Chapter 20: Ian Finds Comfort in Friends

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This entire situation is just so difficult, I just feel like being comforted...How about Anthon-Oh right...I almost forgot. Wow Ian. Hm...maybe a different friend...Kathy? Nah, she's a little too nutty, I don't trust her advice to be honest. Hmmm, wait! Aha! Joven and Laser! I trust them more than anyone! Well, besides Anthon-Nevermind, let's not focus on him right now. I hear footsteps, then a turning of a knob...then water pouring. He must be taking a shower. That's it, I'm gonna go over to Joven and Laser's place. I throw on some clothing, and start walking towards the front door of the apartment. "Anthony I'm...going out. Don't wait up," I call out ot him, making sure I have my keys and my phone in my pocket. "Sure thing....I'll be waiting here," Anthony calls back from the bathroom as I walk out the door. 


I finally arrive at Lasercorn and Joven's place. I knock on their door. A few moments pass before Joven opens the door in sweatpants and a t-shirt. "Hey Ian," He yawns. "Sorry, I just took a nap, so I'm still a bit tired." "Oh, I can come back late-" "No, no, come in, come in," Joven steps aside so I can step inside. "Thanks," I give him a soft smile, walking in. As I do, Joven looks at me up and down, curiously. "Laser come out here!" Joven calls out. "Something wrong?" He asks me, as he closes the door. I give him a slight nod. That is a good question...Is something necessarily wrong? Is this all something that's just "wrong"? "I dunno, I just kinda need to be around friends right now," I respond, honestly. Joven leads me over to the couch, as Lasercorn emerges from his room. "Sohinki's out right now, getting groceries...I was suppose to tell you that half an hour ago. Oops," Lasercorn tells Joven, a slight smile on his face. "Ian?" He directs his eyes over towards me, narrowing them then widening. Laser rushes over to Joven and whispers something in his ear. They continue whispering for a few moment, and all I hear from it is "I know, it's kinda..." and then something else I couldn't hear. "Hey, you guys. I'm still here," I draw them away from their conversation. They both stop whispering, and sit on the couch, looking at me like concerned parents. "Is something up with you guys?" I laugh only out of nervousness. "Ian...not to be rude but..." Laser starts. "Why isn't Anthony here? You guys go everywhere together," Joven finishes, resting his elbow on his knee, and his chin on his hand. I sigh, looking down at the ground. "Okay, something's wrong. Come on, sit down," Joven says, as Laser and Joven make room in between them for me. I go and sit down in between them. "Tell us everything, okay?" I once again, give a slight nod and begin "Well, I'll start from the beginning then. But just...don't freak out." They both start listening even closer than before. "So, a few days ago was my birthday. My eighteenth, to be I got my mark on my hand." "And you had the same pattern as Anthony!" Joven blurts out. "Then you guys felt really awkward about it and now you're coming to us!" Laser finishes, excitedly. I give them the bitchyest face I can pull. "Okay, 'not to be rude' but please shut the fuck up and let me finish." Their smiles drop and they both look at me understandingly once again. "I um...It's not exactly a heart..." I hold out my hand, showing my crescent. Joven gasps, and Laser only stares at it. "Oh wow..." "Yeah, so um, that happened. And I don't know what it means. Maybe someone else has a crescent, maybe I'm just destined to die alone...I don't know. Anyways, so on my birthday, I don't know what happened. Anthony and I were joking around like we always do and before I know it, I'm pinned to the couch and we kiss each other." Joven flaps his hands around like a seal, which is his way of fangirling. Laser just smiles widely, probably screaming on the inside. ", then, ever since then, he's been flirting with me, so I took it as a challenge and flirted back. We kissed again, our hands touched, and this sort of, spark happened. Like a legit spark. It hurt like hell. I don't know what the hell it was, but it was painful." "Ever look it up online?" Joven questions. "More times than I can count. Like I was saying, so that happened, and all we've been doing is flirting flirting flirting...Then next thing you know? I got laid." "Awh dude nice!" Lasercorn goes for a high five. "Please hold all questions and comments until the end because I don't know how I feel about it yet." "Okay, okay. But at least tell me this, was it good?" "It was amazing," I say quickly, just to get the question out of the way. "Wonderful, spectacular, okay on with my story now. So, that happened. And, the thing is... after that, we both kinda felt a bit awkward, because both of us needed to talk about what would happen between us. So, one thing led to another and...well, we both want to be in a relationship but I don't know if i should due to this stupid crescent thing. I mean, I've never seen anything like it and...Well, I tried telling him that crushes are stupid to have, well, something along those lines anyways. One thing led to another and we were fighting. He told me that he didn't care whether we had soulmates or not, but I refused...Because I mean, no one's ever proved Soulism wrong before..." My eyes are glossy at this point, and I honestly feel like crying just talking about all this. But I'm strong, I won't cry. "I just...I don't know what to do. We've never fought like this." I bury my face into my hands. "I don't just wanna ruin our friendship and take his soulmate away from him. But I love him, and he loves me and...I don't know...I honestly don't have a clue of what to do." Joven and Laser sit there for a moment, trying to process all that I've just said. I don't blame them though. I mean, I've had time to process this all through my head. But them? They've only had like, seven minutes, tops. "Well...I mean, if you love him, and he loves you. I say go for it," Joven finally breaks the somewhat uneasy silence. "I'm gonna have to go with Anthony on this one too dude," Lasercorn wraps an arm around my shoulders in an attempt to comfort me. "It's obvious you two love eachother. Sure, you may have a moon thing on your hand but...maybe, this is the first time Soulism doesn't apply." Maybe he's right...

(A/N) holy fuck

thank you for all the reads

holy shit when did this happen


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