Chapter 19: Ian Finds The Joys of Ignoring

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Well, it's a brand new day... Last night was the biggest fight we've ever had. Maybe I should just go and talk to him...Should I? Yeah, maybe. Or...wait. He's gonna ignore me, isn't he? That's what he's always done, when he's mad at someone that is. Well, if that's how it's gonna be, then I'm going to ignore him too. I get out of bed and start walking out of my room. What's waiting for me in the kitchen? Anthony. We brush shoulders as I walk into the kitchen. "H-" I stop myself, realizing I'm trying to ignore him right now. If he's gonna ignore me, then I'm going to ignore him. I can't let him win. I go to the cabinet to grab some cereal. Should I put it in a bowl? Nah, fuck it. I wanna go back to my room. I grab the Fruit Loops box and close the cabinet. He doesn't even dare to question me, knowing that we're in this whole "ignoring each other" thing. I walk out of the kitchen, to see that Anthony's standing right in front of the hallway, as if he was waiting for me. Shit, I can't get to my room without him moving. Wait, is that right? His mouth is opening, as if he's about to say somethi-"I don't care anymore..." Anthony mumbles, breaking the silence, and proving my prediction to be correct. What does he mean by that? Well, he broke the silence first, so I guess I can follow "Can you maybe, um, explain what you're trying to say? What you mean?" I ask. "What I mean is," Anthony looks up at me with those beautiful brown eyes. "The thing is...I don 't care about Soulism. I don't care about whoever the hell is your soulmate...I want to be with you." I want to be with you too... "Anthony we talked about thi-" "No, you don't understand...I want to be able to kiss you when no one's looking." I want you to kiss me. "I want to be able to cuddle you without saying 'hash tag no homo'." I want to be in your arms forever. "I want to be able to take you on  little dates that we'll cherish as precious memories, even if  it's just getting coffee and talking." I already treasure every moment with you... "I want to be able to give you chocolate on Valentine's day that we will end up splitting since we both love it so much. I want to be able to protect you when you're scared, or protect you in general, even if you aren't." What about you? You can't be so tough all the need to be protected too. "I want to be able to hold you in my arms as you drift off to sleep.  I want to be able to adore you. I want to be able to treat you like royalty. I want to be able to pop the special question. I want to be able to take your hand and say "I do". I want to be able to call you mine forever." I want you to be mine for as long as possible. Anthony takes a short pause, never leaving my gaze. "I want to be able to love you." (A/N Anthony: I want to have hardcore sex with you in bed but I won't say that right now because I'm being cute) I'm already in love with you. "A-Anthony...." "I'm sorry. I needed to get that off my chest." "Don't be..." I trail off. "I mean..." I take a step closer to him. I want to be able to love you too. I wish these fucking stupid soulmates didn't fucking exist. I wish that we could just love each other because we want too. "I want it too...I want to be able to love you too...But soul-" He interrupts me once again. "Don't you dare say 'soulmates'. Have you met your soulmate yet?" "No..." I answer, hesitantly, shuffling my feet. "See? What if he's a dick...what if she's a dick? What if your soulmate is a complete douche to you? I can't let that happen..." He has a point...What if Anthony's soulmate is a big ass dick to him? I look up at him, before I know it, I'm kissing his cheek. "I need some time to think this over, okay Anthony? I don't wanna just go rushing into things." "I understand." Anthony refuses to look back at me. "I'll be in my room if you need me." And just like that, Anthony dashes off to his room, not looking back. Soon after, I do the same.

(A/N) I was really tempted to call this chapter: Ian finds a long ass speech. anthony please just say "i dont care bout fuckin soulmates, lets love eachother" we dont need your cheesy ass where i live we have enough cheese

this chapter took five mins to write (i wrote most of it at school) so sorry if its dumb

im very tired goodnight

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