Chapter 5: Ian Finds Some Board Games

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I press my forehead to the cold glass. It's been freezing outside lately. Well, as freezing as California can get anyways. I'm still curious as to what happened back there. Anthony seemed kind of...angry. Angry is putting it lightly, and it's quite general. Frustrated? Infuriated? Something along those lines. Even now...he has this look in his eye. I direct my attention over in his general direction. That look. It's kinda blank. Determined maybe? It's hard to tell. it about earlier? Maybe...maybe....just maybe he was flirting with me. Maybe he's frustrated because I won't flirt back. Should I flirst back? Maybe he's mad about something else. Wait! Maybe he's frustrated because how Laser and Joven wouldn't stop teasing us about "being a couple". I don't know...and I really don't like not knowing. But you know what? I'm not gonna let that bring me down. The crescent and Anthony's frustration are just minor obstacales. I will make sure that my birthday doesn't suck. Besides, those are the only two bad things that have happened today! My mom and dad made me this awesome birthday breakfast, Anthony made me a cake, I just went out to lunch with Laser, Anthony and Joven. Wow, food truly makes me happy. (A/N I relate way too much to this) But I'm planning on making this a good birthday. So what now? I don't know. For now I'll just enjoy this comfortable silence. Well, it's somewhat uneasy but that's okay. Like I said, I'm not letting any of those obstacles ruin my birthday.


"What do you suppose we should do now?" Anthony questions me. I think for a moment. What can we do? Maybe movies? No. We save those for the end of the day. It's still around noon. Maybe video games? Nah, I don't feel like it. Maybe normal board games? That doesn't sound too bad actually....Hmm...what game do I always win? Wait! I know exactly which one! "Monopoly!" I exclaim, rushing to the closet to look for it. "Awh, c'mon. Any other board game. Please?" Anthony pleads, tugging on my shirt lightly. "You always beat me at Monopoly!" "That's the reason I chose Monopoly! That's the whole point you dumb ass!" I answer, taking the box over to the table, opening it and sitting down. "Fine, fine. But I swear, if you beat me then I will flip the board," Anthony tells me, crossing his arms. I open up the board and start setting up. Anthony sits down across from me before picking the car. I pick the top hat. "Fine by me. I'll still have the satisfaction of winning," I respond, starting to hand out the Monopoly money.


He rolls the dice and lands on "Boardwalk" which I put a hotel on. "Two-thousand bucks. Pay up," I snicker. Anthony all together only has two hundred and something left. That's it! I win! Sweet. It only took two hours. Usually it takes us much longer. Sometimes even days. But no matter how long it takes us, I always win. Anthony takes the board in hand. "Wha-what are you doi-" He flips the board, making all the Monopoly pieces fly everywhere. He kept his promise I guess. "I'm done! Fuck you and your goddamn boardwalk!" Anthony stands up. I continue laughing so much it hurts. Like, holding your stomach and laying on the floor, laughing. Anthony pouts and crosses his arms. "You win...." He grumbles. "Guess so," I beam, standing up and my laughter slowing down. My laughter finally dies out. "Birthday boy wins once again," I say, making Anthony uncross his arms. "Sore loser," I mumble, slightly pushing him. Anthony can't help but smile for some reason. "It's your're eighteen now..." Anthony says, staring off into space. "Well, yeah," I respond, shuffling my feet a bit. That was out of the blue. Anthony takes a few steps closer to me, our eyes locking on each other's. "Ian, Ian, Ian..." Anthony chuckles, before snaking his arms around my waist and pulling me close. "You managed to survive eighteen years with your clumsy ass. Congratulations," Anthony laughs. I can't help but crack a smile and laugh a tiny bit as well. "I'm proud of you..." Anthony mumbles against the top of my head, sincerely. " are?" "Well of course! Who wouldn't be proud of friend?" Anthony chuckles, pressing a kiss to my head. I wrap my arms around Anthony as well, resting comfortably against him. Remember Ian...crushes are stupid. This is just being friendly. But...I'll enjoy it while I can. Speaking of's my birthday. I have one birthday wish and I'm gonna get it this year. I'm gonna do it. I mean, what do I have to lose? It's my birthday...and I plan to enjoy it as best as I can. "Hey Anthony?" "Mhm?" "Can" and I asked him as quickly as my lips will allow. Now I wait for an answer.

(A/N) (he's talkin 'bout da frick frack) nah not really but wouldn't that be kinda weird.

"HEY BUDDY!" "HEY BUDDY! Since it's my birthday and all and you're my best friend I think we should have SEX"

Guess it's not that weird.

Well kinda

however, it's not my style either way.

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