Zoro's Home

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Sanji turns to see Zoro walking towards him in a tank top and sweats. Sanji blushed slightly as he saw the kiss marks littered around Zoro's neck and clavicle, no doubt made by him.

Zoro gives the blonde a look. "I'm going to play some music. If you complain I'm kicking you out." Zoro warns the other. Sanji just nods. "Aren't you going to start on dinner?" Zoro asks as he turns his t.v on going onto the app he listens music on. Immediately Sanji hears loud metal, or was it rock? Zoro lowers it a little, just enough to hear each other. Sanji follows Zoro as he goes to the wall wear his swords is against. There is a door right there. Zoro slides it open to reveal a sink and toilet. "Bathroom." He says. Then Zoro walks over to the other side of the living room, across from where the katanas are, the right side of the front door. He points to opening, the blonde moves closer to see what he's pointing at. "Kitchen." Zoro then walks past him to go into the room across from the toilet. Zoro then sees Zoro walk out with both cameras. He sets it down on the coffee table. Zoro then walks past Sanji to go into the room across from the kitchen. Zoro opens the door and Sanji sees a small gym and office set up. Zoro walks out with a computer and some plugs. Zoro sets that down on the coffee table, he sits on a small pillow on the floor. Zoro opens the computer and plugs the computer and then attaches it to the camera. "Yell when dinner is ready." Zoro commands.

That perks Sanji. That's right, that's why he came here. He turns and goes into the kitchen. On the far corner is the double door fridge. He opens it to see what he can make. With another round of surprises, the blonde chef sees that the fridge is full. There are actually ingredients to use. He really thought Zoro would have nothing, an empty fridge but it's actually full. Sanji takes out his ingredients, planning on making alfredo pasta with broccoli and chicken and garlic bread. As he cut up the broccoli and the bread the blonde turned his head slightly to see Zoro on the floor working. He started singing along with the music as he typed furiously on his computer. He couldn't see it clearly but he could tell that Zoro typed with his hands correctly over a,s,d,f,j,k,l, and ;. Not how Sanji types, he's a slow typer, he types one key at a time with his index finger and he has to look at the keyboard, he cooks not types so he never learned. Zoro stared straight with laser focus on his screen as he typed away, not once looking down at the keyboard.

Sanji turned away from Zoro to get the garlic spread ready. When he got back to the cutting board he looked at Zoro to see the man one hand typing away as his face looked away to yawn into his hand now free. Once done he continued typing away, not a bead missed as he continue to type away like he hadn't just yawned for a second.

Again Sanji looked away to get the oven ready and the spaghetti boiling. In the background he could hear the metal, Zoro's typing and the marimo singing along. It was a lot different than if he were to be at home, in silence, by himself, cooking for himself. Sanji turned back to start cleaning the cutting board, setting the utensils he used in the sink a feet or two away from where he stood. He saw Zoro moving his head to the beat of the drums and guitar. Is this what Zoro is always like at home? He never would have thought. Or when he listens to his headphones. Do the others know about this? It was kind of interesting to see. The marimo in his natural habitat.

"Find anything yet?" Sanji asks, wondering how his search through the cameras is coming along.

"Nothing yet." Zoro answers over the music.

"Should it be taking this long?" Sanji asks, just curious.

"It's over eight hours of us partying and I'm making Usopp's wedding video while I'm at it. It's going to take as long as it's going to take." Zoro answers with a little attitude. He didn't really like being disturbed while he work. He was in the zone.

"Can't you find what we're looking for first then make the video?" Sanji asks, hoping it's not going to take too long.

"Shut up. I didn't see you volunteering to do this." Zoro says with a quick glare at Sanji in the kitchen. Sanji stays quiet. He's not that tech saffy, he wouldn't even know where to begin but here Zoro is working immediately. "Plus it's better if I just add all the funny and nice stuff together, then once I'm through everything I trim it down. Easy." Zoro's focus and hands typing away at his computer. "Plus you are looking for answers. I'm not." Zoro adds.

Sanji continue to stay quiet and focus on his job of making their dinner. Hopefully after dinner Zoro would be done and have found what the blonde is looking for. He couldn't understand why Zoro wasn't fully curious on what happened to them. Why wouldn't he be?

A day ago they were fighting, at each other's throats and now here they are almost domestically in each others presence with no fighting. Talking to each other like normal people, kind of.

Since Zoro didn't have a dining table he set up at the breakfast bar that separate the kitchen from the small area in front of the extra room Zoro's uses as a gym and office area. There were three bar stools set up. One near the wall, one in front of the sink and the last one in front of the open counter space and near the opening of the kitchen. Sanji served two plate and set one in front of the bar stool near the opening of the kitchen and the other one in front of the sink. He decorate the top of their plates as he wait for the garlic bread to finish.

When he heard the ding of the timer he put on the cooking mittens on, turning to the oven. "Dinner is ready!" Sanji shouted over the music. Sanji realized he sounded so domestic. Like they were some sort of couple. Weird but not in a bad way. It felt nice and he didn't know why, was it because he's actually having dinner with someone? Or dinner with Zoro? It couldn't be Zoro? It just couldn't.

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