Chapter 11: Ian Finds a Dramatic Anthony

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"Well that was kinda..." Anthony starts. "Weird..." I finish his sentence, smiling a little bit. "But they were sweet old ladies,"  Anthony tells me, sighing whilst looking up at the cloud-filled sky. "A little...what's the word..." "Senile?" Anthony questions. I nod, as we both chuckle a bit to ourselves. "So, do you wanna start heading back, or resume our leaf fight or....What do you wanna do?" I question, my eyes directing up at his beautiful brown ones. "Welll," Anthony drags out the "L" "I wanna do you," He winks. The fliratious smirk returns. My cheeks go red once again yadda yadda yadda and I push him away from me playfully. "You ain't getting this hot piece of ass!" I respond, hopping out of the pile of leaves. "Awwwh," Anthony pouts, getting out of the leaf pile as well. "How about we start heading home?" "Sure thing."


"Oh shit!" I exclaim, tripping over what seemed to be nothing. I fall onto the ground, scraping my leg on the concrete. Fucking hell that hurt...I move my ankl-"Fuck..." I mumble underneath my breath. A twisted ankle. Fucking great. "Are you okay Ian?" Anthony rushes to my side, sitting on the ground. "Yeah, just a twisted ankle," I roll up my pant leg, to see a small cut on my leg. It's bleeding, but it's very small. "Ian..." Anthony says. "You're hurt..." "Anthony...I'm legitimately fine, it's just a small cut on my leg." Anthony isn't having it though. "Your ankle is twisted! We have to get you back home and get you a bandaid and an ice pack," He tells me, sounding determined, before standing up. Godammit Anthony...always trying to be romantic and shit. Do I mind it? Not really, but he's a little dramatic to be honest. He holds out his hand for me. I hesitantly put my hand in is and ask "W-what are you doi-oH," I cut off my own sentence by letting out a squeak of surprise as he sweeps me off my feet. Literally. (A/N *jacksfilms voice* LEHTURELLY) As in, Anthony swiftly moved his arms underneath me and picked me up. "I'm being your prince in shining armour. Duh," Anthony replies, as if it's an obvious question. Still being dramatic. "So you're gonna carry me all the way home huh?" "Yep!" Anthony exclaims. "Hold on, I don't wanna drop you." I nod, throwing my arms around his neck. I nuzzle my head into his chest and relax.


Now we're downtown. Since it's getting a bit later, not many people are on the streets. Downtown is a very quiet place, not many cars go by but there's a lot of shops. Should I hop down? I think I'll be able to walk now, it should be fine. I mean, we-"Fags," I hear the word hissed from the side, followed by snickering. I turn my head to the side, seeing three men (around the age of twenty to thirty...the ages vary). The one in the far back is slender and tall, smoking a cigarrette. While the closest one is shorter than me, a round face and an intimidating face in general. Despite being shorter, it's obvious that this guy obviously is quite strong. One is in between them, leaning against the brick wall of the alley. He obviously works out...Not in a "hot" way but more of a  "this guy could fuck me up so bad I'd have to go to the hosipital". Don't take that sexually, I'm generally scared of that guy. "What did you say?" Anthony pipes up, setting me down on the ground. "You two are faggggs," The short guy calls out, and they all laugh, starting to walk towards us. "Listen, we don't want any trouble," Anthony says, obviously just wanting to walk away in peace. My blood is boiling, running through my veins at a quicker rate than normal. There's no way in hell I'm letting those guys get away with saying the "f" word. Call me a bitch all you want, but when you insult my sexuality...Then my voice of reason chimes in "Just walk away in peace with Anthony! It's their loss they can't accept gays." Fuck that. I don't know why...but I get a strong urge of confidence run through me. I'm not fucking letting them get away with that.


Things you didn't know about mummy: Every chapter must be at least 749 words or I will flip my shit. If you know me personally then you know this and it's actually quite annoying for other people.

Idk why I wanted to say that. noW YOU KNOW.


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