Chapter 28: Ian Finds a Proposal

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We've just been walking around and talking for what seems like hours. Maybe it has been hours. I don't fucking know. "Wanna walk down the boardwalk before we head home?" Anthony suggests, pointing over to it. "Eh," I sigh, gazing at the beautiful night sky. "Come on, it'll be nice," Anthony smiles at me. My eyes graze across the stars. "Ehhh." "Please Ian, there's something I wanna do." "Okay?" I question, raising my eyebrows. Is something wrong? Or did something happen in his family? Or maybe its something he's never told me before...has he been hiding something from me? That would make sense...I mean... Never mind. Anthony takes my hand in his, our fingers intertwining as we walk down the boardwalk. For some reason, I feel a bit off...Anthony feels off. I don't know...something about this routine doesn't feel right. I can't really explain it...I haven't got the words. "How about we rest for a while?" Anthony questions. I definitely need to. I need to figure out what's wrong...Is it me? Am I...nervous? Am I hiding something from myself? No...None of that explains what sort of feeling I have right now. Well...if it's not myself, then maybe it's Anthony...? Possibly? I think I could be on to something...We both sit down on the edge of the boardwalk, dipping our feet into the crisp water. "Today's been fun," I make conversation, trying to think of what isn't quite right. Maybe if we just keep talking I'll figure it out. Anthony nods in agreement, a small smile creeping up the side of his face. "So, Ian..." He begins. "I've been thinking," Anthony states, the moonlight shining down on his face. Ooh, I have something witty to say. "Oh no that's never good..." I tease him. We both let out a quick laugh before it dies out. "Okay, now shut up I have to be a, in your words, a "romantic dumbass"," He chuckles, as I do the same. It's true, he's known for being quite cheesy. "And I was actually thinking about this way before we figured out that we had the same mark on our hand," Anthony continues, tapping his fingers lightly against my hand. Hm...Now I'm really curious. I mean, if he was thinking about it before we even figured out we were soul mates. He must be really serious about it too. Maybe this is what was off. Maybe I've just had a feeling that he's hiding something for me. "Well, you and me," Anthony kicks his legs back and forth a tiny bit. It seems like he's...fidgeting. "We're soul mates...and...I know this may seem a bit too early but...Ian, will you marry me?" Anthony stares at the water, refusing to look into my eyes. ...What? I mean...Wow...Well, I had a strange feeling but...That whole "I don't know what's off" is still there. Maybe he's saying this because he changed his mind about telling me something else? Hm...I'll see. "Anthony, you're funny," I laugh a tiny bit, just to see if he's serious. Anthony doesn't laugh. He keeps a straight and set face, a honest glare in his eyes. "Ian, I'm not kidding." Anthony takes my hand in both of his, looking me straight in the eye. The sincerity in his voice...the way he's holding my hands...he's not kidding. He's actually not kidding. "It's only been a little bit over a year, but we're soul mates Ian." I-I...He takes one of his hands away to cup my cheek sweetly. "What better time than now?" A small smile appears on his face. I smile back. "What do you say?" This isn't right. This whole proposal...Nothing is the same. Nothing feels the way it should. Something still about Anthony. The way he smiles...the way he's he wants to propose here of all places. This can't be real. This just can't! Wait...I think I got it. "Anthony, I love you, I truly do." "I love you t-" My smile fades into a stone cold expression. I know what I need to do. What I have to do. What I have to do to get him back. "No," I interrupt him, making a sharp knife appear in my hands. "I love the real Anthony." I hold the knife steadily, pushing it into his chest. I don't know if this is a dream or a hallucination, but I'm glad I did it. His eyes widen, as he doesn't even trying to stop me. I knew it. This isn't him."Bu-" "And that's why you gotta go."

(A/N) most of you rn: 0_o ????

don't worry it'll all make sense in the next chapter k bye

btw im the master of updating hell ye

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