Chapter 29: Ian Finds A Dream

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I push Anthony into the water, watching his body sink. I breathe heavily. where's the real Anthony? I look around, before looking back at the water. Did I get it wrong? Was that really Anthony? "How did you figure it out?" I hear his familiar voice from behind me. Never mind, I got it right. I turn around. It's Anthony, just as I expected it to be. "Quite simply really," I respond, understanding exactly what's going on. "At the beginning of the day, you woke up before me, and even made breakfast? Anthony in the morning is usually one of the following: Cuddly, grumpy or a strange mixture of both. He rarely wakes up in a really good mood. But you know, I brushed it off." 'Anthony', well, the fake one walks towards me. "Continue...What was the rest of the clues you needed to figure out this is a dream?" "Strange things happened all day. Everything just It was strange. Especially how warm it is outside, despite it being...I don't know...January?! But how I fully figured it out...well, when you were proposing to me...we were on the edge of the boardwalk. We were sitting down in front of water." "Yeah, so?" "That's the thing. Anthony can't swim." (A/N chill it's just for the sake of the story) The fake Anthony "ah"s, resting his chin on his hand like this is the most interesting thing he's ever heard. "He's avoided all sorts of lakes, pools, oceans for the majority of his life. Therefore, this is a dream." "Right you are, Ian. Right you are. But do you know why I'm here?" He picks at my mind, giving me a glare and sly smile that gives me the hint he's up to something. What the fake Anthony is up to is beyond me. I have no clue. "So, you don't know." Wait what? "How do you know what I'm thinking?" His smile fades and he buries his face in his palm. "This is a dream, dumbass. I am a figment of your imagination. I am you." "Oh, right," I chuckle a tiny bit at my idiocy. "Think of me as your left brain. Or...also known as the smart version of you," His smirk appears once again. "Seems like you're the cocky version of me," I retort. "Good one. Anyways, I'm here to tell you to...WAKE UP!" Fake Anthony screams. "Um...?" "HE'LL BE GONE! WAKE THE FUCK UP!"


My bloodshot teary eyes shoot open, and I jump out of my sleeping position, shaking madly. What the fuck just happened? Ugh...I feel like shit. Wait so...all of that was a dream? I'm still sick...I guess the whole Anthony and I having the same mark was just a dream huh...I curl up in a ball, sobbing softly into my knees. "A-Anthony..." I whisper, looking over to my right to see a-...There's nothing there. Nothing but a pillow. Probably in the bathroom or getting a midnight snack. I stand up, taking my blanket with me and wrapping it around myself. "Anthony," I call out into the apartment. Nothing replies. Sleepwalking maybe? I don't know... I walk out of our room, sniffling and wiping away my tears. I walk into the bathroom, turning on the light and, not to mention, blinding myself. "Anthony?" I whisper, looking around. No one's there. Wait, why is there only one toothbrush? I look around the bathroom a little bit more. Now that I mention it...where is all of his stuff? I go back to our room. "Anthony this isn't funny," My voice cracks right in between the word "isn't". I take more careful steps towards our bedroom, turning on the lights. Most of his stuff is gone, except for a t-shirt or two...Did...Did he leave? "Anthony this really isn't funny!" I barely exclaim, clutching the blanket close to my chest. What's that on the night stand? A sticky note?...We don't own any sticky notes. I pick the note up, reading it out loud, silently to myself:

"Dear Ian,

I love you to the moon and back, and that's why I'm doing this.

For your sake.

Don't come looking for me.

But don't forget about me either.

Sincerely, Anthony"

As soon as I finish the note, I hear a barely audible sound of a door shutting. Anthony. That's gotta be Anthony..."Anthony, you assclown, what are you planning on doing!?" I mumble frustratedly and brokenly underneath my breath. Anthony...please don't go. I dash towards the front door, crumpling and throwing the note behind me, along with my blanket. Please don't let it be too late Anthony..."Please don't go." I continue mumbling those words, swinging the door open. Where is he?! I run down the hall, and I run to the bottom of the building, looking for Anthony. I burst through the front door of the apartment building. He can't leave now...He just can't! Out of the corner of my eye, I see Anthony, running through the heavy snow. And just then, I use all the energy I have left to yell those three words that I've had on repeat constantly "Please don't go!"


There's one more chapter don't throw the nearest object across the room.

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