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Sanji and Zoro sat in silence.

What do they do now? Sanji jumped in his skin when his phone buzzed in his pocket. The feeling and sound shocking him after the long silence. He takes his phone out and looks at the screen. It was a text from his friend who house sat for him, he's asking Sanji if he's on his way back home or if he'll be gone another night or day. Sanji has a cat at home and asked his friend to watch her for the two days. He didn't know when he would get home. He looked at the time to see it's late and he's helping Usopp tomorrow along with the catering, the couple hired him, well asked but they are still paying him for his service plus what type of friend would he be if he let them hire someone else, with their expensive garbage.

He has to go back home and he needs to sit on this. His mind is still a little slow with what he just learned. He needs to sleep on it. They both do. Sanji gets up getting Zoro's attention. "I need to get home." Is all he says. Zoro just nods. He couldn't finds words to say, he doesn't even know what to say in this situation. Zoro does get up and follow Sanji to the door. This makes Sanji blush. Like a wife saying goodbye to her working husband. "What?" Sanji asks a little nervous.

"I need to lock the door." Zoro points out looking at the blonde like a weirdo. Sanji blushes deeper in embarrassment. Of course, how can he be an idiot like that? The video has him thinking all kinds of stuff.

There was no goodbye or see you later as Sanji left. Just silence. They had nothing to say to each other or argue about this time. No pointing fingers and no blaming, well besides the alcohol that was the main cause. But they both got drunk. They both said 'I do' at the altar. They have no one to blame but themselves and the alcohol.

Zoro closed the door and went back to making the video. He was distraught, torn between not wanting to know what had happened between them to glad to know what had happened between them.

After Zoro finished he went to bed. What was to come in the future?

In the morning Zoro woke up, took a shower and got ready. He ate a quick morning breakfast then headed out when he got a text from Franky that he was there to pick him up. They were both going to go to help Usopp since they were both chosen as best man. They picked up Usopp and got him to the venue.

As Zoro helped Usopp get dressed and calm his nerves Franky went to get a snack as breakfast for the groom to have so he isn't hungry during the wedding, and from his experience the ceremony is long but the wait is worth it. Zoro would have gone but Usopp and Franky decided against Zoro going anywhere. During Robin and Frankys wedding he was just everywhere. They didn't want to risk it this time.

Sanji was having an even more of a hectic morning. When he woke up he got ready, made himself some breakfast, ate then left to the venue for the reception. As soon as he got there he knew something was off. And he was right. They were behind by at least an hour. He got on an apron, so he wouldn't stink of food, and started to help. As he was doing this he started to investigate what went wrong and why his people were so behind schedule. He learned than not only did one but two of his chefs got sick and couldn't make it so they were trying fill the gap but it was proving to be to much for them. Luckily for them Sanji grew up in this type of atmosphere so he was able to fill in the gap.

As he was finishing up he got a call from some of his chef at the All Blue asking question about what to do. Someone had canceled their reservation but now they want it back. Another customer didn't get there on time and missed their reservation. Or a celebrity just showed up and wanted to dine, trying to cut a load of people who did plan a head and called for a table.

But then Zeff calls in wanting his help so Sanji went quickly to check on the old man. He helped as much as he can before he went back to the venue.

When he got back he was just in time. It was almost time for the ceremony to start. Sanji turned the corner to join the others to walk down the aisle. He heart skipped a beat and felt like it would burst through his chest as he got closer and saw Zoro standing there talking to Chopper and Franky. He was starting to get nervous and he couldn't help his eyes wonder up and down Zoro's body. He didn't know why, maybe it was because he's already seen what underneath all those clothes, but he couldn't help but think Zoro looked nice.

Okay better than nice. He looked amazing. Cleaned up nice. And he seems more talkative for some reason. Sanji doesn't remember him being like that in highschool or was it just his imagination, a preconceived thought?

Sanji joined them, Zoro was busy talking to Franky and Chopper. To busy staring the blonde didn't notice the girls walking up to him. He jumped in his skin when he felt a finger poke him. "Geez who were you staring at?" Nami asks.

"Sorry." Sanji rubs the back of his neck in shyness. "I just can't believe the day for Usopp to get married is here." He covers up the fact he was staring at Zoro.

"Me too! They've been together longer than Robin and Franky and now are getting married." Nami nods.

"I thought they would get married before us, it was a shock when we got married first." Robin says.

They made small talk before the wedding planner, a family friend of Kaya, came out and told them to get ready.

With the doors open they could hear Brook playing the piano. Usopp walked to the altar first. Then Luffy and Nami. After them is Franky and Robin, of course, can't separate the couple. Next is Sanji and Chopper. Last is Zoro and Jinbe. Nami, Robin, Chopper and Zoro all stood on Kaya side while the others stood behind Usopp.

As they all stood there the music changed and Kaya in her wonderfully simple but beautiful dress came walking down with Mary, her butler. Her parents passed away when she was younger but she had Mary and Usopp and his friends to make sure she was never lonely. She also had her school friends, as she didn't go to the same school as Usopp and the others, she also had her distant relatives.

It was beautiful. Kaya with her vows and Usopp with his. Franky, Chopper and Nami were seen shedding some tears, Brook too but no one noticed as he sat at the piano the whole time. It was a small ceremony but not that small. There were a lot of people, mostly Kaya side of the family. Usopp had some too but it was mostly friends he's met. His most important friends standing on the alter with him or at the piano.

The reception was loud and crazy. People were shouting and laughing. Everyone was dancing. It was hectic and wild but it was what they expected, they all warned Kaya that this would happen as she's never really experienced a straw hat involved party.

Sanji had caught Zoro mingling with some people. He was shocked Zoro actually talked, and laughed. Very civil and he couldn't help but stare. Then he was worried. What if Zoro told people about them?

He shook his head. That's not Zoro. He knows the man enough to know he wouldn't blurt something like that. The man is very private.

He's got nothing to worry about.

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