Chapter 15: Ian Finds More Flirting

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Once Anthony is all cleaned up, I smile at him and put away the now semi damp towel, throwing away the bandage wrappers afterwards. "How do you feel?" I ask him, kissing each and every one of his bandages to show I am truly sorry. "It's just a little sore now, but I'll be fine." I almost burst out laughing at this. "Anthony. We both know that your pain tolerance isn't exactly high. And we both know that you're bullshitting me. You don't need to act tough all the time. I mean, yeah, you told me that you're a top and such...speaking of which, why did you tell me that out of the blue? How did our conversatio-Nevermind. Like I was saying, even though you're a top...that doesn't mean that you need to act like you're this big macho-" "Ian, you're rambling again." "Oops...sorry about that," I chuckle a little bit sheepishly. "But I guess you're right. It hurts like hell, but that doesn't mean I can't try and be happy right?" He gives me a soft smile. "As long as it isn't fake, then it's fine." Anthony starts getting off of the bed. "Woah, woah, nonononono. What are you doing?" I gently pull him back on the bed. "Hey, you promised me ice cream. I intend to get that ice cream," Anthony continues getting off the bed, but does it in the clumsiest way that you can tell he's injured still. "No, no, no. You stay here and heal. I get the ice cream. You, stay. I, go. Get it?" "Yeah," He groans. "Got it?" "Mhm," He hums, agreeingly. "Good. I'll be back after Leo Dicaprio wins an oscar." "Dammit, I'll never get my ice cream." At this we both laugh, as I walk out of the room to get us both the most delicious sundaes we will ever have


I come back with two bowls full of ice cream, sprinkles, marshmallows, and everything sugary we have in the house. It's sort of a tradition we have. We basically just pile everything sugary into one bowl with a base of ice cream. (A/N True story, this is actually my tradition whenever someone stays over at my house and we decide to have ice cream. Unless there isn't any sprinkles. Okay moving on from mummy's life stories) Anthony gives me a wide grin, sitting against the back of the bed. "Thank youuuu," He sings happily, holding out his hands. "Yeah, yeah," I can't help but smile a little bit as I say this, sitting down next to him and giving him his bowl of ice cream. Anthony takes a big bite of his ice cream, smiling even wider (if even possible) after doing so. 


We continue eating our ice cream, without any talking. But its comfortable silence. I'm almost done with my ice cream, but dunno about Anthony. Haven't really been focusing on that. "Need anything else?" I ask him. "Hm," He looks into my bowl. "Dammit, you're almost finished with your ice cream." "Yeah? So...? What does that have to do with anything?" I question, curiously raising an eyebrow at him. "Sooo, that means I can't lick any ice cream off your body," He says this so casually, as if this sort of thing happens everyday. My cheeks turn a bright pink, the color slowly spreading all over my face. "W-why would you wanna do that?" I stutter, refusing to look into his eyes. Anthony shrugs. "Might make the ice cream taste better," He tells me, licking his spoon, showing that he has finished his ice cream. Okay, I'm officially dead. Lord take me I don't deserve this. Holy fuck. I'm 99.9% sure now that he's flirting with me...and holy shit is it hot. Just fuck me up. Speaking of that...I wonder-"You wouldn't mind that would you...?" He questions, looking at me with a sly smirk playing on his lips. I don't know what to do...I don't know what to say! Um...Ummmm. I make a slight squeal-ish type whimper sound, that I can only describe as the most feminine sound I've ever made. Anthony's smirk only grows. "I guess you wouldn't mind." Is he just trying to toy with me here? Maybe he's just trying to get me to confess....No. You know what? If he's doing that...then I won't let him win. Anthony Padilla will not make a fool of me, no matter how fucking hot or sly he is big his dick i-"Earth to Ian? You've been spacing out a lot lately." "I wonder why," I mumble, sarcastically as I eat the last bit of my ice cream. "What was that? I didn't hear you." Are we just gonna pretend what he just said didn't happen? I don't know anymore...Everything is so confusing now-a-days.

(A/N) sooooo that happened.

what did we learn today kids?

"That mummy really likes bottom!Ian and she likes it so much that she can't do as much but make Anthony a bottom in one story even though she feels like they're both versa irl"

i taught you well my children


heavenly savior was eliminated but i think I might write it whilst another story is going on because I already have ten chapters done for it because I have a lot of ideas for the story whoops

1. Crossed Between: Anthony and lasercorn try and kill each other and shit

2. Since We Were Kids: Gay lil fucks fall in love and shit

3. Conduits: powers and shit

4. Shattered Amongst The Stars: books and shit

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