Chapter 7: Ian Finds A Movie

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I look down at my hand, shocked. (A/N 7 words in and I've already made a pun) Anthony does the same, before looking up at me. "What....what was that?" He asks, cocking up an eyebrow. "I don't know..." I reply, honestly. "Maybe...maybe it was the um...heart." "T-the heart," Anthony replies, hesitantly. "Maybe...since we're not soulmates and we kisse-" "Who says we're not soulmates?" Anthony questions me, hopefully. "W-well...Just a hunch." "Oh. Okay..." Anthony trails off. "Maybe the universe didn't like that we kissed or some shit like that. I don't know..." "Can I ask you one thing though?" Anthony asks me, his face serious and his eyes full of determination. "Go for it." "Well, it's actually like two things." "Fire away." " have a heart on your hand right?" He asks. "Of course," I spit out. Lies. "" Anthony directs his eyes anywhere but my own. "Did you...enjoy the kiss?" "Doesn't matter," I blurt out. "You have your soulmate out there somewhere." "And so do you," Anthony keeps his eyes glued to the ground. "" I shuffle my feet, trying to think of something to say. This whole time....Anthony was flirting with me, wasn't he? I don't know what to think. Crushes are stupid to have Ian...Crushes are stupid! I try and convince myself. To be honest, they are pretty stupid. No wonder they call them stupid...they crush your heart.  "I'm gonna go to my room real quick and about we watch some movies?" "No, no, no. Take your time," Anthony sighs. "But sure, I'm down for a few movies," Anthony smiles at me...kind of...what's the word? Broken. Broken fits it perfectly. Somethings bothering him today...Whatever. I'll deal with that later. Right now, I'm going to focus on what the fucking hell just happened. I need to look it up. Google sounds good. I walk into my room and sit down at my desk, starting up my computer. As soon as it opens, I open google and type in quickly "Crescent Soulism spark". Nothing shows up. about... "Crescent Soulism". Nothing shows up as well. "Moon Soulism." Not a single link. I sigh, and lean back into the chair. This is weird as fuck. I don't even know what just happened back there. It hurt like fucking hell though. I'm not gonna focus on that. I'm just gonna go and watch some movies with Anthony. That'll soothe my worries for a little while at least. I push back from my desk and get up, starting to walk back to the living room. Anthony is already sitting on the couch, a pile of movies sitting next to him. He looks still sort of sad. It's hard to explain...but it's depressing for me. (A/N Before y'all get butthurt, look up 'depressing' in the dictionary. I understand depression is a real mental disorder, but depressing does not necessarily mean depression. You may continue) "I picked out some movies, hope you don't mind..." "Not at all. Thanks buddy," I smile softly at him, looking through the movies. I pop one of them into the DVD player and I start the movie. Anthony moves over, so there's room for me on the couch. I lean against the back of the couch, trying to calm myself down from earlier. It was just a little spark...It's scaring me but that's okay. That's completely fine. It was a one time thing. But still...what's between's more than a best friendship. But it's less than a relationship. It's confusing me. Right now though, I should focus on the task at hand. I need to solve this awkwardness between us. it's unbearable, and we're around each other 24/7. I lean into him, making him jump a little, but then I feel his muscles relax. "Can we just pretend that whole thing never happened?" I question. His muscles tense again. "Yes," He responds. They relax as he wraps his arm around me, pulling me closer. I curl up into a ball, still resting against his chest. My cheeks turn a slight tinge of pink. I...I can feel my all of the avove. I don't understand. How can Anthony, of all people, make my heart race like this? What if...what if he's my soulmate...but I'm not his? Maybe that's what the crescent means. I have no absolute idea that isn't preposterous. All I know is that Anthony makes my heart pound like a drum. Well, it's not as harsh as that. It's more of a fluttering feeling. In my chest....and I can't explain it. For now, I guess I'll just focus on the movie.


That happened


it my birthday


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