Chapter 1: Ian Finds His Mark

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I'm so fucking close! Two more minutes to go....Only two minutes! My family and I are waiting impatiently in the living room. My hands are almost shaking from excitement."Dear is it there yet?! Lemme see!" My mother runs over to me. I hold my hand close to my chest. "It's not there yet," I chuckle, looking up at her. She goes back to sit down. "Awwh! My little boy's finally gonna be a man!" She squeals in delight. I roll my eyes. Well, I guess I should explain. You see, I live in a world where soul mates exist. Long ago, they didn't. We had to guess and fall in love blindly. That was until a man named Charles Gray created a theory called "Soulism". This theory was revolutionary...and now everyone believes it. When any human being turns eighteen, a small heart appears in the palm of their hand. Inside the heart is a small pattern. That is where Soulism comes into play. Soulism is when you believe that your soulmate has the exact same pattern inside of their hand...and no one else. So far, no one has been able to prove Soulism wrong. Anyone and everyone has found their soulmate through the heart on their hand. No one, and I mean no one, ever since the theory of Soulism, has died alone, without knowing their soulmate. Today is my eighteenth birthday, and currently, I'm waiting for it to appear. Now, you are all caught up. "I'm so excited to meet her!" My mother exclaims with delight. "Or him," My father smiles. As you can probably tell, I'm pansexual. "Doesn't matter, as long as they are my soulmate!" I beam with excitement. My parents have known that I'm pansexual since....well....forever! Almost forever. it was when I was very young though. Ever since I went to school, I developed crushes on boys and girls. I mean, I love guys and girls and anyone within a mile radius can see the rainbows I am embracing. "Is it there yet?" My mom asks me. "I can barely contain my excitement!" "Honey, calm down," My dad places a hand on her knee, patting it soothingly. "It's alright, I'm just about as excited as you two are!" I beam, still staring at my hand. "Thirty more seconds dear!" My mother exclaims, squealing happily. I direct my eyes back towards the clock, and back at my hand, then at the clock, then at my hand. I continue doing this until there's only five seconds left! 5,4,3,2,1. At that moment, it forms. Little tiny lines fade onto my hand. They bend and swirl around my hand into...well, it's still forming so, I don't know. The entire transformation is actually quite beautiful. Although, I did hear that the design appears first...maybe it's different for everyone. Who knows? This is the first and last time a heart will appear on my hand. The lines all transform into a small crescent and the color fades in, filling the shape...and then it stops. "Well? Is it there?" No heart...maybe it's not done yet? A minute of silence passes, and my face turns pale. It's not a heart. You look a bit worried dear..." "! Nothing is wrong!" I stammer out. I plaster on a smile, shoving my hand into my pocket and crossing my fingers. "Everything is completely fine!" "Well? Can we see it?" My mother asks impatiently. "I....I um...No!" "No?" "Yeah, I just think that the only person who should see it is my soulmate! Sorry gotta go," I start rushing upstairs. " seem a bit off today." "M-maybe I'm getting sick." "Awh should probably go and lye down." I nod quickly and run upstairs, int o my room. I shutt he door behind me before directing my eyes towards my hand again. I still don't quite understand. It's suppose to be a heart....what does that mean? Maybe...maybe that means...I don't have a soulmate. I mean, I've never heard of anything like it. Ever. What the hell does it fucking mean!? I feel my stomach churn and twist in so many ways that I never would have even thought possible...Maybe I should just bring it to my only and best friend...Anthony Padilla.

(A/N) SURPRISE SURPRISE IT'S PATTERNS. Who would have ever thought?! My sarcasm tho. Anyways, I love this idea as well, but I have no idea where I'm gonna go with it (because truth be told, I came up with all the other plot lines for all the other ideas but this one, BUT WHO CARES ITS GONNA BE IMPROVISED (did you know that High School was improvised as well?))ANYWHO I'M FUCKING EXCITED, LET'S DO THIS SHIT.

I'm back on Wattpad now! HAPPY TIMES (Hopefully) DID YA MISS ME?

Everyone who ever lived: No

Me: OH. WELL FUCK ME OVER SIDEWAYS YOU THINK I CARE (then you're right ;-; )


I've had a lot of free time at school lately so I've been writing fanfiction but shhhh, don't tell anyone.

So yeah! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if not criticism please? Thanks! Have fun my mummies. BYE

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