Chapter 21: Ian Finds Difficulty In Speeches

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I ended up staying a bit later at Joven and Laser's for a bit longer than planned. It's like, what, ten-ish? I don't know, but I should probably get going. I mean, I have that whole "confessing my love to Anthony" thing. After a little bit of convincing, I realized that this may be my only chance to have a relationship. I mean, come on, this whole fucking crescent thing is ruining everything. But it won't ruin my relationship with Anthony. I hope. "Hey guys, it's getting late, so I should probably get home," I tell Joven and Laser. "Alright, well, see you later then?" Joven smiles, as we all get off of the couch. "Definitely," I smile back, as he pulls me into a hug. I hug him back, before hugging Lasercorn. "Well, I'll see you," I tell him, grabbing my coat, keys, and phone. I have to do this now...I have to tell him I love him. Tell him that no matter what his mark says, he'll always be my soulmate. Fuck Soulism. 


Why did I think backroads will be a good idea? These roads are so lumpy and-"SHIT!" I exclaim, as my car jumps forward a little bit, bringing it to a stop. Fuck... I take a step out of my car, and into the freezing rain. "Two tires? Two fucking flat tires," I mutter. It's fine...I'll just call someone to come and pick me up. I shake the water off of me, before stepping back into my car. I grab my phone, turning it-wait...its not...turning on. Fuck me...Fucking hell. My phone's dead and my car has two flat tires. I'm still miles away from home...Like I said earlier, why did I think backroads would be a good idea? There's no one I know out here, and I'm too awkward to ask anyone nearby, considering they are strangers. Wow, I'm eighteen years old and I can't fucking ask someone to borrow a phone like an adult should. Never mind that...I'll go to the nearest gas station and use a phone there. The ones that cost 25 cents and such. I'll just go do that. I grab my wallet from my car, getting prepared to go outside into the pouring rain...ugh...


I'm tired. I'm cold. My clothing and hair is soaking wet. My phone's dead. My car has flat tires. "I just wanna go home..." I mumble, crossing my arms in hope of warming myself up. I wouldn't be surprised if I got some sort of cold from out here. Okay, well, no use for moping around. I just have to trudge on. Here, I'll distract myself...Hm...I could think about politics. Nah, too boring. How Joven and Laser are totally banging without telling me? Nah, too obvious. Anthony? I mean, I have a lot of thoughts and feelings and I'm very confused...I'll think about Anthony. What am I gonna say to him when I see him? Maybe it'd help to say it out loud...or anything out loud "Okay, um, Anthony, I know we're not, soul mates but...we are...I mean...Yeah, I'm gonna have to keep working on this." At least it'll distract me from the cold...and the shivering. "Okay, Anthony, I love you, even though we don't have the same pattern thingy..." Doesn't sound right either. "Anthony, this is hard for me to, I can't let him know that its hard to say....The thing is, we should get together and kiss and stuff. Wow, this really needs work.....Anthony, I'm trying to say that, I want to love you too and stuff, fuck Soulism. That all sounds too, you know, sorta like I'm trying to say 'Hey I'm Ian and I'm completely disrespecting your feelings and Soulism at the same time'. Of which I'm not trying to do... Let's try that again. Anthony, I really think that you and me shoul-fuck. Wait, no, wait," I start laughing at myself, realizing what I just said. "Well that too but, you know.  Like I was saying," I clear my throat. "I'm not one for cheesy speechs and stuff, I leave that stuff to you, but...I really think that, well..." I don't know what to say at all. This really, really needs work. Okay, how about I start at the very beginning. How should I start? "Dear Anthony. Nah, too formal. Sup Anthony dude-Why would I ever greet him like that? Antonio...That's not even his name why would I say that. Listen up, Anthony. Sounds too pushy. Hey Anthony...But that's too casual! Ugh, why can't something just pop into my head. I just keep saying Anthony over and over again!" I begin to get frustrated at myself, and start to mock my own words "Anthony, Anthony, Anthony, that's all I ever say these days! Anthony, Anthony, Anthony." Dim headlights come into my point of view "...Anthony?"  

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