Chapter 8

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|| Adriana's POV ||

"Ughhh! What should I wear!?" I huffed and puffed tossing my clothes all around the room.

"This pink one?" I asked myself.

"No, what am I 5?"

"This blue and yellow one?"

"No, too outgoing."

"This black one?"


"Adriana can you please stop talking to yourself!? I can't hear my show!" Joaquín yelled from the living room.

"Oh please! You talk to yourself all the time and I put up with it!" I yelled back at him while checking the dress out.

"There's a difference between me and you. You're 17 and I'm 7. Plus I talk to Mr.Pickles and of course he can't speak back so I do it for him. Now please hush." Joaquín said.

"Good point." I said to myself.

I checked the time that read 6:30 PM.

"Fuck. I have to shower." I said a little panicking.

I grabbed a towel and some shampoo and conditioner and headed to the bathroom.

I wrapped up in the towel and grabbed the blow drier.

I dried my hair and started brainstorming on what makeup look I wanted to do.

"Hmm, decisions, decisions. Oh! A smokey silver eye with a red lip to make the outfit pop!" I said excitedly placing the blow drier down.

I began loosely curling my hair with the flatirons.

Shortly after, I started stepping into my dress.

I slipped on my red heels. Not to mention they were my favorites.

I walked over to the mirror and added my red lip matching my heels.

"Damn, I look good." I said to myself smirking.

I walked out the room to go over some rules with Joaquín.

"Joaqu-" I was cute off.

"Oh my lord! You look so beautiful!" Joaquín eyes lit up.

"Aww thank you bro." I went over to hug him.

"Mmm and you smell good too. Is that your purple bottle of perfume?" He asked.

"You know it." I smiled.

"Good choice." He said chuckling.

"Alright, as you know already, I'm going on a date so you will be here alone." I started.

"What's the first home alone rule?" I asked.

"Never leave the apartment." He answered.

"Rule number two?" I asked.

"If I hear anyone trying to get in I grab the gun, turn off the safety lock and go to my hiding place." He answered confidently.

"And rule number three?" I asked.

"If someone actually gets in. Do what I have to do to survive." He answered.

"My big boy." I smiled.

"I'll be home before you know it okay?" I said ensuring him.

"Okay. Be safe, I love you." He said grinning then facing the Tv.

"I love you more than anything in this world." I said while turning around to grab my phone off the countertop.

I turned the lights off and proceeded out the door.

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