Year 4-5

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Sorry for the chapters being so long in this year... there's a lot going on. Also mixed in with the romance/angst stuff as well -A.B.


You Studied in the library that Friday afternoon, you avoided Blaise since your date with him. Not because you were mad. You just wanted time to be alone... and also to wear your favorite necklace. You kept it out when you wore it around your other friends. But during dinner you made sure to tuck it in. Hiding it.

A spell that is red in color and is like a flare that warns other witches or wizards if someone is in trouble. Or in dire need for medical attention.

"Hey, Y/n" you heard breaking you away from your Charms book. You turned it was Blaise.


"Yes?" You didn't know what to do. You couldn't hide the necklace now or he will know you are hiding something. Blaise sat across from you.

"Do you mind sharing your Charms Answers? I don't know the-" he gaze fell upon the one thing he wished to throw in the black lake "Why are you wearing that?"

"What do you mean? I have no clue what you are talking about" you grabbed your wand and casted 'mufflilato'  in case Blaise ever shouted again.

"I'm talking about that" he pointed to the necklace

"Blaise it's just a necklace why do you care so much?!"

"It's not that, I-" he got up and paced back and forth "Draco gave you that, I saw him buy it weeks before Christmas"

"Blaise, Draco would have told me he got this for me months ago. You are just being paranoid" you said annoyed by him. As if the hoovering around you wasn't enough.

"Paranoid?" He looked at you like you were crazy

"Yes paranoid. Draco even agrees with-"

"Do you hear yourself? Y/n" Blaise scoffed as he interrupted you "I cant believe you are that oblivious. Draco is getting into your head, He's controlling you, manipulating you Y/n. Why cant you see it!?"

"Draco is not-Wait a minute, don't tell me you are jealous of Draco?"

"What.. I-"

"It makes sense now, you don't want me around Draco alone.. Because you are jealous" you said "admit that you are Blaise. Draco and I are nothing and you know that"

"Yes, I'm jealous. Are you happy now?!" Blaise yelled "Nothing? You two are not nothing, he gives you nicknames, he gives you gifts, he looks at you differently then his own girlfriend. Why can't you see it?"

"No, I'm not happy, And the reason I don't see it is because I'm busy with the amount of schoolwork we have this year and watching over my younger brother" you said "If you can't handle me wearing a piece of jewelry that most likely means absolutely nothing, than what does that say about us?"

"Y/n. I trust you. I don't trust Draco" he said softly to you

"No.. you shouldn't trust me at all.. I-" you looked behind Blaise and saw Draco and Pansy together. He had his arm around her as he read his potions Textbook. Draco felt someone staring at him as he looked around he noticed you and smiled a little. It made your heart melt a  little. You haven't felt that way since second year when you had a crush on Blaise. Things had changed so much since than.

You looked back at Blaise, you didn't feel your heart beast faster or your stomach in knots. It had become clear. You had slight feelings for Draco. But you couldn't tell Blaise about third year's kiss. Not now anyway. You needed more time to figure how you truly felt and a way to tell him.

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