- desolate -

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Aria Rowen


It means being in a state of bleak and dismal emptiness.

I think that's how we'd describe ourselves now.

We all had our ways to cope after the war, though some weren't the healthiest.

Yeah, sure, we'd been through hell in the past year so we had every right to feel desolate or without a purpose.

I thought it was some fucking joke when we got our letters over the summer, just some sick prank. Never in a million years did I think we'd actually be going back to Hogwarts after what happened.

And what's even crazier is that they'd be letting last terms 7th year students return to retake their classes and exams upon their own choice. If it was me in their place, I'd run- far away and fast.

The rest of us didn't get a choice. 1st through 6th years would have to come back anyways to finish out our education, but it's not like I've ever cared about lessons.

Merlin only knows what was in store for us this year...




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