits up after minutes of not being able to go back to sleep. He look over at the clock, barely any time has past. The blonde gets up, looking down at his naked body, he should get ready, maybe even clean up to pass the time until Zoro wakes up. Sanji stands up and goes to his closet to get some clothes then goes to the master shower. He takes a quick shower, getting dressed in a hooded sweater and jeans. As Zoro slept Sanji cleaned the floors, picked up their clothes and put them to wash, he didn't touch Zoro's computer, he clean the apartment to pass the time, then he starts on breakfast for them both.

When Sanji finish he set both plates on a tray, grab two cups then filled them with juice, putting them with the plates on the tray. Then he grabbed two forks, and napkins, adding them to the tray. He makes sure everything is set then picks up the tray and goes to his room, hopefully the marimo is awake now. Sanji walks into the room to see Zoro now laying on his back with Lady on his face. Sanji got closer a little worried that Zoro can't breathe properly with her on his face. Like he thought Zoro couldn't breath, he grabbed Lady and sat up staring at her, giving Zoro an innocent look, she didn't know she was suffocating him. Zoro took a deep breath, his face a little pale. Sanji gets closer to him, Zoro turning to him just noticing the blonde, then turns around to look at the room. Right he's at Sanji's.

"Hungry?" Sanji wonders setting down the tray, the cook made fluffy omelets with cut fruit and juice. Zoro stare at the tray as Lady lay in his lap. Huh? Food in bed, he's never had that before.

"Yeah, thanks." Zoro smiles, that makes Sanji's heart beat fast against his chest. Sanji hands him his plate of food. Zoro takes the plate and starts eating. Sanji gets his plate and starts eating his food. Sanji looks at Zoro as he eats then looks back at his own plate. He should just say it. Let it out, it might get worse if he holds it in.

"Uh..." Sanji freezes, does he just say it, or should he ease the conversation into talk about their feelings. Or he can wait, he doesn't know how Zoro would react to the confession. Ah, that's why he froze, like a highschooler he's afraid of rejection. He doesn't want to get hurt. Sanji looks to see he has Zoro's attention. "I... um..." Sanji felt his hands get clammy. Wow, of how many girls he's confessed to no problem it's Zoro who get him this nervous. But he's got his pride. Sanji looks straight at Zoro, who flinch at the blondes serious look at him, he's acting weird, and he says, "I like you," Zoro slows his chewing, "well more like love. I want to officially have a relationship with you. To date you." Sanji watches Zoro as his hands tremble. The marimos eyes slowly widen to the size of a tea cup plate.

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