Chapter 27: Ian Finds Strange Celebration

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So, after know what...We decided to go out and celebrate somehow. We don't really know what we're gonna do yet...but we'll figure it out. "Well, it's warmer out today, we could go for a bike ride?" I suggest, shrugging my shoulders, showing I'm unsure. "Hm...possibly..." He responds. "Well, we could see a movie?" "We always watch movies...besides, its just an excuse for us to watch a scary movie under your recommendation. Then, at all the scary parts, I'll pretend to act scared, then you'll protect me. It's the same thing every time," I explain. "Even you know that I pretend to act scared." "Fair enough," Anthony continues, whilst trying to think of an alternative. "Library?" I suggest. Why the hell would I suggest that? "Nah, not until the next story," Anthony replies. (A/N *wink wink*) I ignore his strange statement. "How about we go to the pond?" Anthony suggests. "Definitely not. The neighborhood over there is not friendly at all. Remember, I almost got hit by a truck last time we went! The guy was drunk off his ass." (A/N *WINKING INTENSIFIES) "Dang it, I kinda liked the tree that was by it. Remember the one? The one we would always climb in High School?" "Yeah...I definitely remember that," I lie, not knowing what the hell he's talking about. (A/N *EYELID FALLS OFF FrOM alL ThE WiNkiNG*) "Bowling maybe?" Sounds interesting.


Oh shit...Anthony got a fucking strike and fucking beat me. Fuck I hate bowling. "Oh yeah! Suck it!" Anthony starts doing his (what I call) "victory dance". And by "victory dance", I mean a bunch of half assed dance moves in one, if that makes sense. Just try and imagine it. "I would've if you asked nicely," I mumble, making sure I'm loud enough for him to hear me while crossing my arms stubbornly. Anthony blushes a bit, laughing as if he's embarrassed and entertained at the same time. "Okay fine, please suck it." "Sure. Meet'cha in the bathroom," I wink, walking away from a somewhat baffled Anthony. This'll be interesting. I guess we'll find out if "public" is our thing or not.


Anthony fixes his hair in the bathroom mirror, his cheeks still bright pink. I don't know how I felt about being out in public like this. I felt a little, awkward, but I've also never felt more alive. I've never felt more alive with a dick in my mouth. (A/N why am i laughing about this sentence. something is wrong with me). But would I do it again? Eh, depends on how horny we are. Shit happens, you know? I wipe my mouth, just in case, fixing my hair as well afterwards. "I've never felt more alive," Anthony chuckles. "Hey, that's what I was just thinking," I smile at him. "One more round?" "Wait, for bowling or...?" I raise an eyebrow. "Bowling." "Oh hell no, I suck at this game." "That's not the only thing you suck at," Anthony smirks. "Yeah, I'm pretty bad at Uno," I ruin his joke with a single sentence. "How could you possibly be bad at Uno?" I have really bad luck when it comes to Uno


" suck at Uno," Anthony says, his eyes wide. "I told you, I really really suck at Uno," I tell him, showing him all of my 23 cards, that all happen to be yellow. "Hmm...what else could we do?" I question. "Something simple...and not competitive," I tell him. "Anything. As long as it's with you."


(A/N) Shortest filler chapter ever. holy fuck im tired. sorry for it being kinda sucky and having no plot. but trust me, i just needed to get to chapter 29, because that's when the cheesy stuff is

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