Chapter 24: Ian Finds a Christmas Party

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The party is going on right now. Christmas music, ugly ass sweaters, cookies (that someone else brought...obviously Anthony and I can't cook for shit), and laughter and conversation fills the room. Anthony takes my hand, tugging on it. I know what that means. It's our signal to tell them all Anthony and I move aside from the big crowd into our hallway. "You ready to tell them?" He questions. I shake my head. I don't wanna tell them...Well, I do...But I don't wanna see their reactions. We have different marks after all. I mean, if he had a crescent on his hand he would tell me. How is everyone going to react to us having different marks on our hands? I have no clue. "Not at all," I finally speak, hugging him. Anthony hugs me back. "I'm sure it'll be fine. No need to be nervous." Bullshit. He's probably nervous too. "Well, if our friends really care about us then they're just gonna have to accept it." I suppose so... Anthony kisses my forehead, before taking my hand once again and dragging me along. He grabs a glass and a fork, hitting the fork against the glass to grab everyone's attention. After a few moments or so, everyone's quieted down. "Hey everyone, thanks for coming and such," Anthony begins. He clears his throat, obviously nervously. "Well, me and Ian-actually, Ian and I have been meaning to tell you all something." Everyone waits in anticipation. "We're...well, in a..." He stops, looking down at his hands nervously. Lasercorn gives me a thumbs up from the crowd, knowing that I probably needed it. I guess I'll have to help him out here. "We're in a relationship," I finish for him, also looking down at my hands. Oh god...what are they gonna say? What are they gonna think? All of my questions are answered as soon as everyone sighs in unison "Finally."


Wow...that went much better than expected. The whole party was just a blast. Everyone congratulated us, shaking our hands and giving us hugs. It was wonderful. But now everyone's gone, leaving us with about a few dozen cookies that no one ate. But, to be honest, they'll probably be gone by tomorrow. Considering that Anthony and I are cuddling on the couch and eating them right now. "Anthonyyy," I whine just like a child would. "Whaaaaat?" He whines back, mocking my tone. "You got cookie crumbs on my shoulder you ass," I complain, purposely brushing them back onto Anthony. Anthony pouts cutely. Awwwwh, that little dork. He stops pouting, and a "I forgot about something but I just remembered what it is" expression appears on his face. "Wait, wait, wait, we forgot to put up the best decoration!" Anthony scurries out of our little spooning session and into the closet in the hallway whilst muttering things like "Fuck, shit, fuuuuuuck!" I sit up, brushing all the rest of the crumbs he got on me accidentally. "Anthony," I whine once again, sitting impatiently. "Hurry up, I'm getting cold." His arms were the thing keeping me warm... Anthony comes back in the room, his hands behind his back. Probably hiding something..."Anthony, whatcha doing there?" I question, hopping off of the couch and sauntering over to him. Anthony pulls out his hand, revealing none other than....mistletoe. That fucking cute cheesy fucking dork. He holds it above his head. "You're so cheesy it's funny," I say. Anthony pouts, looking me straight in the eye. "Anthony..." He continues pouting. "You're cute but it's not gonna work." Then he starts giving me puppy dog eyes, making his face look even cuter. At this rate I'll give in any second. He's just so goddamn cute! "Anthony, it's not gonna work!" I exclaim. Anthony looks down at the ground disappointedly. I sigh, giving in and pressing my lips to his. "You're lucky you're cute," I whisper into the kiss. Anthony excitedly kisses me back, wrapping his arms around me lovingly. "Funny you say that," Anthony responds. "I was gonna say the same thing to you."

(A/N) "mummy wtf is taking so long w/ these chapters they aren't even that long you fuckwad dick stick"

sorrysorrysorry i've been busy with my musical, but that just finished.

anywho, what's been going on in my life you may ask?

1. i now have a crush on my closest friend at my school (even though i still have a bf and i feel awful about it)

2. i was in a musical doothingy (seussical)

3. i almost did a bad thingy but i didnt


el fin

"no one cares mummy"

fuck off

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