Chapter 25: Ian Finds Sickness and Kisses

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I groan, rolling over and taking the covers with me. "Babe, you're taking all the covers," Anthony drags out his words, trying to pull them back. I sniffle, holding the blankets even tighter. Anthony rolls over to my side of the bed and slinks his arms around me, holding me tight. He seems cuddly today, not as grumpy I would say. I sniffle again. Dammit, I have a stuffy nose. Now that I think about throat is really sore as well. For the first time, I cuddle back into Anthony. Usually in the morning I'm too lazy, but I just feel like it right now..."Ian?" Anthony asks, bewildered. "You okay there? Something wrong?" Like I said, I don't usually cuddle him back in the morning. "I'm fine," I respond, groggily. "Nope, nope you're not, tell me you dingus. 'Cause what if I just left someday? What if I just kinda died? What would you do without me? You need to be able to take care of yourself," Anthony states. I sit up, shocked at what he just said. Does he want to leave me? I'm so confused...But there's definitely an uneasiness in my stomach now."Well now I'm not okay...What's with the sudden outburst...?" I mutter, rolling up into a ball and turning towards him. "Are you gonna leave me?" I question, gazing up at him with sad eyes. Anthony gazes back. I really hope not....I couldn't live without him. "No, no, no...Ian..." He holds me tightly. "Sorry for just saying all that, I don't know what I was thinking....It's probably just the morning." I don't believe that... "Anthony? Is something bothering you?" "No, no...don't worry about it and just cuddle with me okay?" Anthony places a kiss on the tip of my nose, before kissing all over my face afterwards, making me smile and feel all lovey and warm inside. I suppose I can put it to the side for now.... I press my lips to his quickly. "You have morning breath so that's all you get for now," I tell him, resting against his chest comfily before sneezing again. "Are you sure you're okay Ian?" "I just wanna sleep..." I respond. "We can talk about this in the morning...." "It is the morning you dingus," Anthony replies. "C'mere, let me feel your forehead," Anthony puts his wrist on my forehead, frowning as soon as he does. "You're burning up..." I groan at his statement. "It was probably the New Year's party...the outdoor New Year's party...the fucking freezing outdoor New Year's party." Anthony chuckles a little bit. Must be cuddly sleepy Anthony today. "I'll get you medicine in a second..." Anthony drifts off a few seconds later. That dork...but seriously...about before...what was all that about? Maybe Anthony was a little bit crabby but then got all soft when he realized I was sick. Hm...I hope so. Otherwise I don't know what I'd do.


I flop down onto the couch, my back facing up. Anthony walks over to me a few moments later. "How you feeling Ian?" Anthony questions, putting his wrist on my forehead. "Awwh babe..." He bites his lip softly, cupping my cheek and gazing down at me. "Anthony?" I place my hand on top of his, sweetly. It's weird, ever since this morning he's been extremely cuddly and lovey. I'm not complaining...he usually is very sweet towards me he's even more so. It's weird, but like I said, I'm not complaining. I love it. "Mhm?" Anthony kneels down, keeping his hand in place. "I love you..." He plants a kiss on the top of my head. "I love you too," I respond, my voice scratchy. "I hope you feel better baby." Anthony kisses all over my face again. "Anthony, not to be mean, and don't get me wrong...but why are you so affectionate today? I'm not complaining or anything, I'm only curious." Anthony takes my hand in his, intertwining our fingers. "I just get worried about you when you're sick is all..." He trails off. "No, no, did that thing." "What thing?" "That thing you do when you're lying. Tell me the truth," I demand, my voice cracking. I think I'm losing my matter. "It's because I love very much...Everything I do is for you, even if it doesn't seem like it. It's for you." Anthony wasn't lying...Holy fuck. That is the sweetest thing he has said in a while. He's incredibly sweet in general, but today he's even sweeter. "Thank you...I really really love you." "I love you more...and before you can say it, I love you most."


We're both laying in bed now, after a long lazy mundane day of sickness. I just hope Anthony doesn't get sick. He has been kissing me non-stop, and now I'm curled up on his bare chest. "Ian, can we talk for a minute?" Anthony breaks the silence, and wakes me up a little more. "Mhm?" What does he wanna talk about? Maybe that weird outburst this morning....Nah, probably not. He seemed like he wanted to drop that. "I feel like...lately...I haven't been so loving towards you, so that's one of the reasons I've been really affectionate today...and I thought I'd let you know that." "I-" "Hold on, I have more to say." I close my mouth. "You've become a huge part of my life...despite what our hands tell us...I truly love you. You deserve the best. Also, you're not allowed to respond to this, you'll ruin your voice." I grin widely, surprised at all the sweet words he just said. Instead of using words as a response, I kiss his cheek as sweetly as I possibly can. "Now you should probably get some sleep, okay baby?" "Mhm..." I hum. "I love you," I whisper, loud enough so he can hear me, but soft enough not to completely ruin my voice. "I love you too."

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