Chapter 17: Ian Finds A Note

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What am I doing...Seriously, what the hell am I doing? Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining...well I mean I really enjoy it...his lips pressed against mine...fitting like they shoul-Focus Ian. Focus. I push myself away from him with my hands. He looks up at me a bit worriedly. "What's up? Did I do something wrong?" Anthony cups my cheek, stroking it lightly and lovingly. "It's just...nevermind," I sigh, laying back down on his chest. I know I should try and find comfort by myself, try and figure this whole thing out but...I just feel so comfortable and safe around Anthony. I want to stay...with him... "Ian-" "Can about it later?" I ask. "I mean, we did just have sex and all...I have to catch my breath," I chuckle a little bit, hoping he'll understand. Anthony gives me a small nod, hugging me as I lay on his chest. I honestly don't know what to think. "I'm just, um, gonna go put on my underwear now..." I tell him, rolling off of him and slowly getting off of the bed. "'Kay," He replies. "Fuck...!" I swear under my breath. I'm still a bit sore, and by I mean a bit, I mean a lot. Okay, my underwear isn't that far...I can get it. I get off the bed and start limping involuntarily. "You okay there Ian?" Anthony questions. "Yeah, yep. Everything's fine," I respond almost immediately, bending over, feeling a slight pain as I do so when I pick up my underwear. As I walk-limp back over to the bed, I put on my underwear at the same time. Anthony doesn't say a word. I guess it might be processing through his mind too. He's not even commenting about how I can't walk straight. I can't sit straight either. I can't even breathe straight. I mean, I'm bisexual. Well, I mean, possibly pansexual. I don't quite know, and I thought I might find out if that mattered once I met my soulmate but...I guess not anymore. Wait...soulmate. That's right. Soulmate. It's a strange word isn't it? Someone who you want to be with, someone you want, someone you need, someone who'll be there for you...Oh god, I wish it was Anthony. He's so caring, sweet, funny...and great in bed to top it off. See what I did there? Top, let's pretend that didn't happen. I sit on the edge of the bed, rubbing my forehead. Anthony scoots over and sits next to me. "Are you really okay?" He asks. "I just...need time to think." "Do you want me to leav-" "No!..." That sounded too demanding"...I mean, no, please stay...but um," I look down and giggle a tiny bit. "Can you maybe put on some underwear?" We both giggle more, as Anthony blushes just the slightest. He grabs the underwear he was wearing before, and puts it on before sitting next to me again. Anthony slowly grazes his hand over mine, asking for permission. I gladly allow, and take his hand, intertwining our fingers together as we both smile. Maybe...I don't know...Maybe Soulism, just kind of, messed up? The thing is...I feel a connection with Anthony. I want to be with him, and whenever I'm near him my heart skips a beat. I just had sex with him for god's sake! We both sit there, thinking of words to say, but neither of us say a thing. Then, a sound. The doorbell rings. We raise an eyebrow in unison. "Did you invite anyone over?" "Nope..." I respond. That's weird. "Shit it's probably a person!" Our hands break apart. "No, it was probably just a hippo just popping by to say hello," I reply, sarcastically. "What I meant was, we're both in our underwear dumbo, and there's a person out there. Put two and two together." I mock his words under my breath, making a small puppet with my hands talking as I do so. Anthony shakes his head, smiling just the slightest. Anthony quickly digs through his closet and finds a grubby bath robe before running to the bathroom to wet his hair. "Just a minute!" He exclaims, as I giggle at him running all around the apartment. Ahh, I see what he's doing. He's trying to make it look like he took a shower...Tiny bit clever. Like 10% clever, 90% Anthony. Anthony runs to the door, and out of my sight. I listen closely, wrapping myself in Anthony's blanket. Ugh, I can't hear a single thing. Unless neither of them are saying anything. Hm... I hear a door close, then Anthony walks back into the room, taking off the bathrobe. "We got a letter," Anthony tells me, sitting down right next to me again. I wrap the blanket around him so we both are in it, as he opens the envelope. That's weird...We almost never get mail. Unless it's taxes and shit, but usually never straight to our apartment. Anthony takes the letter out of the envelope, and starts to read it out loud as I read along:

"Dear Fellow Neighbors,

I understand that you two are a couple, of which I am most supportive, but I do have a request of you. As much fun as it is to hear "Fuck me harder!" and "I'm going to...", and many other moans, I don't exactly enjoy this or hearing banging (no pun intended) above me whilst I am trying to read in peace. All I ask of you is to please keep it down when you two are having sex. 

Wish you the best, 

The man living below you."

As Anthony reads this aloud, both of our faces turn beet red. "I didn't realize we were that loud...heh..." I say, in a voice a little bit over a whisper. "Yeah...Wasn't really thinking about it...Hey, um. Speaking of which. Can we, you know, talk?" Anthony sets down the letter. "Talk about...?" "Us."

(A/N) holy fuck they did the diddly doo

you guys know what to do

1. Conduits

2. Shattered Amongst the Stars

oh boy i wonder which one you're going to choose you lil fuckers

updating twice in one day because fuck the police

What this chapter should have been called: Notes (someone take the internet away from me)

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