Sleep Over

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Sanji makes way out of his office to the empty kitchen past the empty tables to the door, the exit. He locks the door behind him and goes to his car. Today is the day. He has been knowing it would come. It was the logical thing to do.

Sanji and Zoro may not know what their relationship is, they haven't put a name to it or talked to each other about it but the blonde can tell it's something, he likes whatever it is and it's serious. Whatever they have is serious and no one else can replace. Of course they haven't talked to the other about what this means to them or what they should do about the obvious feelings being grown, they are just doing what they like with each other. Eating out together, going over to Zoro's to make diner and sleep over, watching movies, talking about nothing, talking to each other about everything all while playing a card game for fun. They even had fun taking a pottery class together.

It's obvious they have an emotional connection, their physical connection is just as good. If not better. He's had good one night stands but Zoro threw everything out the ballpark. Zoro is always so willing and honest with Sanji he didn't have to walk on eggshells with the green haired man. If Zoro didn't like something he'd say it but Zoro is more than okay with trying new things. Which is a good thing because after their time in that car the blonde wanted to try new things, more things. Like maybe in a public bathroom, they've already had sex on the grass in a park but were hidden away by the bushes and it was dark. He was walking with Zoro through that park he always walks through, since it was barren and empty Sanji got close to Zoro. They ended kissing and that lead down the path of having sex in the bushes. Zoro was cutely embarrassed after but soon got over it.

Of course after weeks of this, of them doing things together, having sex, the blonde going over to the green haired man's place to hang out it's finally time for Zoro to go to the blondes place. Admittingly the blonde is nervous. He's been alone for a very long time before Zoro, and only having one night stands with strangers at hotels, no one, not even his friends have been to his place. The only one ever is his friend / cat sitter Gin. He's the only one and now he's going to have Zoro over. He's nervous even though he knows he shouldn't be. It's Zoro. The man doesn't think about unnecessary things about how apartment looks. Plus he's been at Zoro's plenty of times, now it's just switched.

Right, he's just going to have a friend over, someone he's known for awhile and vise versa. There will be no need for trying to impress the man. Of course they might have sex since it is a Friday so Zoro is on his day off. He could do anything he wants to the other man. Sanji starts his car with a deep breath he gets out of his parking spot and starts driving so he can pick up Zoro from work. He hopes he's not late, the last customers were taking their sweet time. When they finally left Sanji double checked everything, to make sure nothing was on or left out. He tried to rush but he didn't want to mess up. Hopefully Zoro wasn't waiting for too long.


Zoro stood up from his desk, now finished with the last of his work. Since he didn't get a text from the blonde yet he knew he still had time. By now he should be on his way. It's going to be his first time over at the blonde's place. Sure that this is the first time he's going there. It's long - overdue since the cook is always at his place. Plus it's a change of pace from the routine they have set with each other.

Of course he's a little nervous, this is the cook he's thinking about. Never in a million years
did he think the blonde would invite him over. He was so sure they hated each other's guts but now he doesn't know why he even though that. Zoro always knew that Sanji isn't a bad guy. How can he be when he hates to see people starve? Of course it's the obvious double standard the blonde has when it comes to gender. He also doesn't know if he has done something to the blonde in the past that would cause the other man to be so openly hateful towards him. He understands that the blonde does not like men but he doesn't treat their male friends as bad as what Zoro gets; name calls and made fun of.

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