Chapter 13: Ian Finds an Injured Anthony

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Fuck, um what do we do? "Anthony we gotta go," I turn towards him. He's on the ground, getting up slowly with bloody hands and knees. Shit...Anthony looks really hurt. A wave of guilt hits me, but I block it out completely. "Anthony," I take his elbow gently, helping him up. "I know it probably hurts but we should get out of here," I say, knowing that the police can't see us in this state. Anthony nods, understandingly, starting to walk away with me.


We spent a while getting back to our apartment, hoping that Anthony doesn't bleed to death. (That's an exaggeration). I open the door to our apartment and help Anthony his room. "People like that give me a headache," I sigh, leaving Anthony sitting on the bed. "They treated us like garbage! As if being bisexual, and in your case, homosexual, is a bad thing! I don't understand it!" I exclaim, my hands clenched so tight that they're starting to turn white. "We almost had them! I feel like we were getting there, like we were getting close," I clench my fists, steam whistling from my ears. "If it weren't for those damn co-" "Go," Anthony whispers. "What was that?" I ask, wondering what he means. "Go outside of the room, and once you're calm, then come back in here." I look at him, then look back at the door. "Fine, I'll be back though," I tell him, walking out the door. 


I take a deep breath, running my fingers through my hair. I think I'm calmed down now. Shit, Anthony...It's all my fault. I shouldn't of picked a fight with those guys... I walk back into the room, shuffling my feet nervously and ready to apologize. I mean, I shouldn't have done it. It was straight ou- "What you did was really stupid Ian," Anthony tells me, harshly, almost angrily. "Listen, I kno-" "Like seriously, those guys were way tougher and way older than us! What in the world were you thinking?!" He exclaims at me. Anthony breaths a little bit heavier now, a bit worked up over this. I sit down next to him, putting an arm around him. "I didn't try to get you hurt," I tell him, using the most apologetic voice I have. "I'm really sorry, I didn't think it was gonna end up like this..." Anthony lets out a frustrated huff of breath out. I look up at him, realizing he's still bleeding, and hurt. Shit! Fucking hell Ian, what a great friend you fucking are! "I'm gonna go and get an ice pack, I'll come back in when you're calmed down," I joke, not daring to push him playfully, just in case if it were to actually harm him. I stand up and grab an ice pack, a wet towel, and some bandages as well, coming back in less than thirty seconds. He's still sitting on the bed, his shoulders hunched over, and his hand pressed to his forehead on where he's bleeding. I gulp guiltily, looking at my feet as I walk back over to him shamefully. Anthony looks up at me as I sit down next to him again. "Face me," I tell him, turning to face him, as he does the same, crossing his legs. "Open up and say 'Ahhh'," I say, mocking a dentist's tone. (A/N SAY AHHHH. SAY AHHHH. SAY AHHHHHHH. sorry i recently saw little shop of horrors (my sister was in it) and omg that song) Anthony does as I say. I look around his mouth, looking for any loose teeth or blood. "You aren't missing any teeth so that's a good sign," I chuckle weakly. He does the same, closing his mouth. I pull away his hand gently from his forehead, looking at the wound. I take the wet towel and dab away the blood, making him wince in pain. "I know it hurts, but after this, ice cream! Ice cream always helps," I say, trying to lighten the mood. Anthony cracks a small smile as I finish dabbing at his forehead, grabbing the bandage. I put it on the wound as carefully as I can. Afterwards, I press my lips to his forehead (it's another way of apologizing to us). Bruises are forming on his face, and on his arms. My smile fades, realizing how bad of an idea it was to get into that fight. I keep saying that...but it really was. You know what it reminds me of? Our teenager years. I just remember what it was like in high school...

(A/N) another short chapter for all of you short people


I decided to do an ellimination type thing. I know that Patterns isn't ending soon but I've gotten a lot of ideas since we have last spoken. So, just tell me which one of the stories below you would prefer for me to take off of the list. (For now anyways. All the stories I put below I would eventually like to write, I just don't know which one) 

* = There might be descisions that I just can't make myself so you get to decide them

** = Could be interactive I guess

*** = Interactive 

! = One I've worked on the most

+ = Please don't take this one out it's my favorite one ( i  mean its your desicion but still i really like this one)

! "Heavenly Savior" It's about a school for people who have been kicked out of their homes for their sexuality. Asexual, Pansexual, Bisexual, Homosexual... if you're kicked out, then you are welcome here. They provide everything you need (need, not want). So, 16 year old Ian Andrew Hecox has just been kicked out of his parent's house for being homosexual. His best friend Mari (who is also homosexual) goes to this school and tells Ian about it. After that, things go uphill and downhill and uphill again when Ian joins the school. (Warning: LOTS OF GAY SHIPS WILL BE INVOLVED IF YOU LIKE IT OR NOT)

*** “Crossed Between” This story would be about Ian Andrew Hecox. He falls in love with both David (Lasercorn) and Anthony.  David and Anthony are both in relationships with Ian, of which they are aware of both relationships that Ian has. Unfortunately, it gets out of hand and David and Anthony get in a competition to kill each other.

“Since We Were Kids” This is a story of where Ian and Anthony fall in love as little kids. They’re told that loving other guys is wrong but they continue to be cute little dorks. 

***“Conduits” For those of you who have played Infamous Second Son, the idea is fairly simple to you. There’s these group of people called “conduits”/“bio-terrorists” who basically have powers linked to a certain material (For example: Neon, smoke, video, paper, glass, etc…) I haven’t put much thought into this one due to it being interactive, and Ian and Anthony will be based on what you want them to be and shit. They kiss kiss fall in love in the end eventually. Not much of a spoiler you fuckwad

*** “Alternate Universes” Anthony Padilla, once visited by a strange girl who claims to be from the future, has to go back and forth between universes to try and arrange what has been fucked up. El fin

+ "Shattered Amongst the Stars"/"Shattered Amongst Time" Idk yet which one, probably the first one because it would make the most sense. I properly wrote a summary for this one you dipshits: Ian had always been a fan of reading. Sure, he got bullied in school for it, but now he's living a good life as a humble librarian. Once the library is closing, he finds himself reading his favorite fantasy book "Shattered Amongst the Stars". It's all about his favorite character, Anthony, who is described as the dreamiest fictional character who has to go through hardships to try and mend the broken mirror of dimensions. It sounded stupid and childish to others, but to Ian? It was the best book he had ever read, and he keeps reading it. But, sadly, the last ten pages of his book are missing. Ian has never in his life gotten to read the conclusion, but he dealt with it as he read on. This night, as he's just finishing up, he heard a whisper in the wind. "Come to me..." It hissed. Ian shivered, and went to go and follow the voice. It was the best and worst mistake he had ever made

and yeah bye

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