The Call

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Zoro jumps in his skin as he felt his pocket begin to vibrate. He rushes to get his phone out of his pocket. He answers it not even asking who it is, he knew who it is. "What? It's my weekend." he says grumbly, still looking at the pregnancy test. One more minute to go. Zoro could hear Nami sigh, and he didn't have to see her face to know that she rolled her eyes.

"I know but Landon said he accidentally activated the new code for the website and now the servers are acting very weird." she explains.

Zoro stands up, "what! I thought I told him not to, we were going to test it on Monday. Where's Usopp?" he makes his way into his office, grabbing his messenger bag. His face scrunched up upset.

"He's out today with Kaya." she says. "We already tried calling him, but he might have turned his phone off." Zoro growls.

"Fine I'll be there." Zoro says ending the call. He quickly goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth, he now remember that he didn't do that after he threw up. When he finish he collected what he needed. He left after he made sure everything is set. Thinking if he should get a snack or not. Honestly he wasn't that hungry.

As Zoro gets down, he gets a call saying they will be delivery his motorcycle. So he waited for a while, after getting his helmet and gloves he waited. When they show up, he paid and tipped them. Grabbed the keys and rode off. Glad that he got his bike, being able to go to worked a lot faster without having to be on the city bus, which always took more time to do anything.

When he walked through the doors and up to the office he got some looks, shocked that he's here on his day off. Zoro frowned as he went up to the floor, grumbling under his breath that he has to be there on his day off. He got things to do at home. Ah, he should have told Sanji that he's at work, but he shouldn't be out long and he's sure that Sanji is busy helping Zeff so he might not even answer, or see it until after he finish helping, when ever that is.

With a deep scowl on his face he walk out into the floor, making his way straight to the problem, only getting more angry as he saw Nami standing there with Landon with a smile on her face, though Landon did not look happy. As he should be, was he not paying attention? Doesn't see how, Nami is always pairing him with the guy for no reason, Zoro would think that he would be paying attention during that time.

Landon is the first to see him, seeing his reaction Nami turns around to see Zoro not happy. Her smile disappears seeing Zoro so angry. She's never seen him like this, he almost looks like he's out for blood.

"Let's hurry up and fix this damn problem." Zoro command, and not very nicely. Nami just nods her head, so did Landon, they all just silently followed Zoro's instructions, without more than needed, and followed his instructions.


Nami watch as Zoro got on his bike and left. They finished but it was late. She was scared of Zoro, he was angry but then he wasn't. He was very much in a bad mood, but his mood switched easily. Nami felt someone stand next to her. "Your plan seems to have backfired." The person besides her says. Nami turns to see Robin. Nami crossed her arms as she look away. A hand appears in front her face. "I believe we bet twenty beri, I won didn't I?" Robin says.

Nami grits her teeth but takes her wallet out and placed twenty beri on Robins hand. "I really thought it would work." Nami pouts.

"What was your thinking?" Robin wonder as she folded the twenty bill.

"Well after the wedding I thought Zoro could use help, in the romance department."

"So you are trying to play matchmaker by setting him up with Landon?" Robin asks trying to see her thought process when it comes to this. "Why?" she asks looking down at the shorter woman.

"I saw them together and I think I saw sparks." Nami says excited. Robin raised her eyebrows, it doesn't seem to be like that at all to her. "I've been trying to set them up but it didn't work. I thought I'd help Landon, he agreed, so I came up with this plan, to get Zoro here on the weekend. He always seems to disappear after work." Robin doesn't see any sparks when they are around each other. Zoro seems like himself, well unlike today, Zoro glared at Landon like he was going to rip his head off. No sparks were flying today. Robin is curious about what she saw between Zoro and Sanji, now that look like sparks.

"I think you should leave it alone. Your plan today to get Zoro today to work with Landon failed. I think he might want to kill Landon, not date him." Robin says.

"But I saw sparks." Nami says.

"Maybe in one of them, Landon but I don't think Zoro showed any sparks."

"But won't Zoro be lonely? I'm sure he wants to find love too."

"I'm sure, but we don't know his life. Remember when he came in with a broken arm. And just recently he was in the hospital because he was shot in the shooting. We shouldn't push him."  Robin says.

"Fine I'll leave him alone." Nami says finally giving up.


Zoro let out a loud sigh as he walk through the door. He was tired, very sleepy, and now very calm, his anger long forgotten, replaced with a very loving emotion. He felt very much happy, loving his motorcycle, loving the night sky. Very happy with being home. Now that he is home though he is tired, wants nothing more than to go to bed.

Zoro takes off his helmet and sets it down near the door along with his gloves. He wants to go to bed, and since he still has one more day for his weekend he's going to take it. Zoro lets out a satisfied sigh as he gets his shoes off, sliding them to the side. He looks up, taking his jacket off as he walks further into the apartment, he sees Sanji standing in a daze near the table a bag in his hand, Zoro looks curious about it so he gets closer. He sees the open box, the instructions laying on the table and the pregnancy stick in the blondes other hand.

"Cook?" Zoro asks getting closer, he forgot about it, and he knows Sanji must feel upset about the results.

"Is this a joke?" Sanji asks looking at his hand. Then he looks at Zoro who gave him a glare.

"You really think I would joke about something like this?" Zoro asks back, frowning just a little. He's starting to get in a bad mood again. 

"I know I'm just... shocked." Sanji says, he sets the bag down on the table.

"Well it's nothing really to be shocked about, I told you, the millions of tests have proven that..." Zoro slowly stops talking as he gets closer to the blonde, noticing that he doesn't look unhappy, if anything he looks happy. That doesn't make any sense unless... he reaches forward to the test, taking it in his hand, he looks down to the stick and sees the two lines, parallel with each other. Wait, this doesn't make any sense, he's pregnant now? No way. He looks at Sanji, who seems equally as shocked, maybe less. "I'm pregnant?" Zoro asks the blonde like he has the answer. Sanji engulfs him in a hug.

"We're having a baby." Sanji says into his ear. With the test still in his hand Zoro hugs the blonde.

"I guess we are." Zoro says back shocked, eyes on the test in his hand. 

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