Chapter 14: Ian Finds A Memory

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I walk past the lockers and start walking towards P.E. (or gym, whatever you call it). I hate this class. I've hated it ever since they found out. Anthony catches up to me, smiling widely at me as an attempt to lift my spirits. He knows that I hate this class, and the people in it. Luckily he's always there...and to stop me from punching them. I have, before. Never got in trouble though. The thing is, when tough kids get punched by a so called "weakling" like me, they're too embarrassed that they don't want anyone to know that it happened. It's a perfect cover up. Anthony walks next to me in silence all the way to P.E.


We both change in the boy's locker room, all the boys staying all staying a safe distance from both of us. They think just because we aren't necessarily "straight", that we're going to just shove our dicks up their asses for no reason. Why do I say this? They told us themselves, and they won't go anywhere near us when any of us are changing. Once I'm changed, I ask Anthony "You almost done?" "Yeah, but you know what, you can wait for me in the gym, I'll be right out. You know how Mr. Burner is," Anthony tells me. Mr. Burner doesn't like us just sitting around in the locker room, and is very strict. "Yeah," I smile. "See you in a sec," I tell him, walking out of the locker room. I walk down the hall and into the gym, my hands shoved in my gym short pockets. Hm, where's Mr. Burner? I look at the bleachers, to see a middle aged lady sitting there. "Excuse me, young man," She starts "Do you know when third hour starts?" She must be a substitute. Right now is third hour. But, I'm gonna use this to my advantage... "It starts in ten minutes," I smile. "I'm just here early." The lady smiles back. "Thank you very much. I suppose I have a bit of time to go to the bathroom then. Excuse me." She gets up and starts walking out of the gym. Wow, I almost feel bad. She seems like a sweet lady. Oh well, worth it. Anthony and I can go and hide out somewhere for a while... I gotta go and tell him. I walk back into the hall when I hear a familiar voice... "Leave me alone..." Anthony sighs. Then a slam of a locker is heard. What's going on in there? I press the side of my head to the wall, trying to listen in. "C'mon you little fag. Your little boyfriend isn't here so you're gonna have to fight me yourself," James (one of the most homophobic people I know) spits at Anthony. Shit, what are they gonna do to him? "I don't wanna fight. Just let me go..." Another slam of a locker is heard. That's it. I gotta go in there. I burst open the door to the locker room. Anthony is being held up against the locker by the most buff guy here (Rich/Richard) whilst the rest of them are laughing and spitting slurs at him. "Hey! Your boyfriend is here to save you! How cute..." He says in a mocking tone, making them all laugh. That's it. Before any of them can say another word, I run into Richard, making him drop Anthony. "Fuck all you guys," I tell them. "Awh, come on, we were just having a little fun..." James laughs. "Fuck you," I repeat, taking Anthony's shoulder and pulling him behind me. I'm fucking ready to go again. I'm gonna rip them all apar-"Ian," Anthony whispers to me "They aren't worth it." He puts a hand in front of me, holding me back. "Please. You can't get suspended again..." Oh yeah, I kinda sorta got suspended for punching someone last trimester. "I guess not," I look down at my feet. "But good luck trying to get them to back of-wait..." Maybe this might work... "You do realize you guys, that the substitute doesn't think class starts until ten after?" "Really?" James asks, disbelievingly. "Go and see for yourself. I mean, how did I get back to the locker room without being yelled at?" "Good on you heCOCKS!" They all laugh, pushing Anthony and I aside to walk out of the locker room, only to go to somewhere of which I have no clue. I sigh, sitting down against the wall. Anthony sits down next to me. "Thanks Ian, for saving my ass...again," Anthony smiles at me, putting an arm around my shoulders. "What kind of a friend would I be if I didn't?" I grin, leaning into him. "Sorry for almost loosing my fucking mind." "But you didn't. Just promise me you won't punch anyone again, okay?" "No promises," I say, cheekily.


Wow. Good thing I didn't keep that promise. If I could of kept it, I would've promised. But I felt like this kind of thing would happen again. Luckily, he didn't get hurt that day... "I'm sorry," I apologize once again. "I really mean it. It was idiotic, just like you said." Anthony gives me a weak smile. "Don't worry about it. Let's just try and not have it happen again."

(A/N) The one that was eliminated was "Alternate Universes"

So, now, here are your choices once again (with a shorter summary for each). You may choose only one that you would like to stay on the list 

1. Heavenly Savior: An entire story about a school for the LGBT community. Includes many gay ships including Ianthony

2. Crossed Between: I don't fucking know how but David and Anthony both get into a fight to the death over Ian. seriously guys its a bit far but i mean its still an interesting story

3. Since we were kids: little gay ian and anthony fall in love when they are lil tiny kids awh

4. Conduits: fame infamy brotherhood motherfuckers (only one of you will get that) Anywho, so its people with powers and ian and anthony kiss kiss fall in love and such 

 5. (This one was the most popular last time) Shattered Amongst the Stars: Ian's a lil book nerd who reads this motherfuckin book with a character named Anthony in it of which comes to life and shit.

Hope this chapter didn't suck. Love you.

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