Chapter 22: Ian Finds A Relationship

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"...Anthony?" That can't be him...I mean, its his car...and it sure as hell looks like him but, why the hell would he be here? He drives the car to the side of the abandoned road and parks it. "Ian! Get in here!" Anthony calls out to me. So it really is him...Thank god...I have so much to tell him. Not to mention this rain is fucking freezing. I dash into his car, still shivering from how long I've been out in the rain. "Ian..." Anthony releases a relieved sigh, pulling my shaking body into a hug. "H-How did you...? Why did you...?" I question, as I relax into his arms. "You weren't answering your phone, so I decided to drive around to see if I could find you and I did." Anthony kisses the top of my head. "Wait, what happened? Why were you walking in the rain?" "In four words? Dead phone, flat tire," I explain, nuzzling into him. "Ah...I see. Anyways, I'm sorry about earlier Ian...," He hugs me tighter, in an attempt to warm me up. "I shouldn't have yelled and I've been thinking about thi-" "I have too Anthony...and if its okay, can I go first?" I question, looking up at him. I've tried saying it in a bunch of different ways, and I should be able to say it now. Okay, just tell him soul mates are stupid..."Go ahead," He urges me on. "Well, Anthony I've been doing a lot of thinking about this whole thing...Soulism, soul mates, all that shit...And the thing is, I really really like you. The thought of anyone else being in a relationship with you hurts me more than it should," I take a deep breath, as Anthony looks down at me. "...I just want you all to myself, you know? I don't care about Soulism, or whoever your soul mate is...I care about you. And if you're still willing to try and make this work, then I'm up for it," I finish, making us both go silent for another few moments. What's he thinking? Maybe this wasn't a good idea...Maybe I should've let him go first. "I was...not expecting that. Well, in that case, come with me." He opens his car door. "Hell no, it's fucking freezing out there!" I exclaim. "C'mon, please let me get my cheesy kiss in the rain moment...pleeeease," He drags out his 'please' for what seems like forever. "Fine..." I huff, crossing my arms and getting out of the car. Just as cold as I remember. Wait...hold on...did he say 'kiss in the rain'? Wait hOLY FUCK. I'M GOING TO DIE. Anthony steps out of the car as well and walks around of it, to get to me. Holy fucking shit he's gonna kiss me. What do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do? Anthony cups my cheeks with his hands, starting to lean in. Holy mother of god I'm so excited and so nervous. I lean in as well, smiling just the slightest. We both lean in and before I know it, our lips are together. I wrap my arms around him, brushing my lips shyly against his.


A few moments of kissing later, Anthony pulls away. "This is such a Notebook moment right here." "Guess so," I respond, a little bit surprised that he would mention a chick flick (he's not really into that stuff, despite being a cheesy dumb ass). "Since we're you know, kissing in the rain and such...I've never actually seen the Notebook. All I know is that two people kiss in the rain dramaticall-" "Anthony," I giggle at his rambling. "Yeah?" "You're such a dork." "Yeah I know," Anthony replies. "Oh shit you're shivering again!" He points out. "Okay, we gotta get you home," He tells me, before we both go back into the car. No shit Sherlock. "I have a coat in the back that you can warm yourself up in for now. Well, a coat that isn't soaking wet," Anthony tells me as I reach for the back seat. I aimlessly move my hand around, hoping to come across the coat. As soon as I feel the coat, I rapidly put it on, putting on my seatbelt.


Anthony parks the car and we both get out. "Want me to carry you?" He questions. "No, I can carry myself..." Frankly, it's sweet of him, and I'm flattered, but I can do simple tasks like walking even though I'm still freezing. I'm not shivering anymore, luckily. However, my heart is still beating rapidly, no matter what I do, and no matter what he does. Anthony doesn't pick me up, but wraps his arm around my now damp shoulders.


He unlocks the apartment door and we both walk in. "I'll get you a towel," Anthony tells me, before running to the bathroom. I can't believe any of this is happening...Anthony and I I guess cheesy speeches aren't too bad.

(A/N) Is that the end? Idk who knows. I might want to write more but I might not. so ye

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