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Zoro let out a sigh. He closed the door but not all the way, then walks downstairs to Sanji who is tired just like him. The books warned them but they didn't know how tiring taking a care of a baby is. It's been a whole month and they still aren't use to it. They want a break but no one besides Law know that they have a baby. Who can they ask?

Today wasn't bad only because they left the house for the first time in a month. The whole time Sanji would go out and do the shopping, even left to go to work. Since it's finally the first month check up they left to go to the hospital to meet Law. They all agreed to Law becoming Olivers doctor. It's best this way, since he's familiar with the family history and wont ask unnecessary questions. How could they answer if the doctor were to ask where Oliver came from? Zoro can't lie and wont be able to keep up with Sanjis lie.

Luckily they both are healthy, Oliver is growing as he should, slightly smaller than normal but healthy when considering the circumstances of his birth. Zoro is healthy too, he's healed fine, body changing back to before he got pregnant. Of course Law suggest they wait another month before having sex. To make sure Zoro's body is really ready for any sexual activity. Just in case Zoro accidentally gets pregnant. They should wait. And it's cute that Law thinks they have time to do anything besides kiss and sleep in the same bed. They have become slaves to Oliver.

Sanji smiles at Zoro as he sets the plates down for their late lunch which should just be considered dinner at this point. "He's asleep?" Like he needed to ask. Zoro wouldn't have come down if he couldn't get Oliver to sleep.

"Took a while. Must have been excited about getting out the house." Zoro smiles. So was he, going out during the day, ever since he started working from home he only went out at night and stayed home during the day. Today would be the first time in a long time that he went out when the light is out. "I was a little excited to." Zoro answers with a smile.

"It's been a month, Law said that it's fine to take him outside, he's got the vaccines he needed, so why don't we go to the park?" Sanji suggests setting their food as fast as he could. Zoro smiles, that sounds good. He could do that.

"That sounds fun, we can-" Zoro stops to look at the baby monitor at Oliver whimpering. "I'll be back." Zoro says, head down in defeat. Sanji nods, they gave Oliver his pain medicine for the vaccine after the doctor visit and they learned that they should have given him the medicine before because it takes an hour at least for the medicine to take affect. Right now Oliver is not happy about the pain and the medicine hasn't fully hit yet.

Sanji sets down his and Zoro's plate on the table just as the door is knocked on. Sanji quickly runs to the door to answer it not wanting the person to knock again and louder in fear of disturbing Zoro and Oliver. He opens the door and before he can react or greet the guests the person in front of the group pushes the door open and walking past him.

"Zoro! Zoro! Get your ass here! Why haven't you been answering my calls! Or emails! We've got work to do!" they yell from the top of their lungs. Sanji could only stare in horror and shock as the orange haired woman, his friend, barge into his home yelling at the top of her lungs. Nami look around the place with a frown on her face. She walk all the way to the window. The others, being Robin, Usopp, Chopper, Franky all came in slowly past Sanji who shut the door behind.

Now Sanji would never harm, physically or emotionally, a woman but maybe this time will be alright because how dare she push past him, which isn't the problem but she also yells for Zoro at the top of her lungs. For one Zoro is busy and two she could wake up Oliver which was a challenge to even get him to sleep even though the medicine hasn't reached its peak. They have enough on their plate as it is. Sanji turns with a frown. Ready to yell at her for disturbing the peace. He doesn't get to.

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