Morning After

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Sanji sat up in the bed as he rubbed his eyes. Moving his fringe out of his right side so he can rub his eye better. He pauses when he hears a god awful snore. He looks over to his left to see a body, tan and rather muscled but not overly so laying next to him. He stared at the back as his vision cleared, going from blurred and fuzzy to crystal clear. He looked down at his own naked body, he saw love bites spot his pale skin.

He knew he would start thinking about this, thinking about what it means to have crossed the line with Zoro, but he didn't want to. He just wanted to enjoy the afterglow of what is one out of the two nights of the best sex he's ever had. He doesn't want to think about superficial things, think about what this might means for them. So he won't. He doesn't need to think about it.
He'll enjoy it to his fullest, until he needs to think about, so until then... Sanji looks over to the nightstand, his gaze on the digital clock. Sanji looks back at Zoro sleeping like a log, snoring like a chainsaw. It's six-thirty in the morning, it's time for breakfast. Sanji looks around for something, anything to wear. But first, "Zoro can I borrow some clothes? And the kitchen?" he asks as he shakes Zoro's shoulder. Zoro just frowned. He doesn't get a clear answer, just some mumbling noise, he couldn't understanding it, but from the tone and the fact Zoro continued to snore Sanji can guess what Zoro answer is.

Sanji smiled, he looked around the room. Sanji didn't get a good look around because they were both in the heat of the moment but now that he saw it clearly he could tell it's Zoro's room. It's so simple, like he is. He knew the door they came in from on the left, opening up to a big dresser with two more katanas. A black one on top and another black one with red circle split into thirds. The bed pointed towards it. There are more pictures on either side of the katanas. Sanji turns his head around to look at the walls decorated with more pictures. He could see that some of them were just of watercolor scenes of a forest, ocean and a shrine in winter. He turns his head to the wall behind him, the wall the bed is against. There is door on the wall besides him. He gave another look around the room. It does seem smaller than it does on the outside.

Sanji gets up. He felt exposed as he stood there naked, by himself. Sanji didn't feel comfortable so he quickly opened the door to be faced with clothes. Sanji stood at the door of Zoro closet. The blonde rushes in and starts going through all of Zoro's things, collecting what he needed. It helped that Zoro labeled everything. Even in his kitchen everything, the spices, condiments, the salt and pepper, even the flour is not only put into reusable and easy to use, spill free containers but they were also labeled making it easy for him to cook in Zoro's kitchen. He just thought it was because Zoro needed them to be labeled when he cooks but seeing his closet, it's just Zoro. Who would have thought Zoro would be a clean freak. He thought he had a problem because of how he is with his clothes but maybe not.

After getting some clean underwear, a shirt and pants he goes to the bathroom right across Zoro bedroom. He set his things down then went searching for a towel he could use. It didn't take long, again everything is labeled. With everything gathered Sanji hops in the shower, getting himself washed, fresh for the day. In the silence of washing himself he remembered he still had work. He didn't need to get there till nine. It is a short day for the chef. As Sanji walked out fresh from a warm shower the rest of the room smelled like him, like Zoro. He had to use the marimos stuff since it is the only thing he could use, he didn't know he'd be there otherwise he'd have brought an overnight bag. He got dry and dressed. He looked himself in the mirror. The blonde is shocked. Zoro's shirt fit well enough, it it a little loose but it is a random t-shirt, that's how they are designed. Plus he likes it that way. The pants, sweats actually, are a different story. For the most part it fit, tight around the ankles, loose around the calves and thighs but the waist, it hung a little too low. Showing off most of the top of the underwear. It won't be noticeable with the t-shirt. The shirt covered it for him.

Next is brushing his teeth. The blonde was in the middle of getting an extra one when he notice there were two toothbrushes in the spot holding the tooth brush. Sanji opened the lid holding the toothbrushes in place. Sanji stared at the toothbrush, his toothbrush. Zoro kept it, he didn't throw it away. He forgot he even left it here. Sanji used his toothbrush and as he did he had to wonder why this all felt so natural? Why did it feel comfortable? And familiar?

No he said he wouldn't think about it, at least not now.

After brushing his teeth Sanji went to the kitchen to start breakfast. He made enough for ten knowing after last night's activity the green haired man would be monstrously hungry. Even he felt hungry. Sanji focused on cooking but knew his cheeks are blushed as he remembered the night before. With him and Zoro, together, naked. Or how Zoro's personality changed in the middle. He set up the other side of the counter for them as he heard a loud banging sound so he rush to Zoros room, where the sound came from. He entered to see Zoro on the floor naked with the covers over his body trying to crawl back onto the bed. Sanji is by the other man's side in an instant, seeing the mall struggling. "Here let me help." the blonde helps Zoro back onto the bed. "Are you okay?" he asks. Zoro nods but with an obvious blush but doesn't seem to want to meet the cooks eyes. "What's wrong?" Sanji asks caringly.

Zoro turns his head away. "I can't feel my legs." he answers in a very low tone.

"Oh." Just like the morning after they got married. "Need my help again to get into the bath?" Zoro just nods, to embarrassed to answer. Sanji gets Zoro some clothes and underwear. Gets the bath ready, then helps Zoro get into the bath and helps Zoro wash himself, also helps him get dressed. When that's all done he brings Zoro to the couch. Leaving the marimo there, Sanji reheats their food and joins the other man on the couch, after getting a few bites in Sanji decides to ask the question, "why did you keep my toothbrush?" Zoro gives him a shrug.

"Thought you would have been pissed at me if I did throw it away."

"Thanks. Can I borrow you laundry machine. I have work, and as much as I'm comfortable in this I would rather not show up in this at my restaurant."

"Sure. If you want I'm sure I have a suit somewhere in my closet, you can use it."

"That's fine I have an extra at work just in case. I'll just use that." They finished breakfast, eating every ounce Sanji made. As Sanji washed the dishes he saw Zoro on the couch flicking through the channels. "Don't you have work?" Sanji asks.

"It's my day off. Usually I have the weekends off. But since Usopp was gone and I was doing his work too so I didn't take it. But he's back now so I'm back on schedule." Zoro answers without looking at the blonde. Sanji continued to clean his dishes as he wait for the laundry to finish.


Sanji walked out of his car, in a clean suit, that he had worn the day before, at the restaurant. It's still early, they should all be prepping for the day if everyone got here on time. As he walked in he could hear the sounds of people chopping, straightening the knifes, sharpening them too, deboning the chicken, taking the scales off the fish. Everyone is working like they should be. So Sanji makes his way to his office to change.

The others all stared at him as he walked by. He was wearing the same suit. Sanji never swears the same suit. That and the day before, he left work a lot more happy than he usually does. Plus he never comes in this late. He's not really late, the restaurant isn't opened yet but most of the time he get there before everyone, even though he doesn't need to.

That could only mean one thing, he was with someone and got laid. Which isn't unknown to happen but it doesn't happen often to Sanji.

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