Mihawk Mansion

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Sanji puts their bags in the back of the car as Zoro puts Oliver into his car seat. Their son is now four months old and Zoro doesn't look happy.

Sanji knows why but doesn't know why Zoro just goes back. Cancel their plans. They can.

With everyone set, they go to their destination. Perona happily sending Sanji the address to their home. The place Zoro grew up in. Perona is happy, and so is Mihawk about having Zoro and Oliver there but Zoro seems to be regretting his decision.

The closer they got the more Zoro's face scrunched up, eyes narrowing, lips tight, the air around him got sour.

When they rolled up to the front of the house, Zoro's face was almost unnaturally still. No spark in his eyes, or twitch in his mouth. Nothing, like Zoro is distancing himself emotionally from this place. Was it this bad?

Zoro agreed to this though. And Sanji thought that maybe Zoro had forgiven his father and sister of the past but maybe not. Perona and Mihawk suggest they come by with Oliver and spend the night. He must have regretted that decision, he doesn't want to be here anymore. Sanji knows Zoro didn't have a good life here but how bad was it?

Sanji looks up having collected their things to see Zoro gone and Oliver not in his carseat. Sanji just grins. The man is fast sometimes. Sanji walks in leaving their bags near the door and goes in search for his husband and child. He wants to talk to the man. It's not too late to go back. They don't need to do this now. They can do this again later, or never if it's too hard for Zoro.

"Oh, excuse me?" Sanji calls a maid he see holding a basket in her arms. "Have you seen Zoro?" He asks with a smile, the smile on his face falling when he sees the womans face scrunch up in almost disgust. Sanji blinks back his shock.

"I haven't." She says rudely as she walks past him, continuing her job.

It was all like that. Every person who worked here reacted the same after hearing Zoro's name. With that he can guess why Zoro didn't want to be here. No wonder Zoro didn't want to be here. But there's a difference between being okay with Mihawk and Perona coming around to see Oliver and Zoro being okay with them in general.

Sanji sighs, looks like he's looking for Zoro the old fashion way. By himself. And it's interesting how fast he finds Zoro. Should've done this in the beginning instead of asking for where he is. In some far back area of the land, hidden by trees and bushes Zoro sat with Oliver in his lap as he lay in a hanging chair from the tree. Sanji smiles, Zoro seems more calm than when they were in front of the mansion.

"There you are." Sanji comes closer as Zoro flinches. He looks up to the blonde.

"Hey cook." Zoro says sullenly as he holds Oliver close.

"What is this place?" Sanji asks getting closer.

"The only place no one ever bothered me." Zoro answers.

"If it's to hard we can go back." Sanji says. Zoro looks at the blonde thinking about it.

"I think that's for the best." Zoro answers after a long silence.

"No! You can't!" Perona pops from thin air. The two stare at her. Mihawk coming out from behind her.

"I don't want to be here." Zoro answers frowning at them.

"But... why?" Perona asks shocked, she doesn't want them to go.

"Why do you think?" Zoro asks handing Oliver to Sanji. "I don't know if you genuinely don't know or you're just pretended to not see but I never liked it here. Everyone here treated me like shit. No one wanted me here. I don't know why I even agreed to stay here." Zoro mutters to himself but he knows why. He thought that since Mihawk and Perona are finally okay with him the rest of the workers are too. He looks at his husband, "let's go." Zoro says walking away.

"What about you?" Mihawk asks Sanji as he steps forward.

"What about me?" Sanji asks frowning. "Have you really not noticed how the maids and butlers react when they hear Zoro's name. I know he wasn't planned or wanted but he's still your son." Sanji rushes to catch up with Zoro.

Perona looks down at her feet, in shame. Mihawk looks at his daughter. "What's wrong?"

"I wish I could go back in time and be the sister Zoro deserves." Perona answers. She moves to catch up with Zoro and Sanji. She doesn't want them to leave. Not yet anyway. She quickly makes her way to Zoro and Sanji finding them by the front door, Sanji holding Oliver while Zoro grab their bags. "Wait!" she shouts grabbing their attention. She runs to stand in front of them. "Don't go, please. I thought we were getting better but it's going to be harder than I thought, I'll do what I can to make this place seem like home." she shouts at them desperately. Both of the married couple surprised. She has been trying, very hard.

"Tell us what needs to be done and we'll do it to make this more comfortable to you. To make it feel like home." Mihawk says from behind them. Zoro narrows his eyes, scrutinizing his father. How far are they willing to go for him?

"If I said to replace all the staff, would you do it?" Zoro wonders, they turn at the sound of gasps. A couple workers staring at them shocked. Zoro knows he wouldn't, some of the workers have been here even before Mihawk.

"If that's what you want." the man answers coldly. Zoro reels from the shock of it all. Perona gasps but smiles proudly. Glad to hear her father is somewhat on the same page. They want Zoro in their life and if this is what it takes then so be it.

"W-what if I wanted to change my room?" Zoro stutters, stepping up.

"Then change it." Mihawk answers. Zoro blinks.

"Really?" Zoro asks.

"I can not change the past but from now on I can make you comfortable. This is your home." Mihawk says. Zoro looks over at Sanji not able to believe this is happening. Sanji smiles. Zoro turns to face Mihawk. Giving the man a nod. Not sure what he's answering but he doesn't trust himself enough to not cry. The edge of Mihawk lips turn to grin. "Can I hold my grandson?" he asks. Sanji steps up to hand over Oliver.

"That's not fair." Perona complains. Zoro grins as he grabs his ringing phone.

"Hello?" Zoro answers. Sanji turns to him. "I'm not at home, I'm with..." Zoro's eyes wander to Mihawk and Perona then back to the floor, "I'm with family." he says blushing. "What!" Zoro shouts shocked. "I don't have my computer with me. Nami!" Zoro yells into his phone. He looks at the screen to see the call has ended.

"What did Nami want?" Sanji wonders.

"She wanted me to do something, said to sent her the address so she can bring me a computer." Zoro frowns a he texts her the address. Sanji grins.

Zoro did call them his family. Hopefully things look up from here.

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