Chapter 45

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               ||Adriana's POV ||

As Friday rolled around, it was finally Launch day for Gabriel's laptop with his own custom logo.

He would start by selling on his own website and on Amazon's website.

Getting them in the actual stores like Best Buy or even Walmart was the next goal.

I'm so proud of him. Seriously. I just know today is going to be a good one.

I woke up earlier than usual today to make breakfast just because I was feeling good.

With Joaquín already up and on his computer for class,I took my morning shower and I slipped on my clothes which was some black dress pants, and a beige long sleeve turtle neck shirt.

I planned on pairing it with some beige heels to match that I got from Ross for the low and a black blazer.

I slicked my curly hair into a high bun. Not too tight because I didn't like a lot of tension on my hair. I pulled out a curl on both sides of my face to frame it and put my slippers on so I didn't have to cook in heels.

"Look at youuu!" Joaquín hyped as I walked out the room.

"Boy." I laughed, walking over to the fridge, pulling out some eggs, butter, and beef bacon.

"You look like a teacher low key." He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"I always dress like this and you wanna say something now?" I chuckled, raising a brow.

"Yeah why not?" He sticked his tongue out before turning back around to do his work.

He annoys me so much but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way.

I pulled the bread from the top of the refrigerator because I was feeling French toast today instead of pancakes.

After I got our bacon on, I begin dipping the bread into the egg and cinnamon concoction. Practically drowning it before putting it in the buttery pan.

Repeating those steps for all 4 pieces of bread, I started to get my eggs ready with some salt, pepper and cheese.

Who doesn't love a good cheesy egg? I'll wait.

I flipped our French toast before adding some more butter into the pan and into the egg pan.

With the butter immediately starting to melt, I poured our eggs in.

Turning our French toast pan off and taking our bacon out, I sit it on a plate covered with paper towel so it wouldn't be so much grease residue on the bacon.

Just as our eggs began finishing up, I began plating everything.

"Joaquín come eat." I told him I a grabbed two apple juices from the fridge and the syrup from the cabinet.

Not the biggest orange juice fan.

"Mmmm everything smells good!" He swayed his head around the whole plate smelling everything.

"Thank you." I said, passing him the syrup.

"Are you going to be gone long today?" He asked, biting into his French toast, that is now drowned by his syrup.

"Yes, it's a regular work today I get off around nine ish ten, why?" I ask, finishing up my bacon.

"Because Lucas wants me to come over today and spend the night to play some 2k with him and his mom already said yes." He finishes, taking a sip of his apple juice.

"Oh so since Ima be gone late, you won't be able to go over there on time?" I ask and he nods.

"Well I can just text Mrs.Smith and let her come down to get you okay?" I assure him.

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