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Sanji and Zoro got to the marimos apartment in silence. There wasn't much to say. They've never really talked to each before and now what do they talk about? What was there to talk about?

They got married when they were drunk. Sanji turned slightly to look at Zoro. The blonde didn't notice this before but Zoro actually looked nice. He was dressed like a regular office worker with his cardigan, and dress pants. The messenger bag really selling it. Luckily the blondes fringe hid the fact that Sanji was staring at Zoro. The marimo looked very professional, especially with his hair brushed back and out of his face, how he had it in highschool.

Highschool. Didn't the marimo want to be something else? He doesn't remember the marimo wanting to be an office drone. When did he change his dream? Not likes it's really any of his business. 

Sanji got up and looked over to see Zoro sleeping, taking a power nap. "We're here." Sanji says softly. They were on the public bus. He didn't want to disturb the other passengers. Most were wearing headphones but still, it's the principle of not being an asshole no matter the circumstances. Sanji reached his hand forward to shake the man but Zoro opens his eyes and rubs them as he got his things together, or in this case made sure he had all his things and wasn't forgetting anything. Sanji pulled his hands back and reached to press the button to let the driver know. Zoro got up and they both went to the door to wait for the bus to stop.

When they got off they both thanked the bus driver and left. Sanji lead the way as Zoro followed. Sanji saw Zoro yawning as they got closer. He had forgotten how late in the night it was. No wonder the marimo was tired. Sanji was on a plane and was asleep almost the whole time so he wasn't tired. Who knew how long Zoro has been working?

They slowly made their way to their destination. It was so close yet so far. It seemed like he was going to keel over any second so the blonde had been stopping and waiting for the man to catch up. Making sure he didn't get lost and or fall.

By the time they did make it to Zoros place Zoro looked ready for bed. He would let the man go to bed but not right now. They needed to sort this out.

Zoro and Sanji took their shoes off. "I'm going to change." Zoro grumbled then yawn as he moseyed to his room. As Zoro got changed Sanji set down his duffel bag. This is the second time he's been here. Not in a million years did he think he'd be in Zoro's home more than once. He looked at the pictures on the wall again, next to his katanas, as he made his way to the couch. As he sat down he was hit with a wave of exhaustion. All those talk shows, and interviews are finally catching up to him. Was he working that hard?

Yes. But it's not the first time it's happened. When he does these back to back he usually goes straight home to his cat and relaxes for a few days then goes back to his restaurant and see how things are going. Would he have enough energy to get home? He should text Gin, his friend who is home sitting for him again, that he'll be late.

Sanji looked up from his phone when he saw Zoro go into the kitchen to get some water. "So?" The marimo voices as he brings his water bottle with him to the couch, joining the blonde on the couch. Sanji sends the text then puts his phone down, this needed his full attention.

"Well," okay so Sanji figured they should talk but doesn't have clue about what they should talk about. Sure they are married, so what now? "What do you want to do?" Sanjo asks.

"Does it even count if we were shit faced and in Gran Tesoro?" Zoro asks.

"I don't know. I think it does, why wouldn't it?"

"I mean were weren't in the right mind to make that sort of decision. Would it really be binding, are we married in this city, this state or just in Gran Tesoro?" Zoro asks. Sanji had nothing to say to that. It was a very good point. He didn't know. If that's the case then there wasn't much to talk about if that were the case.

"Just in case," Sanji starts, "if we are married what do you want to do?"

"What are our options?" Zoro asks.


"Doesn't that cost a lot of money?"

"I think?" Sanji shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know this is the first time I've been married." The blonde points out.

"Really?" Zoro asks shocked. "I would have figured you'd been married and divorced multiple times by now with kids." Zoro turns away ignoring Sanji's angry glare directed his way.

"No to all of that. I'm very safe when it comes to sex and I haven't been in a relationship that was long enough to think about marriage." Sanji confesses. Zoro just gave him a grin.

"Does that mean I won the bet? I'm a better husband?" Zoro asks. Sanji continue to frown.

"This doesn't prove anything!" The blonde shouts. With a heavy sigh he goes back on track. "So divorce?" Sanji asks. Zoro shrugs.

"Nothing to expensive. I'm saving up for a bike." Zoro says. Sanji looked at the man like was a gorilla in a tutu. Was he that bad with money? Is that why he was working so hard.

"A bike doesn't cost that much, just a hundred bucks or so." Sanji had an air around him, like he was superior.

"No you idiot," Zoro frowned back, "a motorcycle bike. The one I want is going to have a custom paint job. That's expensive." Zoro explains.

"Oh." Sanji voices but he too was saving up. He wants to open a second restaurant. He already fulfilled his dream of owning his own restaurant with All Blue with how popular it is he want to open another one on the other side of town, maybe in a less populated area. Maybe it could be like the Baratie? He'll have to see. Plus he want to move out of his apartment and maybe get a house. Or buy a plot of land and hire contractors to build his house. If he goes that route he'll hire Franky and the Franky family.

Sanji looked over as saw the corner of Zoro's eye droop. He was tired. "Maybe we could find another option tomorrow. I've got some free time."

"Sure. I'm in no rush." Zoro says with a yawn at the end. He gets up and looks at Sanji.

"What?" Sanji asks at the way Zoro started.

"Aren't you leaving? I need to lock the door." Zoro says giving the blonde a face that screams what Zoro was thinking, that Sanji is an idiot. Sanji sighs. He was comfortable on this couch. He didn't know he was this tired that he didn't want to move. Sanji blushed. Damn, he was about to ask Zoro a question he did not want to ask, or think he'll ask.

"Can I stay the night?"

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