Chapter 12: Ian Finds a Street Fight

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I clench my fists, taking one step towards them, but Anthony stops me with his hand from making anymore. "Hey, can I um, talk to you for a second?" He whispers to me, taking my arm and dragging me to the side. Dammit Anthony I don't have time for this. "Ian, I know what you're thinking. But these guys are double your size. They're double my size. This won't have a pretty outcome, come on, let's just go home..." Anthony tries reasoning with me, sighing in the middle of his sentence, looking at my hopefully. I look at him with the bitchiest face I can muster. "Do I look like I give a shit?" "Well, no, not really," Anthony responds. "Ian, please. I'm begging you, I don't wanna fight." "Fine, then don't. But I fucking will," I reply, sternly, walking back towards them. "What're you two faggots gonna do to us? Use your rainbows?" The shortest one smirks, and they all laugh. "Are you guys like, religious or something? Is that why you don't like two guys together?" "God is fucking gay. All of his fucking angels were dudes, and faggots. That's hella gay," The tallest one scoffs. W-what? That doesn't eve-Doesn't matter. They're gonna use the fucking f-word in front of me? One of the only words that can actually make me cringe? That's it....that's just fucking it. Anthony can see it in my eyes, and he use to tease me about my short temper "A short temper for a short guy," he would always say, before laughing his head off, which made me even more frustrated. But Anthony's too late to stop me this time. I swing at the shortest one, trying to use my height to my advantage. However, his stomach is way past mine, and he tackles my legs, taking me to the ground. I rub my head, ignoring the slight stinging in my legs. Anthony is standing there, almost frozen, not quite sure what to do. Godammit Anthony...I guess I'll just have to fight this by myself. Anthony rolls up his sleeves. "Ian you idiot," Is the last thing he says, before starting to go at the fairly tall man. "Stay away from him, you dick!" Anthony screams at him, punching him square in the face, sending him stumbling backwards. "You ok-" Anthony starts, but is cut off by the short one ramming into him and sending both of them to the ground  That little shit! Okay, maybe this wasn't such a good idea. I roll up my sleeves as well, as we all throw our fists and feet at one another.


How long has it been since we've been fighting? An hour? Two hours? I don't know Probably not even that. This fight seems like its been going on for forever. Hit and dodge, hit and dogde, hit and duck, hit and run, and then start from the beginning. It's as if a record player is on repeat. But what I've discovered about myself is I can dodge pretty well. Fight? Maybe not so much. I can't do that for shit, but I gotta finish what I started you know? Anthony fights really well, but...I don't think he can dodge as well as I can. I'm worried about him. The shorter one tries tackling me to the ground and I jump out of his way. This probably wasn't a good idea, especially for Anthony. I can't see him, but I know he's taking some pretty hard hits. Luckily, he can return. But I don't know how much longer either of us can last... You know what the worst part is? The shortest one isn't even hurt! Like, almost at all! No limps, no bruises, no blood, no harm. Okay, this whole f-word thing has got me to think like a psychopath. "W-we gotta go," Anthony whispers to me, using the softest voice he can just to try and make sure that the rest of them don't hear. I wanna finish what I started...But, Anthony is more logical than me...he has better common sense than me...Yeah, maybe we should go. I continue ducking from each of the hits and jumping away when any of them try to kick me. But that's when, the most unexplainable thing happens. They all stop, dead in their tracks. "Did you hear that...?" The tallest whispers in his rough voice. "We gotta go!" The shortest one exclaims, they all start running off back into the alley way. What? It's not like we scared them off...Wait, I think I hear something. Is that...right? Do I hear p-police sirens?!

(A/N) Sorry, I'm not good at fight scenes. Or chapters. Or writing.

this was so short i know I took forever but fight scenes are hard im really sorry im awful

dammit ian u lil bitch listn to ur boifriend

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