Bubble Of Love

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Zoro look down at his phone screen. He looks at the text message he received from Sanji.

I'm swamped with work. He texts, Zoro looks at the text, reading the short sentence again. He's got two choices, go back home on the bus or wait for Sanji.

When will you be finished with work? Zoro text back. He would have gone to the bus stop and gone home but he doesn't want to be more in public than he needs to be, he's gotten more chubby now, thanks to Sanji's amazing cooking but mostly to Law's help. With his advice Sanji took out his recipe books, looking through it for good recipes for him. Even got watermelon which Zoro isn't even sure how, it's not the season for it. Zoro will admit that Sanji's homemade lemonade tastes the best. It's starting to feel like Sanji is fattening him up, which he doesn't mind. Huh, when did he become Luffy?

I don't know. Do you want me to pick you up and drop you off at home? Sanji suggests. That's not a bad idea, he is off work now, and he would like to spend the night in bed watching some TV. But he doesn't want to have Sanji drive him home then the blonde drives back to work, seems unfair to Sanji.

No, I'll just do some over time. Text me when you get off work. Zoro texts back.

Okay, but if I'm still not done by dinner, leave to get something or text me. I'll stop and make something for you, then drop you off at home. Sanji says, the text bringing a smile to Zoro's face. He loves the man.

Okay, I will. I promise. Zoro says knowing Sanji will worry if he doesn't eat.

"Who are you talking to?" Zoro looks up from his desk to see Nami looking at him curious.

"None of your business. Need something?" Zoro answers sitting straighter and placing his phone screen down so she can't see if Sanji texts her back.

"No." She shakes her head, but her eyes scam him. Somethings up, she knows. "Just wondering what you're still doing here. You usually would be running out the doors by now." she says. Which is true, Zoro has been running out of work once he's done for the day but that's because Sanji would be waiting for him and he's excited for the cook, well just Sanji in general. He wants to be home with Sanji, cuddling in bed, falling asleep together. Zoro loves it. The baby influencing him a little bit but he doesn't mind.

"I think I'm going to do some over time." Zoro answers, scooting his chair closer to the desk.

"Okay. I think we are all working over time today." She says as an afterthought.

"Even Usopp?" Zoro asks, one eyebrow raises at that. Nami nods.

"Kaya has a late shift today. He wants to pick her up." Nami says smiling. They are made for each other. Zoro just nods. Can't be with your spouse all the time, he knows from experience.

Zoro works but slowly. There is no rush on anything he's work on. He did catch Nami staring at him as she walk by his desk but didn't bring any attention to it. Didn't think he needs to. She was just staring most likely from his change in behavior, it's been changing a lot these weeks. He's sure she's not the only one who noticed.

Zoro sits back taking a stretch. He's been working for hours and still no text from Sanji. Zoro looks at the clock, it's around dinner time. He reaches for the phone, just as it vibrates. He looks to see it's a text from Sanji. He cracks a smile, reading the blondes text. Want me to make you dinner and drop you off? Sanji asks.

"Zoro?" Nami calls. Zoro looks up to see Nami, Robin, Usopp and Luffy standing there. "Want to come to dinner us?" she asks, a smile on her face. The look in her face screams she's up to something. It is a test, he knows but he doesn't care.

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