Chapter 18: Ian Finds Frustration

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"Anthony...." "Come on, Ian. We can't just pretend that never happened," Anthony says, taking my hand in his. "B-but..." "Ian, we literally just had sex. Just, at least tell me this..." Oh god..It's gonna be a question. I hate answering questions that I feel awkward about. "Did you enjoy it?"  "W-well-" "Well did you?" Anthony leans towards me a little more, listening very closely to try and hear every word I say. "Don't get me wrong...It was great...amazing actually," I drift off to my own imagination for a few seconds, but then I snap back to reality. Anthony smiles a bit. "Good...good..." "But-" "No...please don't ruin it with a 'bu-" He interrupts me, and I do the same "You know what? Can we just talk about this later?" I interrupt him just like he did to me. "We're going to have to talk about it now or later." "How about later?" At this, Anthony looks up at me with a pleading look. "Or...I guess now," I sit back down on the bed. "Listen, okay, I like you...You should know that by now." "You what?! I would've never expected that! Wow what a great plot twist!" I exclaim sarcastically as we both laugh at this. "Okay, you sarcastic little shit, listen up. Do you like me?" "Noooo, not at all. Why do you think I kissed you? To prove I didn't like you obviously." "Okay, you are very sarcastic today," Anthony continues laughing. "But yes, I do in fact like you." "And I think that despite this whole, patterns thing...We should get together hm?" "I don't know..." I look at the ground. Anthony's somewhat happy expression changes. "Wait, wait, just said you liked me though..." "Yeah...I know that but..." But I have a stupid fucking crescent on my hand and you deserve to be happy with your soulmate. "It just..." "It just what, Ian?" " much as I want it to can't," I say in a voice barely above a whisper in an attempt not to hurt his feelings. "Well why not?" Anthony asks. "Remember Soulism? You have a soulmate out there somewhere out there," I try and explain calmly. "Well I don't care about them, I care about you!" He's not yelling, but he's not exactly whispering either if you know what I mean. "Crushes are stupid to have Anthony. Even you know that," I continue trying to explain to him how this whole Soulism thing works. "Do you think I care? I love you and I don't even give a flying fuck whoever my soulmate is." That's actually really cute, despite the fact that I'm trying to knock some fucking sense into him. "I can see you're angry, but just try and calm do-" I attempt to calm him down a bit, hoping that he'll be rational about this situation. "Calm down...Calm...down?" In between his words, he's chuckling a little bit, almost hysterically. "CALM DOWN?!" Anthony finally cracks. "YOU DON'T HAVE A SINGLE CLUE AS TO HOW MUCH IT HURTS," Anthony yells at me. That was completely uncalled for. I've never seen him yell like that... Okay...that's fucking it. That's the last straw. I don't have a single clue? That's a fucking lie. He's not the one with a fucking crescent on his hand...You know what? I don't have to deal with this fucking shit. With his fucking shit. "Anthony. Trust me, I do. It hurts probably way...way beyond what you feel right now," I grit my teeth as I say each and every one of these words. "And how would you know that, huh?" Anthony crosses his arms. Well then, smart guy. "That's the thing. I don't. I don't know exactly how you feel...but I feel the stinging in my chest anytime I get close to you. I feel the awful pains in my stomach every time anyone mentions the word 'soulmate'." I grab his shirt harshly by the collar. "So don't you dare say that I don't have a clue," I spit back at him, releasing him from my grip. I storm away, my eyes glued to the ground. I don't regret a single word I said. He thinks it hurts for him? It hurts a hell of a lot more for me. Anthony's a douche, but I still love him. Ugh, now I really sound like I'm PMSing even though I don't have a vagina or a uterus. (A/N Ian: Hey guys! I'm bisexual! I love dick and *looks at smudged writing on hand* virginia.)  I hate it when we fight...I really do. But he is stepping way out of line here.  I hear Anthony sigh as I slam my door shut, locking myself inside. "Ah fuck..." I say aloud. I can't believe that happened....I don't remember the last time we fought. I throw on a sweatshirt, curling up in bed afterwards, holding my pillow to my chest. I don't know what to do...what to say...what to think even.

(A/N) oh my god plot twist shattered amongst the stars one holy fuck never saw that coming man oh man what a plot twist

more short chapters for more short people

you know who you are

cough cough fame infamy brotherhood friend cough cough grammar obama cough cough cough cough

oh man my cold is getting worse

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