- nine -

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Aria Rowen

"Struggling to keep up, are we?" Dylan Hernandez called back to us as we all jumped over a pile of debris.

"Not everyone is a physically fit quidditch player like you..." Indy grumbled as she gripped tighter onto my hand to steady herself.

The four of us continued to stumble through the pieces of stone that were once connected to Hogwarts.

The entire South Wing of the castle had been destroyed in the Battle of Hogwarts, and this was the one place in the school that had yet to have been rebuilt. Since most of its rooms and corridors had been abandoned, the professors and volunteers had dedicated their time to fixing more important areas that had been damaged, such as the Great Hall or the Astronomy Tower.

Students usually weren't supposed to be over here, but all of our teachers and faculty members were at dinner, allowing us to sneak into the forbidden area.

I glanced up at the sky, where stars were already starting to shimmer— despite it not even being too late.

"—woah," Indy let out a gasp as she tripped, causing her body to plummet onto a pile of rocks.

"Clumsy bitch..." Jenna laughed as she reached her arms down to help her stand up again.

Indy laughed too- even though it was her own fault for falling in the first place.

"Fuck, you're bleeding..." I climbed over a large stone as I glanced at her cheek, which had a small cut. A small, trickling stream of blood ran down to her chin, but it was nothing too serious.

She reached her own hand up, brushing a few stray hairs away in an attempt to keep them out of the blood. "Oh, I'll be fine..."

"You sure?" Dylan hurried back over as well.

"Yeah... just a little scrape- that's all," She wiped away the blood with the hem of her sweater sleeve.

We all continued on our way through the remaining debris that was once a hallway. It was weird, being over here, but the four of us had come to this spot pretty often since the start of the year.

Our group arrived at the end of the 'hallway' where there was a small concrete clearing that looked up at the open sky.

Dylan was the first to seat herself upon the gravel as she pulled out a small bag from her robe and tossed it towards Jenna, who plopped down next to her.

I moved over to the crumbling stone wall, sticking my foot into a small crevice that allowed me to climb up on the surface with ease.

I extended my arm to Indy, who took it and let me help her up to sit on the wall beside me.

Dylan and Jenna each took a cigarette from the bag and used a box of muggle matches to light it before tossing the bag up to Indy.

Once she'd gotten hers, she passed it to me, but I politely declined. I wasn't too fond of smoking like they were— but every once in a while I'd join them.

"Look at you, being the good influence..." She raised her eyebrows teasingly before throwing the bag back down to Dylan, who shoved it back into her pocket.

I watched as Indy hollowed her cheeks, blowing a puff of grey smoke into the cool air.

"I'm surprised Luke even lets you smoke..." Jenna called up to her as she smoked her own cigarette.

Indy playfully rolled her eyes, but I knew how sensitive she could be to the topic. "He doesn't give a fuck what I do-"

"That is a lie, Indy Emans... and you know it," Dylan may have said it in a joking manner, but we all knew the truth.

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